Writing does not automatically enhance students' learning. To be effective, content area writing activities need to be thoughtfully constructed, explicitly taught, and appropriately supported.
a department of Middle, Secondary and K-12 education, university of north carolina at charlotte, charlotte, nc, uSa; b department of Middle, Secondary and K-12 education, uncc college of education, charlotte, nc, uSa
A teacher educator and student of Duckworth's critical exploration approach to teaching shares three episodes taken from science methods courses she teaches for preservice teachers in graduate and undergraduate programs in elementary... more
State policy and teacher evaluation rubrics increasingly call for attention to family and community engagement. Yet teachers, schools, and families continue to face a number of obstacles preventing collaboration on all sides. Research on... more
Teaching practicum plays a critical role in teacher education for student-teachers in enabling them to adapt educational theories to real practices in authentic contexts. Pre-service and in-service teachers also acknowledge practicum as... more
This study investigated how preservice teachers' beliefs about the nature of knowledge influence how they learn from, and interact with, a case-based hypermedia system designed to highlight exemplary elementary literacy instruction.... more
All learners must have access and opportunity to engage meaningfully in the highest levels of mathematics. Mathematics specialists are uniquely situated to contribute to the creation of access and equity for all learners by addressing... more
The problem and the aim of the study. Mathematical modelling has become an important topic in mathematics education. However, many students are not accustomed to dealing with mathematical modelling problems, which are characterized by... more
Purpose: Self-esteem and humor styles are significant factors for being a healthy person. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation ship between self-esteem and humor styles in medical students. Material and Methods: Two... more
This research examined an early field experience model supported by instructional coaching that was implemented within an undergraduate educator preparation program for secondary language arts and social sciences candidates. A mixed... more
This paper examines how teachers develop and modify professional knowledge response to experience and to new research knowledge. A discussi. Is presented on the interaction of propositional knowledge (the basic medium of classroom and... more
Although substantial attention is being paid nationally to the assessment of pre-service teacher dispositions, largely to meet accreditation requirements, little is known about the extent to which standards-based dispositions change... more
The actions of an instructor on the first day of class will set the tone for the rest of the semester. If you have expectations of lively student interactions within a warm, supportive environment, then you must begin to develop that... more
This study is part of a larger project exploring how beginning teachers learn to teach mathematics via reasoning and proving. The study followed two beginning secondary mathematics teachers for two years. First, as students in a capstone... more
There is a growing effort to make proof central to all students' mathematical experiences across all grades. Success in this goal depends highly on teachers' knowledge of proof, but limited research has examined this knowledge. This paper... more
This case study of current practice describes a virtual cross-cultural collaboration in the development of an undergraduate teacher preparation course in educational technology. In an effort to increase the cross-cultural and... more
Three action research case studies of eight weeks were conducted with 24 third year undergraduate trainee teachers on their first intensive field experience practicum in secondary state schools in Hong Kong. Using a virtual learning... more
This study investigates the impact of project-based learning (PBL) on the perception of professional competence in Early Childhood Education (ECE) among pre-service teachers in Spain. A total of 586 students from four... more
THORN, MARY KATHERINE. “We all have to stick together, you know?”: The Creation of Transnational Space among Latino Youth in North Carolina. (Under the direction of Dr. Risa Ellovich). Changes in immigration policy and border control have... more
The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent teacher candidates perceive value in the process of constructing an electronic academic portfolio. This study will also attempt to answer what process teacher candidates used in... more
Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Okuma ve Yazma Güçlüklerine İlişkin Ürettikleri Metaforların İncelenmesi
ÖZ Okuma ve yazma güçlükleri her seviyeden öğrencileri eğiten öğretmenlerin rastlayabileceği akademik problemler olduğundan öğretmen adaylarının meslek öncesi dönemde farkındalık geliştirebilmeleri için bu kavramlara ilişkin algılarının... more
This article used data from an ethnographic study to address the unique challenges facing novice teachers in their practice teaching in a cross-cultural context. Participants in the study were 15 student teachers in a U.S. study abroad... more
This research examined an early field experience model supported by instructional coaching that was implemented within an undergraduate educator preparation program for secondary language arts and social sciences candidates. A mixed... more
Integrating technology into assessment processes in university contexts can change educational practices, in some cases by fostering self-regulated learning and in others by enabling more interactivity and participation among users. In... more
In this study, we aimed to investigate prospective science teachers’ development of self-efficacy beliefs for teaching during Teaching Practice Course. Besides regular implementations such as teaching practice in real classrooms and... more
Information regarding technostress is scant in the field of education, particularly among the students who are involved in the ever-present use of technology in the new set-up of online learning. A descriptive-comparative research design... more
This article reports on a small-scale project which central purpose was to incorporate read-alouds in a pre-intermediate English as a foreign language class of preservice teachers during three weeks. Students responded orally and in a... more
Despite the increasing integration of virtual reality (VR) into classrooms globally, there is a dearth of empirical evidence concerning perceptions and behavioural intentions of pre-service teachers to employ the technology in Nigerian... more
ÖZET: Bu araştırmanın amacı sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının akademik usulsüzlük konusundaki deneyimlerini belirlemektir. Araştırmada tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Sınıf Öğretmenliği Programı'nda... more
This study aims to develop, validate, implement, and test the efficacy of a blended learning guitar pedagogy module for pre-service music teachers in Thailand. The module was created based on the ADDIE model of instructional design, with... more
This article examines data from three educator preparation programs in one southern state prior to a new licensure policy requirement for elementary education teachers. Previously, the state required educator preparation programs to offer... more
This mixed-method study examines Ecuadorian preservice English as a foreign language teachers' cognition regarding pronunciation models and targets, identity, and confidence. Data were gathered through a self-reported, anonymous online... more
Teacher preparation programs must be systematic in the way they teach content and pedagogy while providing preservice teachers the tools they need to both be successful and want to stay in the field. Reports such as the National Council... more
A model for beliefs, tool acceptance levels and web pedagogical content knowledge of science and tec
One of the applications applied most nowadays is web based instruction (WBI). Although there are many studies on WBI, no study which researched the relations between beliefs for WBI, WBI tools acceptance levels and web pedagogical content... more
This case study examines the use and possibilities of blogging as reflective practice journals by student teachers during their practicum. The blog serves as a tool for the construction of their teacher identity through the encouragement... more
Multicultural education seeks to promote inclusivity and equity, yet it often overlooks the systemic barriers that perpetuate inequality in educational systems, such as racism, sexism, and classism. This article explores the potential of... more
One crucial characteristic of scientifically literate individuals is making informed decisions in socioscientific issues (SSI). Participants' reasoning patterns and their risk perceptions shape their decisions. Thus, determining... more
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Education, as lead institution, initiated a collaborative PT3 project to infuse technology into the teaching/learning experience for prospective teachers in the Greater Birmingham Holmes... more
© 2008 Hughes. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
Is it age or IT: First steps toward understanding the net generation. Educating the net generation, 2(1-2), 20.Pearson. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the horizon, 9(5), 1-6. Ringstaff, C., & Kelley, L.... more
Teacher preparation programs must be systematic in the way they teach content and pedagogy while providing preservice teachers the tools they need to both be successful and want to stay in the field. Reports such as the National Council... more
The focus of this study was to investigate the impact of the number of developmental mathematics courses and the level of algebraic inte gra ion of general education mathematics courses have on elementary teacher candidates’ perf ormance... more
Bu çalışma dokuzuncu sınıf coğrafya derslerinde ders dışı etkinliklerin öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma tarama modeline bağlı olarak nicel ve nitel yöntemlerin kullanıldığı karma model... more
In our country, one of the important concepts proposed by the recent curricula has been 'activities' since 2005. From this point of view, both mathematics educators and teachers should focus on and discuss about the importance of... more
Araştırma verileri SPSS 21.0 programı ile analiz edilmiştir Araştırma verilerinin analizinin yüzde, frekans, aritmetik ortalama, bağımsız örneklemler için t-testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda... more
Sosyal Girişimcilik Becerilerinin Kazandırılmasında Bir Araç Olarak Yaratıcı Dramaya Yönelik Algılar
Öğretmen adaylarının sosyal girişimcilik becerilerinin kazandırılmasında bir araç olarak yaratıcı dramaya ilişkin analojiler geliştirmeleri amaçlanan bu araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden bütüncül tek durum deseni kullanılmıştır.... more
Öğretmen nitelikleri üstün yetenekli bireylerin eğitiminde önemli bir unsurdur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2017-2018 öğretim yılında Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Sınıf Eğitimi, Türkçe Eğitimi, Fen Bilgisi Eğitimi ve Okul... more