The seismic sequence which hit the Northern Italian territory in 2012 produced extensive damage to reinforced concrete (RC) precast buildings typically adopted as industrial facilities. The considered damaged buildings are constituted by... more
In this research, the thermal properties of paraffin-impregnated burnt clay aggregate (PIA) concrete were studied. Paraffin was used as a phase change material (PCM) carrier and was incorporated into the burnt clay aggregates using heat... more
This paper presents experimental and numerical investigations on the behavior of axially-loaded concrete walls restrained on three sides (TW3S walls). Particular emphasis was given to the influences of varying the slenderness ratio,... more
Este artigo expõe as diretrizes para a criação de um processo de elaboração de projetos que utilizam painéis pré-fabricados de fachada, tendo como base o ambiente de Building Information Modeling (BIM). Os painéis pré-fabricados... more
The modern-day popularity of tilt-up construction, shear walls and concrete cores in multi-storey buildings means that the construction of concrete walls with various boundary conditions and higher slenderness ratios, along with the... more
Precast concrete is a growing alternative to conventional cast-in-place concrete, especially for buildings in urban areas in Mexico. Precast concrete is well known for increasing construction speed and producing high-quality products.... more
This 1992 paper reports on work in progress in 'Design for Energy Efficiency,' one of fifteen task areas of the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing research program. In this task, design studies... more
The experimental study presented in this paper addresses the investigation of the precast Reinforced Concrete (RC) wall panels subjected to in-plane seismic loading conditions. The experimental elements were representative of four... more
Prezentul program experimental a fost conceput pentru a investiga comportarea pereților din panouri mari prefabricate de beton armat la care sunt executate goluri tăiate, supuse la acțiuni seismice în planul lor și în același timp, pentru... more
No Brasil, tem-se observado o crescente uso de elementos pré-fabricados de concreto, nesse contexto, encontram-se os painéis de parede dupla pré-moldados que são um sistema construtivo formado por duas placas de concreto de pequena... more
Due to recent popularity of tilt-up construction and concrete cores in tall buildings, reinforced concrete (RC) walls are now considered just as important structural element as beams, slabs and columns. The Australian Concrete Standard,... more