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this paper study in detail the motion of a pascar on a railway assumed to be friction-less.
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    • Principles of Physics and Mathematics
The leaders of the Scientific Revolution (Galileo, Pascal, Huygens, Newton and others) were not Baconian in temperament, in trying to build up theories from data. Their project was that same as in Aristotle's Posterior Analytics: they... more
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      History of MathematicsAristotelianismScientific RevolutionRenaissance Aristotelianism
The Book Eventics by Mohsen Fakhari published in 1989 and Expanded in 2017. It is re-edited and Expanded to 286 pages. Eventum as the medium for Eventics. Eventum, coined in 1989 in the book of Eventics, is the medium of all world events... more
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    • Principles of Physics and Mathematics
The principles of relativity and uncertainty represent two of the deepest and most encompassing propositions of the physical sciences. Indeed, much of our present knowledge of nature can be recapitulated in these important statements... more
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      Special Theory Of RelativityRelativistic Quantum MechanicsGeneral Theory of RelativityTheory of Relativity
Originally a script for a video on physics and perpetual motion, I have decided to use this in article format instead. It is my accustomed medium, anyhow. What is evinced is essentially a rhetorical view of perpetual motion, beginning... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhilosophy of PhysicsDocumentary Film
Mathematics is the home ground of principles. Since Euclid, mathematics has been the model of a body of knowledge organized as a deductive structure based on self-evident axioms. The prestige of that model was highest in early modern... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsHistory of MathematicsAristotelianismScientific Revolution