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This study explores the multifaceted Maya Deluge Myth, from its pre-Columbian origins to current fantasies about a great world-destroying flood at the 13 Baktun period ending of the Maya Long Count on 21 (or 23) December 2012. No such... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural History
A lo largo de este trabajo se hace énfasis en la importancia que los santuarios en las cuevas y montañas tenían para los antiguos mayas y cuya tradición en Mesoamérica fue tan arraigada que forma parte de una amplia práctica social... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologySacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred mountainsPreclassic Maya Archaeology
Archaeologists agree that ancestors figured prominently in the lives of the Classic (CE 250-900), particularly in the Late Classic (600-900), the period for which we have a wealth of epigraphic, iconographic, and archaeological evidence.... more
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
Tesis de Licenciatura en Arqueología. Escuela de Historia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala 2017.
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      Maya ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)NaturePreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyYucatanPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Maya ArchaeologyYucatan, MexicoPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      ArchaeoastronomyMaya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyEl Mirador
Street grids commonly reflect the administration of urban populations and attempts to enhance city life. Planned grids are not typical of ancient Mesoamerican and especially Maya settlements, yet recent research at Nixtun-Ch'ich', Petén,... more
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      Power (social)GovernmentalityMesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeoastronomy
Maya Blue is a colour that is more than a pigment; it had roles in status, ritual and performance, being daubed onto pots and people before sacrifice. Here researchers use experimental and historical evidence to discover how it was made,... more
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      ArchaeoastronomyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMesoamerica
The earliest complex societies and a distinctive set of pan-regional social, political, and economic institutions appeared in the southern Maya lowlands during the Preclassic period (ca. 1200/1100 cal BCE ecal 300 CE). The timing of these... more
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      Climate ChangePaleoclimatologyClimate Change AdaptationMaya Archaeology
This thesis presents archaeological data collected in 2008, 2010 and 2011 from El Mirador to assess Maya warfare during the Late Preclassic (400 B.C. – A.D. 250). One school of thought argues that warfare prior to the Late Classic (A.D.... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyWarfarePreclassic Maya ArchaeologyMaya warfare
The ancient city of El Mirador is surrounded by subsidiary centers forming a state level organization indicated by a strong sociopolitical organization. This paper illustrates the results of Total Station mapping, Remote Sensing, Global... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeological GISClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
Recent reassessment of the sequence at the highland Maya centre of Kaminaljuyu has led to a substantial chronological revision for Preclassic southern Mesoamerica. The new chronology suggests that various centres on the Gulf Coast, in... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya HistoryMayan Studies
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyArchitectureCeramic Technology
Speculation about what ancient Maya texts have to say about 2012 is becoming a global phenomenon in popular culture. This speculation, largely apocalyptic, is more often based on acquaintance with historical Western interpretations than... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
This study uses a multiisotope (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and strontium) approach to examine early animal management in the Maya region. An analysis of faunal specimens across almost 2,000 years (1000 BC to AD 950) at the site of Ceibal,... more
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      ArchaeologyAnimal ScienceZooarchaeologyStable Isotope Analysis
El objetivo general de esta investigación se basa en la integración de datos e información, para lograr una mejor interpretación del objeto de estudio, en este caso ubicando en un contexto socio-político e ideológico el origen,... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyLowland ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyMaya Architecture
Investigations at Cahal Pech, in the upper Belize River Valley region, uncovered 10 monuments: nine stelae and one altar. Of the nine stelae recorded at the site, only one was carved. It is argued that the "wrap around" style of carving,... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyMaya EpigraphyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
This thesis reports on the 2010 excavations of the North Group and Eastern Court at the ancient Lowland Maya site of Pacbitun. It provides a construction history of the architecture and an analysis of associated artifacts, burials, and... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLatin American StudiesArchaeology
"This brief essay introduces eight papers in a thematic volume of Archaeoastronomy devoted to research into the Maya calendar, creation mythology, prophecy, and the 2012 phenomenon. It includes six new and expanded discussions of... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionEthnohistorySociology of Religion
"RESUMEN Los mayas plasmaron sus concepciones ideológicas en diversos medios físicos, destacando los complejos arquitectónicos a gran escala, siendo los más representativos los Conjuntos de Tipo Grupo E, las acrópolis de Patrón Triádico... more
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      Urbanism (Archaeology)Mesoamerican ArchaeologyUrbanismMaya Archaeology
The lowland Maya site of Ceibal, Guatemala, had a long history of occupation, spanning from the Middle Preclassic Period through the Terminal Classic (1000 BC to AD 950). The Ceibal-Petexbatun Archaeological Project has been conducting... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Bayesian Radiocarbon DatingPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyKaminaljuyuArchaeology of the Pacific coast of Guatemala
The Mirador Basin is notable for its extensive network of inter-regional and intra-site causeways. Recent archaeological investigations and environmental studies conducted by the Mirador Basin project have brought to light new evidence... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyAncient Maya
Durante la época Preclásica, El Mirador fungió como uno de los centros más grandes de las Tierras Bajas y alcanzó un elevado nivel de sofisticación social. Para comprender cómo El Mirador pudo alcanzar tal desarrollo es necesario ver... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologySettlement PatternsSuburbsClassic Maya (Archaeology)
In this report we introduce the site of Noh K’uh, a Late Preclassic (400 BC–AD 250) community in the western frontier of the Maya Lowlands. This new body of data contributes to the study of how complex societies emerged both within the... more
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      Settlement PatternsSurvey (Archaeological Method & Theory)Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryMesoamerican ArchaeologyScienceMaya Archaeology
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      BioarchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyOlmec archaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyLiDARMaya ArchaeologyLiDAR for topographic mapping
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      ArchaeologyWaterPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Preclassic Maya ArchaeologyAncient MayaBelize archaeology
For the Maya lowlands, the study of the rise of ancient complexity must explain the alchemy that transmutated a particular blend of social practices, developed in sedentary subsistence farming communities, into ideologies of hereditary... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyDevelopment of complex societies
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      IconographyMaya ArchaeologyMaya EpigraphyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
Multidisciplinary studies over nearly three decades in the Mirador Basin have revealed data on its settlement, interaction and trade, politics, economy, and ecology, which help to understand some of the cultural and natural processes in... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Preclassic Maya ArchaeologyEl Mirador
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryAnthropology of TechnologyMaya Archaeology
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      BioarchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyCahal Pech
A new paleoecology record from the El Palmar Cival adds to the emerging geoarchaeological record of El Zotz, Guatemala. El Palmar's 3 m stratigraphic record began in the Archaic period before 1500 B.C. at or just before initial Maya... more
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      GeoArcheologyPaleoecologyMaya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
Over the past two decades, excavations at Copán's Principal Group and its outlying settlements have led to a greater understanding of ancient Maya social, economic, and political activities. Still, we know very little about the area of... more
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      Settlement PatternsClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyHousehold Archaeology
RESUMEN Las ciudades mayas están formadas por diferentes arreglos arquitectónicos, entre los cuales destacan los Conjuntos de Tipo Acrópolis de Patrón Triádico, usualmente asociados a un concepto cosmogónico determinado. El sitio de El... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyMaya Architecture
En el ano 2003, nuestro proyecto se centro en la recuperacion de los datos de una «excavacion perdida», una serie de profundas exploraciones -no publicadas-hechas por Gustavo Espinozaen la Acropolisde Kaminaljuyu.Su trabajo, que tuvo... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyTeotihuacanPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyKaminaljuyu
The first cities of the Mirador Basin were created by means of a complex sociopolitical and ideological system. This aspect is expressed in the organization of its buildings and spatial configuration. Certain patterns of architectural... more
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      Settlement PatternsPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyEl Mirador
Definitive proof of an ancient calendric science is emerging with astro-calendric designs embedded in Palenque's Temple XIX inscriptions, revealing a computationally derived reconstituted mythological cosmological framework, and shows how... more
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      ArchaeoastronomyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya Epigraphy
El origen de los conjuntos de tipo acrópolis de patrón triádico se remonta al periodo Preclásico Tardío, extendiéndose más de mil años en la tradición arquitectónica de las Tierras Bajas mayas. Su contenido simbólico dio pauta para la... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape Architecture
This study reports on type: variety-mode classification, digital stereomicroscopy, petrography, neutron activation analysis, and previously published reports and characterizes production and distribution of Mars Orange Paste Ware in the... more
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      Preclassic Maya ArchaeologyNeutron Activation AnalysisMayan pottery
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      Maya ArchaeologyHousehold ArchaeologySettlement archaeologyFormative Mesoamerica
This investigation explores the emergence of ancient astronomical systems of knowledge at the site of Cerros, Belize. We argue that the ancient Maya of Cerros early on observed features in the coastal landscape that marked zenith events,... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Preclassic Maya ArchaeologyAstronomyAncient Maya
Investigations of Middle Preclassic communities in Belize rely heavily on architectural analysis, as the remains of ancient structures represent one of the largest and most durable categories of material culture from this period.... more
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      ArchitecturePreclassic Maya ArchaeologySocial Complexity (Archaeology)