Prehistoric Technology
Recent papers in Prehistoric Technology
In molti contesti preistorici e protostorici italiani sono largamente rinvenuti resti strutturali in terra e conglomerati architettonici combusti o parzialmente cementati. La loro caratterizzazione tecnologica è un passo importante per... more
The retouching bone tools are characteristic items from european middle Paleolithic assemblages, so are they related with stone knapping. They are present in many sites from France, central-east Europe, and also the Iberian Peninsula.... more
A metalwork hoard dated to the Wilburton phase of the later Bronze Age, found at Barway close to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire Fens, is reported. Consideration of the hoard, in the context of later prehistoric hoarding in the... more
This paper reviews the evidence for Neolithic burial practices in SE Arabia, focusing in particular on sites in the Ja'alan region of eastern Oman. Attention is given to the nature of material buried with human remains, including... more
This paper deals with wood tar production in the central Swedish province Uppland during the first millennium CE. At the beginning of this period, small pits for wood tar production seem to have been a fairly common feature within... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1941 / The book was published in Prague in 1941.
Résumé : Depuis quelques années, la multiplication des découvertes a permis aux études sur l’outillage lithique des métallurgistes de se développer. Le nombre croissant d’outils, majoritairement confectionnés sur des lames polies... more
Sebbene l'archeologia subacquea mantenga presso il grande pubblíco un'aura di mistero e di diversità, i dibattiti teorici che hanno caratferizzato l'ultimo trentennio sono serviti, in definitiva, anche a sgomberare il campo dalle... more
This article discusses the octagonal-hilted swords which were developed in Bronze Age Central Europe but also occur in large numbers in Northern Europe. Furthermore it tries to explain this remarkable distribution and the adoption of... more
This reports contains the results of exploratory experiments connected the archaeological investigations at the prehistoric site of Las Capas, AZ AA:12:111(ASM), situated in the Tucson Basin of southern Arizona. The experiments focused on... more
Pots as tools is a concept that has been widely accepted and developed since Braun’s classic 1983 publication. However, in northeastern North America archaeologists continue to use pottery primarily as an aid to culture history and... more
By c. 3000 BCE, in the late Neolithic, there had been a significant change in the way people materialized their cosmology across Scotland with the introduction of free-standing stones that continued to be erected almost until the end of... more
The origin of clothing reflects the loss of hair cover in hominin evolution and the resulting vulnerability of humans to cold stress during the global climate changes of the ice ages. Other theories about the origin of clothes suggest a... more
En este capítulo se presenta la secuencia de ocupación de Los Castillejos en las Peñas de los Gitanos (Montefrío, Granada) de forma extensa y se hace una valoración d elos cambios paleoambientales y paleoeconómicos. Ademas se describe la... more
This article considers the stoneworking techniques and implements that were employed in the production of the Lion Gate relief at Mycenae, as deduced from tool marks preserved on the sculpture. Examination of these traces has revealed... more
Widestem points are to some degree common at the Witt Site (Ca-Kin-32) locality of Tulare Lake. Within the Hopkins collection, there are 101 examples of widestem points that were complete enough to allow classification. These artifacts... more
Delphi formerly also called Pytho , is the ancient sanctuary that grew rich as the seat of Pythia, the oracle who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient classical world. The ancient Greeks considered the centre of... more
Jeffrey Abdullah, Mokhtar Saidin, Peter Koon and Peter Molijol (2008).Bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik di Lahad Datu Sabah: Laporan Awal.Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, 21: pages 21-30
More atlatl sources than you could possibly want, notes and opinions on most.
Updated periodically.
Updated periodically.
Available on: In the recent past, the archaeological community in European countries has drawn attention to a unique find of bronze ornithomorphic plastic artworks (11th-10th cent. BC), coming... more
Please find part 2 and the files from CD here: Im Rahmen eines durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Projektes wurden Vollgriffschwerter der... more
In this introduction the main research approaches applied to textile tools will be outlined. The ways in which the different groups of artefacts have been studied in the past will be investigated, as well as how more innovative approaches... more
Available on: This paper synthesises and analyses archaeological data on the Nitrianska Blatnica II hoard of metal artefacts (Ha C1a; 800–725 BC) from the hilltop settlement of Marhát. Currently,... more
English abstract: Since the discovery in 1860 of La Pastora, one of the most beautiful and outstanding megalithic constructions of Iberia, the Copper Age and Bronze Age site of Valencina de la Concepción – Castilleja de Guzmán has... more
Museumsarchäologie könnte man jene Teildisziplin unseres Faches nennen, die sich der Auf arbeitung von Altbeständen aus Grabungen längst vergangener Jahre widmet. Unmengen von Quellenmaterial schlummerten in den Depots und lagen somit fü... more
Eneolithic period in the Balkan area is marked by diverse archaeological cultures and cultural complexes. Traditional studies throughout 20th century were mainly focused on the problems of their chronological relations and on diverse... more
Earliest Neolithic cultures brought significant changes in Southeast Europe – domesticated plant and animal species, new forms of material culture, innovations in settlement patterns, architecture. Completely new forms of economy and... more