Precast concrete wall panels

130 papers
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Precast concrete wall panels are factory-manufactured structural elements made of concrete, designed for use in building construction. These panels are produced in controlled environments, allowing for precise dimensions and finishes, and are transported to construction sites for rapid assembly, enhancing efficiency and reducing on-site labor.
Traditional concrete structures are frequently linked to poor energy efficiency and substantial heat loss, which pose significant environmental issues. To enhance thermal insulation and reduce heat loss, the use of precast insulated walls... more
The plastic waste of PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) can be an alternative replacement of coarse aggregate materials in the lightweight concrete is environmentally friendly. The study purposes were determined the value of flexural... more
Malik Thanoon for their useful comments and suggestions. Author also would like to send his sincere gratitude to Dr. Mohd. Saleh Jaffer for his help in providing books and journals. Author wishes to thank the technical staff of Concrete... more
Ao meu Pai e Eterno Deus, que tantas bênçãos tem me concedido. Ao meu marido, Edmilson, que me ensinou a acreditar em mim mesma. Aos meus pais, Dorgival e Rosélis, que sempre acreditaram que a maior herança que se pode dar a um filho é a... more
Bahan agregat kasar ringan yang digunakan merupakan limbah kayu bengkirai dari pengrajin kusen pintu dan jendela. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan agregat Kayu Bengkirai terhadap berat volume, kuat... more
Industrialised Building System (IBS) is a term used in Malaysia to denote precast construction method arising from the demand in shifting the realm of conventional construction method into the era of automation. Precast concrete wall... more
This paper presents the study of service stress appear in various structural elements in the design of medium rise reinforced concrete building in Sri Lanka using selected codes. Five structural design codes have been considered for the... more
A method was described of ultimate strength calculation of compressed steel panels proposed for shipbuilding applications. The calculations consist in applying Finite Element Method (FEM) to a model composed of finite shell elements.... more
COMPDYN 2019 is one of the 32 Thematic Conferences of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) to be held in 2019 and is also a Special Interest Conference of the International Association for... more
The reinforced concrete (RC) constructions built after World War II represent almost half of the European building stock. Such buildings are characterized by low energy efficiency, living discomfort, and may be inherently vulnerable to... more
Lightly reinforced concrete walls are commonly found in low-to-moderate seismic regions such as Australia. While many theoretical analyses on lateral load–displacement of structural walls have been proposed and widely used, not many have... more
The interaction between cladding panels and the main structure is a crucial point to assess the seismic response, and above all the structural safety, of RC precast industrial building. In the past, connections were often designed to... more
This paper presents the results of an experimental program on precast reinforced concrete wall panels (PRCWP). These panels were damaged under cyclic lateral loads and thereafter retrofitted or rehabilitated and retested. The experimental... more
Concrete is a construction material favored by most people because it has many advantages, however, concrete also has some disadvantages. One way to overcome the weaknesses that have concrete is to use precast concrete technology and the... more
Many reasons such as the Industrial Revolution and the need for rapid building production after the Second World War have led to an acceleration of developments in the construction sector and new construction systems have emerged. These... more
The present study was conceived in order to investigate the shear behaviour of the Precast Reinforced Concrete Wall Panels (PRCWP) with cut-out openings subjected to in-plane seismic loading conditions and to assess the shear capacity... more
A strengthening solution for multi-storey buildings in seismically active regions is considered. The Precast Reinforced Concrete Large Panel (PRCLP) structural system is described. Besides earthquakes, different problems during the last... more
Stay-in-place (SIP) formwork is a more-practical alternative to traditional steel or wood formworks due to its improved constructability and durability. The aim of this paper was to study the fire resistance performances of structural and... more
Most of the available shear models for reinforced concrete rely on empirical formulations. In this study, a rational shear stress function is used to define the shear stress–strain envelope for reinforced concrete. Cyclic rules are... more
Stay-in-place (SIP) formwork is a more-practical alternative to traditional steel or wood formworks due to its improved constructability and durability. The aim of this paper was to study the fire resistance performances of structural and... more
Tests on infill masonry walls have been widely performed by many researchers and for a long time with the main purpose of characterising the infill performance under earthquake-type excitations. However, most of these works deal with... more
Experimental studies on the behaviour and performance of prestressed natural stone hollow panels were performed using prestressing wires as internal tendons to apply a compression force to pre-assembled dimension stone slabs forming the... more
The application of precast concrete in recent days has been tremendously used in building constructions, especially in constructing multi-story buildings. This is due to the rapid construction time, cost savings, and minimalisation of... more
Floor diaphragms play several roles in the seismic response of dual systems: support vertically spanning components, transfer lateral forces to walls and frames, provide restraint to columns and walls, tie the structure together, and... more
The use of steel fiber-reinforced concrete (SFRC) for low-rise walls in low-seismicity regions is evaluated experimentally. Shake-table tests of SFRC and conventionally reinforced concrete walls with an aspect ratio of 1.0 under several... more
Stay-in-place (SIP) formwork is a more-practical alternative to traditional steel or wood formworks due to its improved constructability and durability. The aim of this paper was to study the fire resistance performances of structural and... more
Lightly reinforced concrete walls are commonly found in low-to-moderate seismic regions such as Australia. While many theoretical analyses on lateral load–displacement of structural walls have been proposed and widely used, not many have... more
h i g h l i g h t s EBR and EBROG methods have been utilized to install the FRP sheets on deep beams with openings. EBROG is the most effective method in preventing the debonding of sheets. The inclined orientation of sheets is the most... more
Many reasons such as the Industrial Revolution and the need for rapid building production after the Second World War have led to an acceleration of developments in the construction sector and new construction systems have emerged. These... more
This paper presents experimental and numerical investigations on the behaviour of axiallyloaded concrete walls restrained on three sides (TW3S walls). Particular emphasis was given to the influences of varying the slenderness ratio,... more
Axially loaded reinforced concrete (RC) walls can be designed using simplified design methods given in codes such as the Australian Concrete Standard (AS3600-09) and the American Concrete Institute Code (ACI318-14). The ACI318-14 equation... more
This research is presented experimental and numerical investigations of composite concrete-steel plate shear walls under axial loads to predicate the effect of both concrete compressive strength and aspect ratio of the wall on the axial... more
h i g h l i g h t s Three empirical equations are proposed to estimate the strength capacity of masonry walls. An expression to assess the contribution of masonry tensile strength is also presented. The equations take into account the... more
Direct incorporation of phase change materials (PCMs) in the mortar matrix increases the effective thermal mass of a structure without increasing the size or significantly changing its weight; thereby reduces the energy consumption and... more
Many reasons such as the Industrial Revolution and the need for rapid building production after the Second World War have led to an acceleration of developments in the construction sector and new construction systems have emerged. These... more
The behavior of connection between precast panels is important as it controls the failuremode of the shear wall. Therefore, it is aimed to test the behavior of different type of precastpanel connections in this study. One monolithic... more
ABSTRAK Pengembangan fly ash berbasis geopolimer sangat cocok untuk memperluas aplikasi pracetak khususnya panel dinding pada lingkungan asam sulfat. Panel berbahan abu terbang ini dapat dijadikan pertimbangan karena memiliki keunggulan... more
Wall definition ACI Code Section 2.3 defines a wall as follows: "Wall-a vertical element designed to carry axial load, lateral load, or both, with a horizontal length-to-thickness ratio greater than three, used to enclose or separate... more
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013Yapı mühendisliği alanında, yapıların güçlendirilmesi senelerdir... more
In this research, the thermal properties of paraffin-impregnated burnt clay aggregate (PIA) concrete were studied. Paraffin was used as a phase change material (PCM) carrier and was incorporated into the burnt clay aggregates using heat... more
The present of the shear connectors with the sandwich composite foamed concrete panel system is to increase the strength of the panel. Therefore the objectives of experiment on effects of the shear connectors spacing is to determine the... more
A realistic analysis of the reliability of slender high-strength concrete (HSC) columns must include the long-term effects of sustained loads. In this paper, the long-term reliability of eccentrically loaded slender HSC columns under... more
This paper presents the structural behaviour of precast lightweight foam concrete sandwich panel (PFLP) under flexure, studied experimentally and theoretically. Four (4) full scale specimens with a double shear steel connector of 6 mm... more
The experimental study presented hereis based on the seismic performance investigation of precast reinforced concrete wall panels (PRCWP), post-damage strengthening using different materials and different anchorage systems. Both wall... more