Recent papers in Press
Neste livro analiso a trajetória do jornal Meio-Dia, um dos poucos órgãos de imprensa no Brasil estadonovista a apoiar a Alemanha e o nazismo na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Trata-se, além disso, de um estudo que abrange as relações entre a... more
Niewielu polskich historyków i medioznawców interesowało się jednocześnie prasą oraz wydawnictwami książek, dlatego też z uwagą należy przyjąć pokaźną (liczącą prawie osiemset stron) monografię Cecylii Kuty, zatytułowaną Niecenzurowane. Z... more
Az 1986. április 26-án történt csernobili atomkatasztrófa máig számos egészségügyi, politikai, energetikai, társadalmi kérdést vet fel, és élénken foglalkoztatja a közvéleményt. A baleset utáni első napokban, amikor már a sérült... more
В статье анализируется деятельность информационного бюро, сы- гравшего огромную роль в изменении массового сознания советского народа. Чрезвычайные условия способствовали рождению многих актуальных те- оретических идей.... more
Portugal registered the first cases of infection by SARS-CoV-2 on March 2nd 2020. From March 18th, until May 2nd, the country was in lockdown. The situation was always reported by news media, who assumed the responsibility of guiding... more
Según Perelman (1982 [2008]), el ejercicio de la argumentación se desarrolla, se adapta y toma formas según la audiencia objeto de la comunicación. A partir de esta premisa podemos por lo tanto comprender que la estructura del texto... more
Resumen Durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX la prensa asturiana deja atrás poco a poco su carácter elitista para buscar un público amplio y asentarse sobre bases más sólidas que en el pasado. Ello se refleja en los contenidos, pero... more
P e r s o n a l D e t a i l s G e n d e r : M a l e A g e : 3 0 P l a c e , D a t e a n d B i r t h : J a k a r t a , 1 2 N o v e m b e r 1 9 8 2 M a r i t a l S t a t u s : S i n g l e E t h n i c i t y : I n d o n e s i a R e l i g i o... more
The main objective of this research is to assess the existence (or lack) of media concentration in the Portuguese dailies newspaper sector, and to evaluate the extension to which this situation may be compromising fundamental society... more
Trabajo de la asignatura Deontología Periodística, del máster de Documental y Reportaje Periodístico Transmedia de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Curso 2017-2018
Uğur Mumcu’nun tanımına göre gazeteci; haber ve bilgi kaynağına en çabuk ulaşan ve bu kaynaklardan dindiği bilgi ve haberleri okurlarına sunan insan demektir. O, gazetecinin bu görevini yapabilmesi için habere, olaya, olguya belgeye ve... more
This article presents the most important Kashubian media founded after the Second World War: press titles, radio broadcasters, television stations and websites. The given dividing line was admitted for this reason, that only after 1945... more
ii Agradecimentos Os primeiros agradecimentos são dirigidos à minha família. Aos meus pais, Maria dos Anjos Cardoso e João Cardoso, pelo apoio incondicional, pelo esforço que fizeram para poder concluir os meus estudos e pela confiança... more
Les textes réunis dans ce livre étudient les langages de la stigmatisation et les réponses que des sujets stigmatisés peuvent produire, individuellement ou collectivement, pour s'en défendre. La stigmatisation se manifeste dans les... more
The chapter details the historical context of challenges to press freedom in setting the context for subsequent modules designed for educating all stakeholders on the challenges to press freedom and how to better guarantee it
Η πτυχιακή εργασία επιχειρεί να εξετάσει τη θεατρική συνέντευξη στον σύγχρονο ελληνικό τύπο όπως αυτή αποτυπώνεται σε τέσσερις μεγάλες εθνικές εφημερίδες. Ως μέρος της πολιτιστικής δημοσιογραφίας, η θεατρική συνέντευξη αποτελεί το... more
Demokrat Parti karşıtı karikatürleri sebebiyle hakkında pek çok dava açılan ve 1957'de 485 günlük cezasını çekmek üzere cezaevine giren Ratip Tahir Burak ve onun yayımladığı Siyasi Halk Gazetesi hakkındadır. Burak 1920'li yıllarda... more
This article explains why the majority of post-communist Slovak top politicians sooner or later gained ambivalent, often openly negative, sometimes even extremely negative attitudes towards the mass media. Further, this article invents... more
Por que resgatar a memória do punk de Juiz de Fora através da imprensa? Qual a importância dessa memória para entendermos os movimentos de rock da cidade atualmente? São estas as perguntas cruciais de nosso trabalho, que procuraremos... more
Este artículo analiza justamente los resortes de la movilización popular durante la llamada “Revolución Restauradora” de 1865 y la Revolución de 1867. En un contexto marcado por los límites a la libertad de expresión y la censura a la... more
A good source if you recently begin to learn about forging
Relying on available sources and literature, this article examines the establishment, activities, orientation and destiny of Srpska zastava, a bulletin published by Serbian immigrants in Argentina. It will scrutinize the bulletin's views... more
La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) es una práctica que surge como consecuencia de los cambios económico-sociales que se producen en la globalización, y de la actuación de la economía a nivel mundial. La comunicación no... more
This article examines the kinds of criminological knowledge and information that were considered in the press during the Hesse election campaign in 2007/2008, in which youth crime played a major role. The present study investigates the... more
The present paper investigates how refugees and immigrants are presented by five Greek newspapers that represent all the ideological positions. Corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis are combined and data are analyzed both... more
AJI bukanlah sebuah organisasi yang berdiri karena landasan -sakit hati‖ akibat pembreidelan 1994. Itulah yang selalu saya tegaskan dalam berbagai forum diskusi jurnalistik. Betul, bahwa AJI secara faktual berdiri pada 7 Agustus 1994,... more
This paper takes a literary, historical and theoretical look at James Joyce's view and treatment of and by the press in the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. The reason why is simple: because he baffled the critics, especially the... more
Between information and image – the function of press photography. Photography is an important element of the contemporary press. It appears in the press from the moment in which the technical capabilities of printing led to his presence.... more
Resumen La música fue utilizada como dispositivo de unidad y control en el funcionamiento cotidiano del sistema penitenciario franquista. A través del semanario Redención –medio de comunicación y propaganda, creado exprofeso para el... more
La presente tesis de licenciatura analiza el fenómeno de la discriminación social a través de dos casos muy puntuales ocurridos en la ciudad de Lima en los últimos tres años. El primer caso ocurrió en diciembre de 2011 y tuvo como... more
Durante os anos 1970, se não antes, verificou-se nos meios artísticos e intelectuais o avanço de uma cultura de esquerda que, pelo menos nas humanidades, estabelecerá hegemonia acadêmica a partir dos anos 1980. Quer-se aqui reconstituir... more
This paper recounts the modern history of the Bolivian media landscape (print, radio, and television). In addition, it explores the relationship between the country's media outlets and its political system, as well as the the country's... more
In spring 1943 the Germans ordered a Ukrainian newspaper in Kraków to publish a series of antisemitic articles. This study, based on the newspaper's archives, discusses who wrote what and the generally negative reaction to the series... more
Histoire des journaux au Luxembourg depuis 1704. History of Newspapers in Luxembourg since 1704. Book in French language, exists also in German.
This research paper investigates the role of media towards foreign policy issues between Pakistan and Afghanistan. For this purpose, it examines the type of coverage Pak-Afghan relations get in Pakistani newspapers Dawn and The News... more
RESUMO Este artigo científico tem como objetivo investigar se o poder público está gerenciando corretamente as situações de crise ocasionadas por deslizamentos de terra devido à chuva em Manaus. Para isso foram estabelecidos alguns... more
BANDUNG 2017 2 KATA PENGANTAR Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh , puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, atas berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya, penulis dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan makalah yang berjudul "Efek... more
This article deals with the relationship between the press and history by looking at the similarities between these two disciplines, trying to destroy the walls that were and still separates them arbitrarily by putting the finger on their... more
This research aims to bring questions of performativity – which emerged from Philosophy and Performance Studies – into dialogue with the processes of Transitional Justice. To this end, I analyse audiovisual records from the trial of... more
En la bibliografía sobre Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer se ha venido afirmando su presencia temprana en la revista El Regalo de Andalucía (Sevilla), en 1849, aunque la falta de ejemplares no hubiese permitido comprobar la realidad de esta... more