Most cited papers in Preistoria
The Mousterian site of Grotta Reali (Rocchetta a Volturno, Molise, southern Italy), dated from between 50,940 and 40,370 cal BP, provides detailed information on the depositional dynamic and human occupation in southern Italy, and... more
THE BRONZE AGE IN WESTERN SICILY. - Many cultures developed during bronze age in western Sicily. Sometime they were contemporary showing the presence of very interesting ethnical dynamics bringing to acculturation phenomena like in the... more
Información del artículo The symbolical significance of several fossils discovered in the Epigravettian from Poiana Ciresului-Piatra Neamt, Romania.
L’omogeneità tipologica dell’insieme litico del sito di Lama Lite e la totale coerenza di questa industria con i siti inquadrabili nel Mesolitico recente di tipo castelnoviano ha permesso di operare un’analisi tecno-tipologica completa... more
The paper deals with the study of routes developed, starting from the Middle Neolithic, through the Sicani mountains, a fundamental passage of lines of communication that connected the Palermo coast to the Agrigento coast. The study of... more
Il presente contributo introduce alcuni spunti di riflessione sul patrimonio di immagini femminili del Neolitico italiano, anche in relazione alle evidenze balcaniche. A partire dalle fonti bibliografiche disponibili, questo lavoro, che... more
This article analyses all the flint finds from Loppio – S.Andrea Island (TN, Italy). There are overall 106 flint finds. Most represent undetermined refuse flakes. Some artefacts are prehistoric, some medieval. Among the first there are... more
Nicola Cucuzza -Between Archeology and Politics: letters from Luigi Pigorini to Federico Halbherr at the Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati.
Survey of a Late Copper-Early Bronze Age, Archaic and Late Medieval settlement in the midland of Sicily
PANTELLERIA. THE SESE DI FRESCO EXCAVATION AND FINDS FROM DESTROYED SESES AT MURSIA. - The sese Di Fresco I excavations, an emispheric tomb with four chamber which one, found still closed, is a tholos dome, suggest for the first time... more
Archaeological survey project of the Island of Pantelleria (Sicily, Italy)
nome -il sito di Riparo Tagliente si apre alla base di una falesia oolitica a circa 226 mt. s.l.m., alle pendici del Monte Tregnago (Grezzana, Verona, BARTOLOMEI , 1984; FONTANA ET AL.
Si presenta in questo contributo un'ascia di bronzo rinvenuta all'inizio del secolo nelle campagne immediatamente a Sud della chiesa di San Pietro in Bosco nel Comune di Ala, sul versante idrografico sinistro dell'Adige. Trattasi di un... more
Sessions -Soil genesis and classification -Environmental significance of mineral weathering -Interpreting soil quality and agro-environment sustainability -Interactions between organisms, organic matter, fabrics and minerals -Soils in... more