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This article investigates children’s views on providing peer support to bereaved children. The data (pre- and postinterviews and written documents) come from an action research study of a teacher–researcher and her 16 children aged 10–11... more
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      Action ResearchInterventionPeer SupportPrimary School Education
Educational research shows a growing interest in "affect as pedagogy", a concept grounded in feminist studies, which focuses on the relationality and materiality of affect. This article addresses the becoming of affect as pedagogy,... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Si tratta di un'indagine rivolta agli insegnanti della scuola primaria per avere una loro percezione rispetto al disturbo: conoscenza teorica, strategie didattiche e difficoltà nella gestione dell'alunno in classe.
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderPre-Schooling and Primary Education, Research Methodology, Technology and EducationPrimary SchoolScuola Ed Educazione
This brief article considers how the Williams Review of mathematics teaching might reinvigorate the case for collaborative working in the primary classroom
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      Mathematics EducationMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsCollaborative LearningPrimary School Education
Education is widely regarded as the key to economic prosperity, the key to scientific and technological advancement, the means to combat unemployment, and the foundation of social equity. Based on this fact, the Federal Government of... more
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      EducationLocation Based ServicesCurriculum StudiesPrimary School Education
40 Most primary school teachers would concur that mathematical games are a valuable pedagogical tool to deploy in the primary classroom; however, not all mathematical games are likely to be equally valuable. How might teachers decide... more
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      Mathematics EducationGame Based LearningMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsElementary Education
The article is devoted to the theoretical consideration of the problem and the use of innovative technologies in the educational process in the educational establishment of secondary education in the process of studying the school course... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsInformaticsAugmented Reality
Se compara la presencia del álgebra temprana en los currículos españoles de Educación Infantil y Primaria derivados de las tres últimas leyes de educación (LOE, LOMCE y LOMLOE) con el currículo americano, por ser un referente... more
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      AlgebraMathematics EducationCurriculum StudiesEarly Childhood Education
The article was published in April 2018 in Education Technology Solutions (ETS); it was co-jointly written with a primary classroom teacher Gaya Pillai who was a teacher in STEM research in a NSW public school in 2017. ETS is now online... more
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      Educational ResearchSTEM EducationBitcoinPrimary School Education
This study focuses on teachers' perspectives concerning information literacy teaching in two primary schools in Israel-one school that joined the national information and communications technology program and a second school that did not.... more
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      Information LiteracyICT in EducationICT in Teachers EducationDigital Library
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkapkan penerapan paradigma integrasi-interkoneksi untuk pengembangan Kompetensi Dasar sikap spiritual bagi peserta didik pada materi IPA Sekolah Dasar Kelas 6, dan untuk mengungkapkan pemanfaatan... more
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      EducationElementary Educationpengelolaan pembelajaran IPA SDPrimary School Education
В статье рассматриваются особенности развития пространственного мышления детей младшего школьного возраста. Утверждается, что развитие данного вида мышления зависит от физического и психического состояния ребенка, его личного опыта... more
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      Primary SchoolматематикаPrimary School EducationSpatial Thinking
Résultats d'une enquête menée auprès d'enseignants français, sur leurs intérêts, connaissances et pratiques, concernant l'enseignement de la programmation à l'école primaire.
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      EducationLearning and TeachingPrimary EducationInformatique and Programmation
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Proje Tabanlı Öğretim yaklaşımının, ilköğretim 4. sınıf matematik dersi, geometri ünitesi, " Açılar " alt öğrenme alanı öğretiminde öğrencilerin başarılarına ve başarılarının kalıcılığına etkisini belirlemektir.... more
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      Mathematics EducationProject-Based LearningExperimental MethodsPrimary School
The study investigated the availability of safety and security facilities in public primary schools in Kaduna state. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. A questionnaire titled " Availability of Safety and Security... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationEducational TechnologyLearning and Teaching
Esta comunicación pretende ofrecer una guía para la utilización de la novela Claudine en la Escuela 3 de Colette como recurso didáctico en las asignaturas de historia de la edu-cación. Se entiende que esta novela constituye una vía... more
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      History of EducationLiteratureFranceLiteratura
Canteen policy
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    • Primary School Education
本稿では、COVID-19(新型コロナウイルス感染症)の世界的・全国的拡大による学校教育への影響をふまえた、地域学習(郷土学習)の在り方を検討する。2020年7月19日に、「新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)とESD地域学習―『Withコロナ』の経験を共有し『Postコロナ』に活かそう―」をテーマに、Zoomを用いたオンラインシンポジウムを企画実施した。本稿ではまず、このシンポジウムの開催経緯と内容、実践報告を示す。そのうえで、シンポジウム内でおこなわれた議論および... more
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      Local StudiesMiddle School/Level EducationGeographical educationGeography Education
This study seeks to investigate the relationship between digital citizenship levels of pre-service primary school teachers and their democratic values. The research was designed in descriptive survey model. The research was conducted with... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationEducational Research
The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History’s scholarly Making the Framework FAIR report (2014) recommends substantial revisions to California’s K-12 History-Social Science Framework in order to bring it into... more
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      Transgender StudiesMiddle School/Level EducationCalifornia HistoryGay and Lesbian History
Malta+5 is a study on the pedagogical culture in Maltese primary schools. It follows Carnoy’s (2006) call for the internationalisation of comparative education by adding Malta to the five systems in Alexander (2001). This chapter... more
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      PedagogyComparative EducationPrimary EducationMalta
An innovative, content-free educational framework to promote student engagement, individual and collaborative learning and reflective practice. The first in a series of books in the Treasure Trove series. Other books will provide a... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationHigher EducationActive Learning
UNESCO stated that “Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is a framing paradigm which encapsulates how education can develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes learners need for securing a world which is more just, peaceful,... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationGlobal Citizenship
Tematem rozważań podjętych w ramach niniejszego artykułu jest teatr w jego edukacyjnym wymiarze. Zaproponowana problematyka obejmuje zasięgiem edukację teatralną na etapie kształcenia wczesnoszkolnego. W pierwszej części artykułu... more
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      EducationSchoolYoung LearnersPrimary School Education
This paper attempts to analyze the perceptions and practices of primary school teachers regarding the e effectiveness of cooperative learning (CL) method and to identify the challenges that are encountered while implementing CL in... more
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      Cooperative LearningPrimary School Education
A pedagógus szakmai önreflexiójának szerepe énhatékonyságának alakulásában BEVEZETÉS Munkámban arra szeretnék rávilágítani, hogy a pályakezdő pedagógusok pályaszo-cializációjában mely területek azok, ame-lyek nehézséget okozhatnak... more
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      Self-EfficacySelf-ReflectionPrimary School Education
This study investigates the impact of adventure education visits on teamwork with year four and five children. With a sample of ten students from a school in North Worcestershire, the research was conducted over five weeks at an outdoor... more
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      Outdoor EducationAdventure EducationChildrenUniversity
The study was intended to explore the teaching of moral and ethics in primary education. It also interpreted and conceptualized student's moral values which affect the next schooling steps. In the process of teaching learning,... more
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      Teaching and LearningPrimary School Education
The arts education of generalist teachers in pre-school and primary schools seems to be a matter of great importance, because it is they who mainly practice arts education in school with children up to the age of 12. The purpose of this... more
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      Teacher EducationArts EducationTeacher TrainingPreschool Education
This essay is divided into two parts. Section 1 looks at official accounts over the last century of what primary aims should be; while Section 2 surveys accounts by educational theorists across the same time span. In each case, there is... more
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      Applied PhilosophyEducationTeacher EducationHistory of Education
Question paper of class Nursery of Paras School of Holistic Learning
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      Mathematics Education at Primary SchoolsPrimaryNURSERY,PRIMARY,SECONDARY AND TERTIARY EDUCATIONPrimary School
本稿は、1960 年代の山間地域における「へき地教育」について、奈良県吉野郡十津川村の大字出谷の事例を中心 とした調査により、現代的評価をおこなうことを目的とする。玉井(2016)の挙げるへき地小規模校教育の良さを指標 とした。本稿で調査した旧十津川村立出谷小学校は、標高約 600m の山頂部に位置し、児童は毎日長い時間をかけて山 道を上り下りして通学していた。また栄養状態が悪く、学習面のみならず、環境の面でも「遅れた」状態であった。し... more
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      Rural DevelopmentRural GeographyJapanMountain communities
Justice and the feeling of being dealt with justly is not only an anxiety reliever but also a great motivator for all human beings. Students appear in exams to get assessed about their academic learnings and understanding of concepts.... more
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      Middle School/Level EducationHuman Resource ManagementEducational measurement/assessmentPrimary School Education
This paper explores the context in which the French educational laws introduced by Jules Ferry were applied in Guadeloupe, and their impact on the training of secular teaching staff (1880-1914). It analyses the tensions between partisans... more
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      Teacher EducationSecularizationGender and RaceLaïcité
Rapid economic and social changes, globalization, digitalization, new business models and taxpayers' mobility are just few reasons that forces fiscal authorities worldwide to give even more focus on the efficiency of their tax systems, on... more
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      EducationPrimary SchoolTax Morale, Tax CompliancePrimary School Education
The aim of this study is to identify the main problems that arise in multigrade classrooms. This research was designed as a case study. The data were obtained through interviews and observations. Participants of the study consist of 10... more
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      Primary School EducationMultigrade Classes
The focus for my school based inquiry was to examine the most common misconceptions that are held by pupils when learning about Time and to explore how teachers seek to address them in their teaching (see appendix 1e for sub questions).... more
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      MathematicsEducationTeacher EducationScience Education
RESUMEN | Se describe el diseño, construcción y validación de un itinerario inclusivo de enseñanza de las fracciones para 5º de Educación Primaria (10-11 años), tanto para alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje como con talento... more
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      Mathematics EducationInclusive EducationInclusive Education (including higher education)Teaching Mathematics
Primary Science article The Fair Test came to dominate investigative science in primary schools in the last decade. This article discusses how other types of enquiry have been misunderstood and makes a particular case for the use of... more
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      Primary SciencePrimary science educationPrimary School Education
How can we conduct local learning (or community learning) in an expanded school district under the circumstances of school consolidation? In order to obtain clues to answer this question, we examine whether the consolidation of schools in... more
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      EducationPlace AttachmentCommunity DevelopmentRural Development
Centrale nella storia dell’educazione è il rapporto natura/infanzia e scuola, che riaffora quasi come elemento ‘carsico’ nel corso dei secoli. Il volume sofferma l’attenzione su una particolare stagione di questo rapporto, quella delle... more
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      History of EducationOutdoor EducationItalyChildren's Outdoor Education
There may only be one safe method where we can open schools for children during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Why do school parents want to send their kids into a building which has 3,000 other students in it, hundreds of which have... more
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      School effectiveness and school improvementElementary EducationSchool cultureHigh School
You are an early career Elementary school teacher and it is the start of a new school year. You walk into your assigned classroom for the year and as you begin the morning session of the first day, before you are seated 26 students. From... more
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      Teacher EducationRestorative JusticeClassroom ManagementPrimary Education
As in other nations, in Australia, socioeconomic, educational, cultural and geographical factors collide with institutionalised curriculum and resourcing practices to produce disadvantage with respect to formal education participation and... more
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      Educational TechnologyDigital TechnologyTeachers' professional developmentEducational Technologies
In this literature review, the authors examined three key areas that were chosen as relevant to the challenges faced by small rural schools, and collaborative practice between schools working in virtual learning environments in New... more
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      Virtual SchoolingRural educationPrimary SchoolVirtual Learning
Perkembangan smartphone menimbulkan berbagai dampak kepada anak usia sekolah dasar. Dampak positif yang timbul seringkali diikuti oleh dampak negatifnya. Sebagai orang tua dan guru, kita harus mengetahui dampak positif dan negatif... more
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      EducationPrimary SchoolSmartphonesPendidikan
Most primary school teachers would concur that mathematical games are a valuable pedagogical tool to deploy in the primary classroom; however, not all mathematical games are likely to be equally valuable. How might teachers decide which... more
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      Mathematics EducationGame Based LearningMathematics Education at Primary SchoolsElementary Education
Haikio har sin utgangspunkt i konst- och bildvetenskap och beskriver barns estetiska laroprocesser utifran ett mangvetenskapligt perspektiv. Reggio Emilias pedagogiska filosofi utgor en grundlaggande utgangspunkt i avhandlingen.... more
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      Art EducationPreschool EducationPrimary School Education
The purpose of the study was to establish tutors' factors influencing quality in public primary teachers training colleges in Rift Valley Zone, Kenya. This study was based on the Malcolm Knowles (1968) Theory of Andragogy of adult... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationEducational Psychology