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      Presidency (American Politics)Intelligence StudiesDecision Making Under UncertaintyNuclear Non-Proliferation Policy
On this day in history August 8, 1974, the 37th President Richard Nixon in a televised address announces to the American public that he is resigning the presidency as of noon on August 9, because of lack of support in upcoming impeachment... more
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      American HistoryConstitutional LawPresidency (American Politics)Presidential Studies
On August 6, 1945, the world changed when the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city Hiroshima. Three days later a second bomb was dropped on another Japanese city, Nagasaki. The decision to drop the atomic bomb... more
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      Decision MakingWorld War IIPresidential StudiesHiroshima and Nagasaki
A century after his death, Theodore Roosevelt remains one of the most recognizable figures in U.S. history, with depictions of the president ranging from the brave commander of the Rough Riders to a trailblazing progressive politician and... more
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      Memory StudiesTwentieth Century History and CulturePresidential StudiesTheodore Roosevelt
У розвідці проаналізовано особливості розвитку й різновиди напівпрезиденталізму в Україні упродовж 1991-2015 років, окреслено інституційні патерни різних сценаріїв напівпрезиденталізму в Україні, детерміновано формальні та фактичні... more
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      Ukrainian PoliticsPolitics of UkrainePresidential StudiesPresidential Politics
In recent decades, Western democracies have witnessed substantial changes in the role played by political leaders. In particular, prime ministers have benefited from increasing decision-making autonomy in both the cabinet and the party,... more
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      GovernmentCrisis Management (Political Science)German PoliticsPresidential Studies
Music and songs command public attention and generally appeal to a large number of people. During the 2015 Nigerian presidential election, some politicians and their parties virtually took over the musical space to woo voters. The message... more
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      MusicMusic and PoliticsPolitical communicationPresidential Studies
Kniha nabízí systematický rozbor českého demokratického režimu po zavedení přímé a všeobecné volby prezidenta v roce 2012. Autoři současný stav konfrontují s různými koncepcemi poloprezidencialismu, přičemž nabízejí vlastní definici a... more
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      Comparative PoliticsCzech & Slovak StudiesParliamentary StudiesPresidential Studies
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      HistoryPolitical SciencePoliticsThomas Jefferson
In this essay, I argue through analysis of the genre of campaign announcements that third-party presidential candidates have rhetorical norms of their own that address their unique challenges as political outsiders. Specifically, I... more
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      Genre studiesPublic AddressGenrePolitical Campaigns
A first lady intézményének rövid bemutatása. Kik az amerikai first lady-k? Milyen tevékenységet végezhetnek? Miért lényeges, hogy a beiktatási ceremónián milyen öltözetet viselnek? Mi a Smithsonian Institute? Milyen protokoll... more
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      DiplomacyPresidential StudiesFirst LadiesMedia coverage of first ladies
La investigación presenta las repercusiones legislativas de los grados de pluralidad partidista en la Cámara de Diputados en México durante el siglo XX. Se evidencia que la pluralidad en la integración de las legislaturas ha sido un... more
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      Political PartiesLegislative PoliticsLegislaturesPresidential Studies
I am currently working with seed grant money from the Georgia Humanities Foundation to produce a pilot episode for a podcast series on President Jimmy Carter. Many grant funders for media projects ask for a pilot episode or other work... more
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    • Presidential Studies
This article revisits Jeffrey Tulis’s The Rhetorical Presidency in the age of Trump, discussing the debates to which it originally responded, its core thesis and empirical evidence, as well as its impact on political science in the last... more
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      RhetoricPresidency (American Politics)American Political DevelopmentPolitical Rhetoric
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      American LiteratureBusinessMarketingBusiness Administration
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      GovernmentPresidential StudiesPresidential PoliticsPresidentialim
Using Burke’s notion of terminological screens, we perform a cluster analysis on Donald Trump’s inaugural address. We discovered keywords that appeared to point to Trump’s stock campaign phrase, Make America Great Again: we, Washington,... more
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      Rhetorical AnalysisPolitical ScienceRhetorical CriticismRhetorical Theory
‘Civilization is a blazing fire that burns and obliterates those who will not acknowledge it’ – Kemal Ataturk. Usually, people grown up in typical lower-middle-class families are able to leave memorable contributions not only to the... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkeyTurkey And EuropeTurkish Foreign Policy
Download at American law clerks often draft opinions for their judges. Yet American legal culture is remarkably diffident about that simple fact. The role that law clerks play in drafting opinions is not... more
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      HermeneuticsLegal TheoryU.S. CongressPhilosophy Of Law
The article is dedicated to theoretical, methodolo gical and empirical analysis of the essence, nature and types, constitutional and p olitical challenges and consequences of different republican systems of government. Special attention... more
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      Political SociologyComparative LawComparative PoliticsGovernment
В статі розглянуто еволюцію інституту президентства в політичній історії України. Визначено стадії становлення, повноваження, роль та місце інституту президентства в системі правління України на різних історичних етапах її політичного... more
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      GovernmentUkrainian StudiesPolitics of UkrainePresidential Studies
Peter Marquis, "Les présidents américains et le sport. Pouvoirs de l’exercice et exercice du pouvoir, de T. Roosevelt à B. Obama", séminaire « Sports, cultures et sociétés », SciencesPo, 12 mai 2014.
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      Sports HistoryPolitical SciencePresidential Studies
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      Presidency (American Politics)Political SciencePolitical CorruptionPresidential Studies
During the transitions to multi-partyism that began in the late 1980s, presidential term limits were adopted into the constitutions of a majority of sub-Saharan African states. Yet, a sizable minority of African governments resisted... more
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      African StudiesPolitical SciencePolitics in Sub-Saharan AfricaPolitical Institutions
Presidentes elegidos en Latinoamérica se han utilizado de mecanismos de cambio constitucional para la creación de regímenes autoritarios o semi-autoritarios, teniendo como objetivo permanecer en el poder y/o debilitar el sistema de... more
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      Presidential StudiesDireito ConstitucionalBrasilDemocracia
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      IdeologyPolitical HistoryCapitalismPresidential Studies
Reactions to Hillary Clinton's bout with pneumonia during the 2016 presidential campaign revealed an effort to turn her health crisis into a sign of bad character, or what Johnson (2010) called kakoethos. We argue that the criticism of... more
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      Gender StudiesHealth CommunicationWomen's StudiesPublic Address
This book offers a bold reinterpretation of the prevailing narrative that U.S. foreign policy after the Cold War was a failure. In chapters that retell and reargue the key episodes of the post-Cold War years, Lynch argues that the Cold... more
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      American HistoryAmerican PoliticsInternational RelationsPresidency (American Politics)
Przygotowana publikacja jest zbiorem referatów przedstawionych podczas studenckiego seminarium naukowego pt.: „ Modele prezydentury a pozycja ustrojowa Prezydenta w Polsce”, które odbyło się w dniach 22 - 23 kwietnia 2016 r., w Szczyrku.... more
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      Constitutional LawPresidential Studies
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      Rhetorical AnalysisPresidential StudiesUs-China RelationsUS politics
As características do sistema político brasileiro fazem com que mesmo um presidente muito poderoso tenha quase sempre posição minoritária de seu partido no legislativo. Este presidente precisa agir estrategicamente na gerência de sua... more
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      Political CoalitionsBrazilian PoliticsBrazilian Politics (Political Science)Presidential Studies
this may be of interest to those who have not seen our case. in 2015 i caused a Notice of Default to be filed against BONYM et al. It is in the case and filed into the country recorders. The Waiver of Tort was violated, leaving over 15... more
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      U.S. CongressBankingIdentity Fraud/TheftPresidential Studies
Il capitolo opera una mappatura delle sfide più significative che il Presidente della Repubblica si trova ad affrontare nel mondo dei nuovi media. Il contributo si sofferma sulle difficoltà di delimitare in via teoria il profilo oggettivo... more
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      Information TechnologyConstitutional LawInformation Technology LawPresidential Studies
(A revised version has been published in the Howard Journal of Communications) President Barack Obama was elected upon a wave of change he described as “hope.” Journalists have found the Obama administration offers little hope in... more
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      Visual RhetoricPresidential Studies
CAUTION, INC was a neighborhood protest movement that resulted in the construction of Freedom Parkway, amid scandal among former President Jimmy Carter, former United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young, and others.
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      Urban PlanningRacial IdentityCivil Rights MovementCivil Rights (History)
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      RhetoricPolitical communicationRhetorical CriticismCritical Whiteness Studies
John Hanson is a man who may have been completely lost to history, if not for one indisputable fact: on November 5, 1781, he was elected President of the United States of America. Another fact is that George Washington was not elected... more
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      Colonial AmericaPresidential StudiesEarly American HistoryGeorge Washington
Senator Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) presidential prospects have been the subject of media speculation from the moment of his election to the Senate in 2010, and these discussions only intensified when Rubio was considered a potential candidate... more
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      RhetoricLatina/o StudiesRace and EthnicityPresidential Studies
Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора филологических наук (2005 год). Актуальность исследования обусловлена недостаточной изученностью речевых аспектов профессиональной деятельности политика, устных форм... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRussian PoliticsPolitical communicationPolitical Discourse Analysis
A historian's film review of Steven Spielberg’s 2012 film "Lincoln" just in time for the 156th anniversary of the dedication of Gettysburg
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      HistoryAbraham LincolnCivil WarHistorical Films
President O'bama’s eulogy for Clementa Pinckney took the form of a sermon in the black vernacular tradition. This particular sermon exhibits ring-form composition; as such it is symmetrical about a structural midpoint. It opens with the... more
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      RhetoricPerformance StudiesPolitical ScienceU.S. Presidency
Barber's Psychological Power theory and Naustadt's Theory of Presidential power are both compelling theories understanding the influence of presidential power. This paper will investigate and test on the significance of both theories and... more
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      American StudiesInternational RelationsPresidency (American Politics)Politics
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      European StudiesAmerican PoliticsMedia StudiesNew Media
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: The People’s President.
Dream 2047, October 2015, 18 (1), 32-34.
This article narrates life and works of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the eleventh President of India.
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      History of Science and TechnologyHuman Resource DevelopmentScience CommunicationHistory of Technology
Basándose en un viejo juego ideado por Tucker llamado el dilema del prisionero, a través de la misma lógica, se evaluaran las próximas elecciones presidenciales. Exactamente se evaluará si los dos candidatos presidenciales, Petro y... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyPresidential Studies
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    • Presidential Studies
i DEBATES roDeric ai camP: el reclutamiento PolÍtico en mÉXico METAPOLÍTICA núm. 83, octubre -diciembre de 2013
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      Mexican StudiesElites (Political Science)Political ElitesPolitical Socialization
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      Italian StudiesContemporary HistoryItalian PoliticsPresidential Studies
Politics and history are far too important to leave to professionals. All people have the right to control their own fates, to not die before their time from unneeded wars or other preventable deaths, and to not be asked to approve of... more
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      Latin American StudiesTerrorismGenocide StudiesSlavery
Final year dissertation thesis analysing U.S. strategy - initial, shift of, and development of - at the 1945 Potsdam Conference. Draws heavily on conference minutes and personal memoirs, and considers the acquired knowledge of U.S.... more
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      HistoryNuclear WeaponsCold WarSecond World War