Prehistoric Archaeology
Recent papers in Prehistoric Archaeology
es un sitio arqueológico de carácter multicomponente cuya secuencia abarca desde el Holoceno inicial hasta tiempos históricos. Tiene, asimismo, grabados rupestres de diferentes épocas y estilos. Los trabajos de campo iniciales se hicieron... more
The archaeology of the prehistoric period in the Kurdistan region of western Iran remains poorly understood. Among the understudied prehistoric periods in this region, the Bronze Age—particularly the Middle and Late Bronze Age—has... more
Աստղերի բարեշրջության (evolutio) մոդելների եւ կենսոլորտի բարեշրջության որոշ հարաբանությունները (analogia) տեղ են թողնում ենթադրելու, որ հնարավոր է գտնել կենսաբանական տեսակների հատկությունների պարբերական փոփոխման օրինաչափություն։ Նման... more
El Puerto Bajo de Goriz forma parte de las extensas superficies de pastizal del Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido. El actual paisaje vegetal de la zona no es estrictamente natural, sino consecuencia tambien de la actividad... more
Within Iran, there is little archaeological evidence for relationships between newly arrived Early Trans-Caucasian (ETC) or Kura-Araxes settlers and earlier inhabitants and contact with neighbouring cultures, or for their apparently... more
The article presents a spearhead found in the town of Krackow in the Lubusz group. The reason for taking up this topic is a card from Martin Jahn’s archive devoted to the monument (Fig. 1). The paper discusses preserved archival sources... more
M295, M439, M440, M441AB, M1393, M1394, M1395AB, M2015AB, M2016 cāli 'Interlocking bodies' (IL 3872) Rebus: sal 'workshop' (Santali) Hieroglyph of joined, interlocked bodies: cāli (IL 3872); rebus: śālika (IL) village of artisans Six... more
Remarkable and intriguing is the discovery of Desman remains in Sed'yu-1 (Komi Republic, Russia) in the far northeast of Europe; finds that are dated to the Bølling Interstadial. Mammalian communities including desman are dominated by the... more
Twelve new AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) dates of large Quaternary mammal remains were reported: mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), bison (Bison priscus), and musk ox (Ovibos pallantis) found in the Archangelsk Region. The absolute... more
(शुक्लयजुर्वेदः18.13) make Viśpalā walk with a metallic leg --ऋग्वेदः
Identifying Kārṣāpaṇa (कार्षापण) Rtvij figurines of Bactria Silver Vase, Mohenjo-daro Mundigak; 4 ṛtvij ऋत्विज् invested with unique fillets
Identifying Kārṣāpaṇa (कार्षापण) Rtvij figurines of Bactria Silver Vase, Mohenjo-daro Mundigak; 4 ṛtvij ऋत्विज् invested with unique fillets
Fil: Vagni, Juan Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Centro de... more
This work finds the written history of the Tamang language is more than one thousand years long. Tamang is one of the written languages of Nepal. One Tamang cultural handwritten book titled 'Gyalpo Pechya' was found in Nuwakot Dupcheswor... more
The FAI-270 Project represents one of the most extensive Cultural Resource Management (CRM) undertakings in North America, resulting in the publication of dozens of site reports and, in 1984, a benchmark synthetic volume that presented a... more
Newsletter Instituta za arheologiju, ožujak 2025.
During the detailed documentation of a legacy assemblage from the Kane Mound site, a unique Early Woodland burial was recognized amid an otherwise Late Mississippian burial complex. This discovery foregrounded considerations of the nature... more
Twenty-nine Early Bronze Age barrow graves from North-West Bulgaria are discussed in the paper. Presented are the essential characteristics of the mortuary practices – barrow fills, grave pits, method of disposal, grave inventory and use... more
Abstracts of the First Annual Meeting of DAI-Cluster "Body and Death"
Konzepte von Körper und Tod
Concepts of Body and Death
Concepts of Body and Death
„Tod in drei Akten: Praktiken des Umgangs mit Körper und Tod“
“Death in Three Acts: Practices of Dealing with Body and Death”
“Death in Three Acts: Practices of Dealing with Body and Death”
A new picture of the Late Bronze Age of the Ulanci group has been obtained through the excavations of the cemeteries Dimov Grob v. Ulanci-Gradsko, Vodovratski Pat v. Vodovrati- Gradsko, Mali Dol v. Tremnik-Negotino and Manastir –... more
This paper represents an attempt to reconstruct the social structure of the Late Bronze Age society of the Ulanci cultural group. During the ten-year research of the cemetery at the archaeological site of Dimov Grob, a total number of 135... more
Resumen El artículo analiza la evolución del poblamiento ibérico en la cuenca del río Guadiel entre los siglos VI y I a.C. A través de un enfoque diacrónico, se estudian las transformaciones sociales, económicas y territoriales que... more
In the article the questions of actuality of anthropometric researches of womanish population of Georgia are considered with the purpose of clothes constructing. The results of measuring of women’s figures in age 18-60 years are... more
This paper reports on the results of the work of the Palaeo team of the DMP in January 2010. The fieldwork was focused on two different areas – the Wadi ash-Shati and the southwestern margin of the Ubari Sand Sea. Work in the Wadi... more
This article evaluates the current state of paleoethnobotany since Hastorf's 1999 review published in this journal. We discuss advances in methods, ancient subsistence reconstructions, the origins and intensification of agriculture, and... more
The Rongorongo script of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) has remained undeciphered for over a century, with prior theories misidentifying it as a mnemonic system, proto-writing, or logographic script. This study presents the first complete... more
TUESDAY, 6 MAY 2025 Times in Central European Time
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(CET, UTC + 1)
Marks and figurative representations have been recognized as crucial socio-cognitive components that contributed to the transition from foraging to farming of the Neolithic in southwest Asia, during a period in which communities adopted... more
1 At the time, both Ognjen Mladenović and Petar Milojević were enrolled in PhD Studies at the University of Belgrade -Faculty of Philosophy, and mentored by Dr. Marija Ljuština, also a team member. 2 At the time Dr. Bogdana Milić was... more
The terms urban and urbanism are commonly synonymous with concepts of social complexity, sophistication and the paradigm of civilisation in prehistoric archaeology. Those terms provide a link that enables societies sharing such features... more
Chariots drawn by horses harnessed in pairs under a yoke appeared in China, without apparent local antecedants, in burials of the late Shang dynasty (ca. 1200–1045 BCE). The system of paired draught and their characteristic design – two... more
The construction of grand narratives in Balkan archaeology has been shaped in subtle yet profound ways by geopolitical agendas. This paper examines the impacts of imperialist, colonialist, and nationalist archaeology, using Bruce... more
Chapter from a book about the arcuate communities of the Eastern Woodlands.
Statistical analysis using multistate qualitative variables 239 © 2 0 0 4 -A l l ' I n s e g n a d e l G i g l i o s . a . s . -w w w . e d i g i g l i o . i t Archeologia e Calcolatori 15, 2004, 239-255 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USING... more
Excavations on the south-eastern slopes of King Barrow Ridge, 1.5 km east of Stonehenge, revealed five pits, a grave and other features of Middle Neolithic date. Analysis of the pit assemblages and the partial inhumation interred in the... more
Blindheit ist ein Paradox der Wahrnehmung. Kulturgeschichtlich wird sie nicht nur als Einschränkung, sondern auch als Erweiterung und Umdeutung des Sehens gedeutet, als Ausdruck einer ‚tieferen‘ Wahrheit oder Erkenntnis, die über das... more
Part 1: A Globalised Bronze Age -theoretical reflections on the concept of bronzization Chapter 1: Written in blood? An exploration of the possibility of European Identity in the Bronze Age through examination of political habitus, origin... more
Children represented a social group that is unique in many ways. The first part of life is both a universal period for all human communities and, at the same time, a very culturally specific construct, individual for each society. At... more
Mining archaeological field prospections and excavations conducted by the Research Center HiMAT at the University of Innsbruck yielded proof of extensive copper ore mining from the late Middle Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (1300 - 700... more
In early 2007 the special research program HiMAT -History of Mining Activities in Tyrol -was established at the University of Innsbruck. It is an interdisciplinary research project dedicated to the history of mining in Tyrol and adjacent... more
In the Eastern Alps there is widespread evidence for a long tradition of metal ore mining and smelting (HöPPnEr et al., 2005). The first smelting activities or more probably a first “experimental phase” has been documented at the... more
In: Germania Nr. 101, 2023, 277-280, ISBN: 978-3-7861-2921-9
In: Ahlenius, Dag et al. (Hrsg.): Lag och rätt i Västergötland under tusen ar, 399-414, ISBN: 978-91-531-2387-3
Using morphological, stratigraphic, paleoecological and geoarcheological data, as well as radiocarbon datings, we reconstructed the evolution of the coastal plain of Mondragone, in the northern sector of the Campania Plain, during the... more
H. Meller/R. Schwarz, Die steinerne Axt als Waffe und Symbol. In: H. Meller/K. Gärtner (Hrsg.), Schönheit, Macht und Tod II. 275 Funde aus dem Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Halle [Saale] 2023) 194–195.