Recent papers in Preeclampsia
pregnancy has been associated with disorders such as pre-eclampsia (PE), short gestation period, and miscarriages. 5,6 Inflammatory cells and immunological mediators, such as components of the complement system, are present in the uterine... more
The idea for this study is based on endothelial-dependent adaptation of hemodynamic circulation in pregnancy. The optimization of the circulatory component of the cardiovascular system (CVS) during pregnancy via blood pressure (BP),... more
RESUMEN Objetivo: Comparar la morbilidad y mortalidad materna en pacientes con preeclampsia severa-eclampsia en dos hospitales de la ciudad de México, con diferente manejo antenatal. Población y métodos: Pacientes con preeclampsia/... more
Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy characterized by the new onset of hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. It has been estimated that preeclampsia affects 3–5% of pregnancies worldwide, and recently, preeclampsia... more
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Objective: The influence of antepartal, intrapartal and early neonatal risk factors, are very important during the pregnancy and the pregnancy outcome, also for the early neonatal period and the forthcoming children development. Our aim... more
The current article covers some of the major themes that emerged in 2009 in the fields of obstetric anesthesiology, obstetrics, and perinatology, with a special emphasis on the implications for the obstetric anesthesiologist.
Keywords: hypertension pregnancy pre-eclampsia maternal outcome perinatal outcome long-term prognosis Hypertensive disorders are the most common medical complication of pregnancy. As such, a large part of antenatal care is dedicated to... more
Purpose: The aim of this study is represented by the assessment of the intrarenal vascularization, using color Doppler ultrasonography of the interlobar renal arteries. Material and methods: The study was performed on two groups of... more
Hipertensi pada kehamilan sering terjadi (6-10 %) dan meningkatkan risiko morbiditas dan mortalitas pada ibu, janin dan perinatal. Pre-eklampsia/eklampsia dan hipertensi berat pada kehamilan risikonya lebih besar. Hipertensi pada... more
Preeclampsia (PE) is classified as a systemic condition that generally develops with high blood pressure and protein excretion in pregnant women after 20 weeks. This condition is characterised by inadequate placental blood flow and... more
En el embarazo, de forma precoz y antes de la placentación completa (semanas 20-22), se produ-ce una disminución del nivel de presión arterial (PA) media y de las resistencias periféricas en relación con la instauración del flujo... more
Preeclampsia (PE) is a human pregnancy disorder that begins with high blood pressure. This disorder occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy and is defined by the high pressure of blood and proteinuria symptoms. Also, PE is recognized as a... more
"Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy" online course authorized by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and offered through Coursera Verify at Coursera has confirmed the identity of José Ponce... more
Adrenomedullin is a novel vasodilatory peptide isolated first in 1993. It was originally isolated from human phaeochromocytoma from adrenal glands of Zona glomerulosa region. This plueripotent hormone increases when implantation occurs... more
Introduction: There is documented evidence pointing to the fact that there are numerous challenges with postoperative pain (POP) management globally. However, these challenges with POP management are more profound in developing countries.... more
Background: Anemia in pregnancy may not only be associated with maternal morbidity and mortality but can also be detrimental to the fetus. A definitive diagnosis of anemia is a prerequisite to unravelling possible cause(s), to allow... more
Preeclampsia/eclampsia (PE-E) and haemorrhage are the topmost causes of maternal and perinatal deaths in the world. This study was designed to assess the effects of pregnancy-induced psychological and emotional factors on the occurrence... more
The objective of this review is to compare different studies concerning pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, classification, natural history and treatment for HELLP syndrome. This obstetric pathology needs to be recognized early, in... more
Настоящее исследование основано на изучении показателей массы печени и массы плодов и новорожденных, рожденных от матерей с железодефицитной анемией, преэклампсией и сахарным диабетом. При материнской железодефицитной анемии и... more
Introducción. La preeclampsia es la primera causa de muerte materna directa en Colombia y la segunda a nivel mundial. El desarrollo de estrategias de predicción y prevención puede disminuir las complicaciones y secuelas ocasionadas por... more
Abstract BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia is classified as mild and severe. It is mild in 75% of cases and 25% presented as severe. In extreme cases the disease can lead to kidney and liver failure, DIC and central nervous system disorders.... more
Hoy en día, la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo se clasifica en una variante pura (hipertensión gestacional) y en otra que cursa con albuminuria (preeclampsia-eclampsia), con la pretensión de que se trata de dos enfermedades... more
Background: Preeclampsia is a major obstetric problem and a significant source of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Preeclampsia is associated with increased risks of placental abruption, acute renal failure, cerebrovascular... more
The year 2014 is an important year because it will mark the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the African Association of Physiological Sciences (AAPS) and initial talks to launch the International Society for Pathophysiology (ISP). Both... more
The influence of antepartal, intrapartal and early neonatal risk factors, are very important during the pregnancy and the pregnancy outcome, also for the early neonatal period and the forthcoming children development. Our aim is to detect... more
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of mild and severe PE on fetal growth and body proportion, measurement at serial ultrasound (US) examinations. Five to 7% of all pregnancies are complicated by preeclampsia (PE). Some forms of intrauterine... more
This investigation is based on a study of indicators of liver weight and weight of fetuses and newborns from mothers with iron deficiency anemia, preeclampsia and diabetes. When maternal iron deficiency anemia and preeclampsia becomes... more
Objective To predict spontaneous preterm birth among pregnant women in an African American population using first trimester peripheral blood maternal immune cell microRNA. Study design This was a retrospective nested case-control study in... more
BACKGROUND: Decorin, a leucine-rich proteoglycan that is produced by decidual cells, limits invasion and endovascular differentiation of extravillous trophoblast cells during early placentation by binding to multiple tyrosine kinase... more
Preeclampsia (preE) is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. Cardiotonic steroids (CTS) are endogenous inhibitors of Na ? /K ? ATPase, and at least one CTS, marinobufagenin (MBG), is elevated in a rat model of preE prior to the... more
Preeclampsia is a complex and life threatening pregnancy disorder is mojor cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. A growing body of evidence has demonstrated that low vitamin D is associated with the pathophysiology of... more
Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (PE-E) and haemorrhage are dangerous diseases that occur in pregnancy. This study seeks to assess the relationship between individual-level dietary intake and the occurrence of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia and... more
La preeclampsia es un trastorno multisistémico caracterizado por hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, asociada a proteinuria, edema e incremento de la permeabilidad vascular. Aparece en la segunda mitad de la gestación y es... more
The multifactorial basis of preeclampsia (PE) implies that there are several genes and risk factors that are important in the development of the disease. Therefore, the exact etiology and pathogenesis of preeclampsia remains unclear. It... more
Keywords: Mortality HELLP syndrome Antepartum eclamptic fit Ruptured subcapsular liver hematoma Abdominal packing and B-lunch suture a b s t r a c t Objective: To describe a fatal case of ruptured subcapsular liver hematoma as regards... more
Background: Hypertensive disorders are the most common medical complications during pregnancy and are associated with high maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity.One way to reduce the impact of arterial hypertension on maternal... more
Liver disease associated with pregnancy affects up to 3% of women and is a common cause of dysfunction during pregnancy. Severe liver dysfunction is associated with high rates of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. Therefore, it... more