To prepare teachers who will be able to draw on caring to build a strong foundation for their professional practices, teacher education programs must be created specifically focused toward this goal. This article discusses the use of... more
This study investigated whether listening to spontaneous conversations of elementary students and their teachers/chaperones, while they were visiting a zoo, affected preservice elementary teachers' conceptions about planning a field... more
In this study we investigated preservice elementary school teachers' content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of decimal numeration. The preservice teachers completed a decimal comparison test, marked items they thought would... more
The pivot from a hybrid learning environment to a fully online one brings to the fore questions of fairness and equity for marginalized individuals and groups of students at our minority-majority university. Because effective distance... more
The present report provides an overview of current practices on teacher training, and how teacher training covers the needs of students with disabilities under the paradigm of inclusive education. The report aims at analysing the... more
In this study, data in the form of (preservice teacher) student voices taken from mathematical autobiographies, written at the beginning of the semester, and end-ofsemester reflections, were analyzed in order to examine why preservice... more
Demographic data show a trend toward increasing racial and ethnic diversity among students in public schools, but the teaching population is projected to remain largely White and female. Without proper training, teachers will be ill... more
In our increasingly interconnected global society, learning to think about ourselves in a border context, making crossings and connections, reflecting on our position and power, and articulating a vision of social justice are necessary... more
The importance of reflection in supporting the continued professional learning of preservice practitioners is well recognised. This study examines one aspect of the outcomes of preservice teachers' reflection: the development of their own... more
In a course labelled "math methods" for preservice elementary school teachers, the focus is on constructivist philosophy and teaching as synonymous with research. The participants consciously view themselves as teacher-learners by... more
The authors explored the perceived effects of an environmental expressive writing exercise by using a modified phenomenological method. The authors asked preservice teachers enrolled in a required public university science and society... more
This study was designed to develop more effective ways to address culture and cultural differences in the preparation of preservice teachers. Its purpose was to provide a more adequate preparation for working in high-need schools by... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to assess the potential benefits of a virtual mentorship between teacher candidates and practising teachers. Specifically, the research aimed to determine whether candidates felt they had increased... more
This article examines the teacher preparation experiences of preservice teachers in six international contexts: China, Fiji, Kiribati, Mexico, Samoa, and Tonga. More specifically, it looks at the value-added components in an international... more
Nurturing reflective teaching and improving critical-thinking instruction are two important goals in teacher education, but these are only achievable when teachers-in-training are provided with opportunities for building professional... more
A video-based program on lesson analysis for pre-service mathematics teachers was implemented for two consecutive years as part of a teacher education program at the University of Lazio, Italy. Two questions were addressed: What can... more
Fifth-and sixth-grade students provided six criteria for what teachers should do to give an effective book talk that will inspire them to read.
Students in US schools are required to make meaning from linguistically complex texts. Teachers are often inadequately prepared to create language-focused instruction because they lack a deep knowledge of language (KOL) themselves.... more
Learning to teach is a highly complex and multidimensional process. This self-study, conducted collaboratively by a preservice teacher and a teacher educator, traces one preservice teacher's development and growth over a 2-year period.... more
This paper reports on the findings of a qualitative study conducted to explore the effects of reflective journal keeping by 30 female pre-service teachers studying at a university in the United Arab Emirates. At the onset of the study,... more
The development of critical cultural competency is commonly regarded as an essential capability in graduates of teacher education programs, and indeed for all university graduates as they commence their professional lives. This critical... more
This interpretivist qualitative study used a life history method to analyze the foundational tenets of experiential learning in agricultural education and determine if the tenets are common to the components of authentic learning. The... more
The article provides a rationale and description of a constructivist parenteteacher approach used to support preservice teachers' understandings of relationships between home and school. Using a critical theoretical framing of policy,... more
Training in the use of computers has become a major priority for pre-service and practicing teachers both nationally and internationally. However computer technology is evolving at such a rapid rate that, if an individual undertakes... more
Faculty integration of the technology standards and competencies remain a concern in higher education , especially in the movement toward competency-based education and portfolio development. The "CRABwalk within the Crosswalk" occurs as... more
Research Findings: Although there have been organizations that have supported cross-university collaboration (e.g., the National Organization of Child Development Laboratory Schools and the National Coalition of Campus Child Care), most... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı BÖTE bölümünde öğrenim görmekte olan üçüncü sınıf öğrencilerinin bölümlerine yönelik bakış açılarını ortaya koymaktır. Araştırma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden döküman analizi yöntemi kullanılarak desenlenmiştir.... more
This narrative study describes how podcasting framed as a critical digital literacy (CDL) practice can promote student narratives from a bachelor's degree in English language teaching. I applied the research in a private university in... more
Teaching and Teacher Education 26 Building self-directed teachers: A case study of teachers' perspectives of the effects of cognitive coaching on professional practices How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school Cognitive... more
Graduates' employability indicates the excellent education and relevant preparation they obtained from their respective degrees. Tracer studies have enabled higher education institutions to profile their graduates while also... more
A great deal of research on multiculturalism looks at different approaches to multicultural education and visions of multicultural teaching and learning. Though some research theorizes about how preservice teachers might learn about race... more
The purpose of the study was to examine how team shared mental model (SMM), team performance, and students' course satisfaction change over time and how Team-SMM affects team performance and students' course satisfaction. Forty-eight... more
Graduates' employability indicates the excellent education and relevant preparation they obtained from their respective degrees. Tracer studies have enabled higher education institutions to profile their graduates while also... more
Many preservice teachers (PSTs) enter mathematics methods courses with fixed beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics and their own abilities as doers of mathematics. Using a repeated measures design, I examined changes in PSTs’... more
We explore development of elementary preservice teachers' reflective practices as they solved problems encountered while teaching in a reading clinic. Written reflections (N = 175) were collected across 8 weeks from 23 preservice teachers... more
Rooted in arts-based learning, funds of knowledge, and culturally sustaining pedagogies, this paper describes the experiences of a cohort of preservice teachers who co-created arts integration units with emergent bilingual students,... more
Picture books appeal to readers of all ages for many different reasons. As instructors of child development, we use them as one strategy to help students conceptualize the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional growth of children. We use... more
The purpose of this study was to examine certain characteristics of teachers (e.g., ethnicity, gender, relationship history) and children (e.g., gender, ethnicity) that are unique to the child-teacher relationship. One hundred... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes and beliefs of preservice teachers concerning inclusive education for students with severe disabilities. Individual interviews were conducted with 35 preservice teachers to determine... more
Tasks proposed to students influence greatly what they learn. These are of great importance, especially if they lead to an understanding of structural and mathematical concepts and encourage fluency, flexibility and originality as... more
Recent reforms in mathematics education have encouraged teachers to engage their students in various forms of communication. Scholars have begun to consider questions such as: In what ways do teachers facilitate and guide classroom... more