Principles & Methods of ELT
Recent papers in Principles & Methods of ELT
Bao, D. (2014). ‘What happened in silence? Australian university students learning foreign languages’. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 99-116. This article reports an in-depth... more
The project examines students’ perceptions, attitudes and experiences in coping with the classroom tasks, which are related to both language learning and subject content.
Expressing the writer’s personal evaluation of an explicitly stated issue, evaluative that constructions (e.g. The researchers believe that…) demonstrate high frequency in academic writing. Even though the that clause is widely studied in... more
The prime focus of the research study conducted by the authors is to investigate the applicability of reflective practices by prospective teachers in large classrooms and to examine what kind of benefits and challenges it entails. In this... more
This article reflects my ongoing development of a principled and flexible methodological framework beyond pre-packaged, one-size-fits-all methods; a framework free from traditional or dogmatic constraints, flexible enough to take into... more
Contemporary time necessitated the use of advanced, scientific and digital technologies to take forward the teaching-learning process uninterrupted, making teaching online effective, cheap, convenient, and an alternative to traditional... more
Theory and methodology applied when translating collocations from a systemic-functional perspective in typically content-driven language learning contexts
Video-presentation available at:
Video-presentation available at:
Essa pesquisa toma por base a observação do professor-pesquisador sobre o material didático de seus alunos com o objetivo central de explorar práticas de ensino de Língua Inglesa em turmas do Ensino Infantil a partir da Abordagem... more
The comprehension approach to foreign language instruction emerged in the 1970s and constituted an alternative to the dominant language-teaching paradigm of that time, which prioritized performance over reception. Based on the assumption... more
There is a presupposition that the only language teachers who can be trusted are the native speakers while as others are of the opinion that being proficient in English language is just one of the qualities of a good English language... more
Bao, D. (2017). ‘Learner drawing as connected with writing: Implications in ELT Pedagogy and materials development’. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL Vol 6 (1), LinguaBooks, Pforzheim Germany, pp. 27-47.
Bao, D. (2017). ‘Learner drawing as connected with writing: Implications in ELT Pedagogy and materials development’. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL Vol 6 (1), LinguaBooks, Pforzheim Germany, pp. 27-47.
This study aims to investigate difficulties Vietnamese students faced when using commercial textbooks. A qualitative research method using classroom observations and a follow-up, semi-structured informal interviews were used to seek... more
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) dates from the early 1970s (Widdowson, 1972; Wilkins, 1972). Its general approach developed from the recognition that teaching language form did not invariably result in success at using language for... more
Materials for teacher education are as varied as the kinds of course on which they are used. Nevertheless, appropriate, generically applicable principles of design can be identified by drawing on the literature of materials development... more
This paper concentrates on VOICE form of our speech in English language. And the first reason for writing on this topic is to EXPLAIN why some of the ideas about certain Voice conversions are incorrect. And why it was necessary to do it?... more
This article argues that silence as a communication can be academically practised in the classroom as much as talk, simply because talk and silence are both essential components of everyday interaction (Nakane, 2012). These two constructs... more
This study was carried out in order to reveal the effects of using social media on social presence in foreign language teaching. Facebook was used as a social media tool as part of the English lessons and 8 grade students who attended a... more
The Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educacion (Interinstitutional Doctorate on Education), ELT Education Major, at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas was one of the stakeholders supporting the 51st ASOCOPI’s Annual Congress.... more
A review of the use of L1 in English Language Teaching
Bao, D. (2013). ‘Developing Materials for Teaching Speaking Skills’ in B. Tomlinson (Ed.) Developing Materials for Language Teaching – Second Edition. New York & London: Bloomsbury, pp. 407-428. This chapter first highlights some... more
This paper problematises the cultural content presented in many English coursebooks. It examines the issue of cultural bias in both written texts and visual images, explains how such distortion of culture has entered textbooks, highlights... more
The Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educacion (Interinstitutional Doctorate on Education), ELT Education Major, at Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas was one of the stakeholders supporting the 51st ASOCOPI’s Annual Congress.... more
Listening for gist involves general thematic understanding, without any focus on specific details or discrete information. It is one among many types of listening and aims to answer primary questions related to an aural text's central... more
This paper is discussing the most common teaching and classroom management techniques or strategies that classroom teachers used to cope with multilevel large classes. Firstly, the paper defines the terms 'large classes' as the terms are... more
This quasi-experimental study traces a 12-week reading fluency training program for elementary-level English as a foreign language (EFL) learners at a Japanese university (N = 56). More specifically, this study examined whether a teaching... more
Multiple Intelligences Theory (M IT) was dev elo ped in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, pr ofessor of education at Harvar d University, and it has implications for education in general. In this paper, as the title suggests, we discuss eight... more
In the realm of foreign language education there have been numerous methods and trendy techniques intended to better teach a foreign language. Not only the attitude of teachers, but also technology have changed the way students learn a... more
Underlying the mainstream of current SLA research is the Ansatz that some level of attention to the formal aspects of language is necessary for acquisition to take place. It is self-evident and commonsensical that focusing on specific... more
English language learning and teaching, as any educational process, is penetrated by several dynamic concepts which are in a state of constant flux, dialogue, tension, and complementarity. One of such concepts is that of authenticity, the... more
How would you distinguish between a syllabus and a curriculum? Discuss the factors that an EFL teacher needs to take into consideration while designing an English language syllabus.... more
This paper, part of the Cambridge Papers in ELT Series, considers why oral fluency practice needs to have significant time devoted to it in ELT classrooms. It then looks at (1) the importance of planning time and suggests practical ways... more
Bao, D. (2015). ‘Flexibility in second language materials’. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL Vol 4, issue 2, LinguaBooks, Pforzheim Germany, pp. 37-52. This article examines the concept of flexibility ELT materials... more
This paper discusses the use of WhatsApp as one of the current beneficial devices to assist students in communicative language learning. Based on the writer’s experience in teaching English for Specific Purposes at Information Technology... more
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the English textbook at matriculation level in Multan Division in terms of content, vocabulary, grammar, exercises, activities and physical makeup of the textbook as well as context and information... more
is a matter of discussion in the contemporary milieu, thanks to the rise of non-native varieties of English across the globe. Today we have Standard English as the standardized variant of English language. English is the international... more
The aim of this study is to offer a suggestion about expressing the prepositions of the English language in the Turkish words and sentences covertly. The study used the qualitative and descriptive approach since it expressed the study as... more
This paper goes into details about the role of different internal and external factors in learning and teaching English in EFL classroom. In order to keep the research outcome free from doubtful authenticity, both of qualitative and... more
Even though it is recognized as the macro-language skill most strongly correlated with the rapid development of foreign language skills, listening is reported to be the most under-researched and the most neglected by foreign language... more
Purpose: This research investigated the effect of immediate and delayed error correction on motivation of EFL learners to approve or disapprove the research hypothesis that, there is not any significant difference between three group of... more