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Street grids commonly reflect the administration of urban populations and attempts to enhance city life. Planned grids are not typical of ancient Mesoamerican and especially Maya settlements, yet recent research at Nixtun-Ch'ich', Petén,... more
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      Power (social)GovernmentalityMesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeoastronomy
This article examines large-scale spatial and temporal patterns in the agricultural demographic transition (ADT) of Mesoamerica and southwestern North America (“the Southwest”). An analysis of published settlement and subsistence data... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySouthwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)Mesoamerican Archaeology
In this article, we use the precision of Bayesian modeled radiocarbon dates to reconstruct a generational history of Late Preclassic (300 BC-AD 250) Cerros (Cerro Maya), Belize. This research was made possible by long-curated excavation... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & Theory
The lowland Maya site of Ceibal, Guatemala, had a long history of occupation, spanning from the Middle Preclassic Period through the Terminal Classic (1000 BC to AD 950). The Ceibal-Petexbatun Archaeological Project has been conducting... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Bayesian Radiocarbon DatingPreclassic Maya Archaeology
Adding to a thus far limited number of archaeological identifications of cacao residues in pottery in ancient Mesoamerica, this study presents the first such evidence from the southern Guatemalan piedmont in the Southern Maya Region. To... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyGuatemala (History)Classic Maya (Archaeology)Ancient Maya Knowledge
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      BioarchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyOlmec archaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
The results of our research at the lowland Maya site of Ceibal add to the growing archaeological understanding that the transition to sedentism did not necessarily occur simultaneously across different social groups within a region and... more
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      RitualMesoamerican ArchaeologyPublic SpacePreclassic Maya Archaeology
The Terminal Classic Period (AD 750–1000) collapse of lowland Maya social, economic, and political systems has been temporally correlated with severe and extended drought in regional paleoclimate records. Ancient Maya society also... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisPaleodietClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
This article examines Preclassic Maya ritual practices and craft production by means of a study of ritual deposits containing obsidian artifacts dated mostly to the late Middle Preclassic period (700-350 B.C.) at Ceibal, Guatemala. New... more
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      RitualObsidianMaya ArchaeologyCraft production (Archaeology)
This study uses a multiisotope (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and strontium) approach to examine early animal management in the Maya region. An analysis of faunal specimens across almost 2,000 years (1000 BC to AD 950) at the site of Ceibal,... more
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      ArchaeologyAnimal ScienceZooarchaeologyStable Isotope Analysis
While Maya public rituals are often assumed to have developed from domestic practices, caches at Ceibal in Guatemala demonstrate the concurrent emergence of distinct domestic and public rituals. During the Middle Preclassic period (c.... more
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      RitualMesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyHousehold Archaeology
This study uses neutron activation analysis of ceramics to examine economic change and increasing social complexity at the Preclassic Maya site of Cahal Pech in Belize (1200 cal BC–cal AD 300). Seven compositional groups were identified... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyInstrumental Neutron Activaation Analysis (INAA)
Speculation about what ancient Maya texts have to say about 2012 is becoming a global phenomenon in popular culture. This speculation, largely apocalyptic, is more often based on acquaintance with historical Western interpretations than... more
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
This article documents the attapulgite (the former name of palygorskite) mine in the cenote at Sacalum, Yucatan. Attapulgite/palygorskite was used by the ancient Maya (from the Preclassic (at Calakmul) to the Colonial Period) to produce a... more
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In this report we introduce the site of Noh K’uh, a Late Preclassic (400 BC–AD 250) community in the western frontier of the Maya Lowlands. This new body of data contributes to the study of how complex societies emerged both within the... more
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      Settlement PatternsSurvey (Archaeological Method & Theory)Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      ReligionNative American ReligionsComparative ReligionSociology
A B S T R A C T The lowland Maya city of Nixtun-Ch'ich' (Petén, Guatemala) exhibits an atypical gridded layout featuring quadrilateral blocks of architectural construction, established in the Middle Preclassic period (~ 800–500 BCE).... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyAncient construction (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyUrbanization
The site of Ceibal was founded around the beginning of sedentary life in the Maya lowlands. Excavations at the Karinel Group within the site reveal domestic structures and ritual deposits dating to the Middle Preclassic, Late Preclassic,... more
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      RitualMaya ArchaeologyHousehold ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya Archaeology
This study reports on type: variety-mode classification, digital stereomicroscopy, petrography, neutron activation analysis, and previously published reports and characterizes production and distribution of Mars Orange Paste Ware in the... more
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      Preclassic Maya ArchaeologyNeutron Activation AnalysisMayan pottery
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
This study uses type: variety-mode classification, digital stereomicroscopy, and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) to characterize the paste composition of Late Middle Preclassic-period pottery at the site of Holtun, Gua-temala. The... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Preclassic Maya ArchaeologyNeutron Activation AnalysisMaya Lowlands
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    • Preclassic Maya Archaeology
En el ano 2003, nuestro proyecto se centro en la recuperacion de los datos de una «excavacion perdida», una serie de profundas exploraciones -no publicadas-hechas por Gustavo Espinozaen la Acropolisde Kaminaljuyu.Su trabajo, que tuvo... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyTeotihuacanPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyKaminaljuyu
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
This study examines the origins of complex society in the Maya Lowlands during the Middle Preclassic period. Excavations at Cahal Pech - a mid-sized Maya settlement in the Belize River Valley - revealed complex architectural sequences... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
Late preclassic burial patterns at Cerro Maya (Cerros), Belize
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya HistoryBurial Practices (Archaeology)
Resumen: Se presenta en este artículo un análisis de las trayectorias de desarrollo de la cerámica en el sitio Naachtún entre el Preclásico Tardío (300 a.C.-150 d.C) y el Clásico Terminal (800 d.C.-900/1000 d.C). Se argumenta que la... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Preclassic Maya Archaeology
This study explores the multifaceted Maya Deluge Myth, from its pre-Columbian origins to current fantasies about a great world-destroying flood at the 13 Baktun period ending of the Maya Long Count on 21 (or 23) December 2012. No such... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural History
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryAnthropology of TechnologyMaya Archaeology
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      Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
This volume presents the results of 35 years of archaeological research at the Maya site of Pacbitun, located in west central Belize. The site was continuously occupied from 900 BC to AD 800/900. Excavations focused on both the site core... more
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      ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyAncient Maya
Archaeologists agree that ancestors figured prominently in the lives of the Classic (CE 250-900), particularly in the Late Classic (600-900), the period for which we have a wealth of epigraphic, iconographic, and archaeological evidence.... more
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
It is argued that sedentary, agricultural and somewhat stratified societies tended to develop a terminology for cardinal directions, the terms for east/west preceded those for north/south and were expressed in terms of solar movements.... more
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      ArchaeoastronomyCultural AstronomyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyArchaeoastronomy, Cultural Astronomy
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      IconographyMaya ArchaeologyMaya EpigraphyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
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      Preclassic Maya ArchaeologyCalakmulPainted Stucco Decoration
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      ArchaeoastronomyMaya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyEl Mirador
The recovery of macro- and microbotanicals, along with the study of chemical residues, allows us to shed light on a number of anthropological issues concerning ancient populations. This article reviews the data available to date on the... more
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      Paleoethnobotany (Anthropology)ArchaeobotanyMaya ArchaeologyStarch analysis (Archaeology)
Recent archaeological investigations throughout the Maya lowlands have provided new data pertaining to the sophistication and complexity of early Maya "civilization." The resultant information , reviewed here in diachronic format and in... more
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    • Preclassic Maya Archaeology
Review of:
Water, Cacao, and the Early Maya of Chocolá 
By Jonathan Kaplan and Federico Paredes Umana
University Press of Florida, 2018
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyMaya HistoryMesoamerican Ethnohistory
Research on ancient Maya cities is generally modeled after large sites with massive architecture, dynastic burials, and written records documenting the activities of divine rulers. However, the development of these cities is the... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyPreclassic Maya ArchaeologyBelize archaeology
Esta obra es resultado de la intervención de salvamento arqueológico efectuada cn motivo de la construcción del complejo habitacional de Ciudad Caucel, en la periferia occidental de Mérida. Su fin es contribuir a los estudios sobre la... more
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      Archaeological GISSpatial analysis (Archaeology)Settlement archaeologyPreclassic Maya Archaeology
The ancient city of El Mirador is surrounded by subsidiary centers forming a state level organization indicated by a strong sociopolitical organization. This paper illustrates the results of Total Station mapping, Remote Sensing, Global... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeological GISClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)El Salvador
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Classic Maya (Archaeology)Radiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)Household Archaeology
Multidisciplinary studies over nearly three decades in the Mirador Basin have revealed data on its settlement, interaction and trade, politics, economy, and ecology, which help to understand some of the cultural and natural processes in... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Preclassic Maya ArchaeologyEl Mirador