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Se actualizó la situación en Nicaragua, acerca de la necesidad de sustituir los Antibióticos Promotores del Crecimiento (APC), como aditivos alimentarios en la producción animal, por productos alternativos no perjudiciales a la salud... more
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      PrebioticsAntibiotic ResistanceProbiotics and Prebiotics
The microbiome located in the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) comprises the largest community (diverse and dense) of bacteria, and in conjunction with a conducive internal milieu, promotes the development of regulated pro- and... more
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      NutritionProbioticsPrebioticsHealth Status
Consumers around the globe are now more aware of the relation between nutrition and good health. This has led to a number of scientific studies identifying food and food components that have specific health benefits. Functional foods are... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsFood ScienceNutritionFood Engineering
To cite this article: Kukkonen AK, Kuitunen M, Savilahti E, Pelkonen A, Malmberg P, Mä kelä M. Airway inflammation in probiotic-treated children at 5 years.
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The importance of comets for the origin of life on Earth has been advocated for many decades. Amino acids are key ingredients in chemistry, leading to life as we know it. Many primitive meteorites contain amino acids, and it is generally... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryMass Spectrometry
As studies uncover the breadth of microbes associated with human life, opportunities will emerge to manipulate and augment their functions in ways that improve health and longevity. From involvement in the complexities of reproduction and... more
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An NMR study of proton chemical shift patterns of known linear a-D D-glucopyranose di-and trisaccharide structures was carried out. Chemical shift patterns for (a1?2)-, (a1?3)-, (a1?4)-and (a1?6)-linked D D-glucose residues were analysed... more
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      Organic ChemistryHydrogenMagnetic Resonance ImagingNMR Spectroscopy
Arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) are a recently newly discovered class of candidate prebiotics as – depending on their structure – they are fermented in different regions of gastrointestinal tract. This can have an impact on the... more
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      MicrobiologyMicrobial biotechnologyPrebioticsPolymerization
Background: Synbiotics, probiotics or prebiotics are being added to infant formula to promote growth and development in infants. Previous reviews (2007 to 2011) on term infants given probiotics or prebiotics focused on prevention of... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionProbioticsChild Development
* N.B.: Even in "wealthy" countries, not all patients need colonoscopy, which should be reserved in particular for those with alarm symptoms or signs and those over the age of 50. The need for investigations and for sigmoidoscopy and... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyGastroenterologyEvidence Based MedicineProbiotics
The present study evaluates the effects of dietary kefir and low molecular weight sodium alginate (LWMSA) (singular or combined) on non-specific immune response, disease resistance and growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis... more
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The objectives of this paper were production of probiotic yoghurt using L. paracasei ssp. tolerans, and evaluation of pH changes, viable counts, and organoleptic properties of the produced yoghurt. It was observed that the pH decrease... more
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Crosstalk between organs is crucial for controlling numerous homeostatic systems (e.g. energy balance, glucose metabolism and immunity). Several pathological conditions, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, are characterised by a loss of... more
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      ObesityInflammationPrebioticsInsulin Resistance
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Chitosan was used as a coating material to improve encapsulation of a probiotic and prebiotic in calcium alginate beads. Chitosan-coated alginate microspheres were produced to encapsulate Lactobacillus gasseri (L) and Bifidobacterium... more
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      MicrobiologyProbioticsChitosanIndustrial Biotechnology
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A novel probiotic product was developed, which was formulated as an oblea (wafer-type dehydrated traditional Mexican dessert) using goat sweet whey fermented with Bifidobacterium infantis or Lactobacillus acidophilus. To obtain the... more
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      Food ScienceProbioticsDairy SciencePrebiotics
The objectives of this study were to: (i) define the optimum concentration of triticale bran (TB) that can be incorporated in yogurt, (ii) evaluate the prebiotic effects of TB on microbial viability, pH and total titratable acidity (TTA)... more
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      ProbioticsPrebioticsFood MicrobiologyAntioxidants
This paper describes the methods in which feed fed to poultry can be utilised more efficiently. Prebiotics are used in the poultry industry because of its safe use and advantages to both the animals and humans. Prebiotics can influence... more
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    • Prebiotics
Seaweeds are an excellent source of bioactive compounds and therefore the use of sustainable and food compatible extraction methods such as enzyme- (EAE) and ultrasound-assisted extraction were applied on Sargassum muticum, Osmundea... more
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The main challenge to probiotics, during their passage through the gastrointestinal tract, are the acidic gastric secretions of the stomach, and the bile salts released into the duodenum. The survival of the strains, in this phase, is... more
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      MicrobiologyProbioticsIndustrial BiotechnologyPrebiotics
Background: β-glucan is dietary fiber, a structural polysaccharide, β-linked linear chains of D-glucose polymers with variable frequency of branches. β-glucan is isolated from different sources such as cell walls of baker’s yeast... more
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In this review we focus on the revision of the prebiotic concept in the context of the new metagenomic era. Functional metagenomic data provided by the Human Microbiome Project are revolutionizing the view of the symbiotic relationship... more
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      MicrobiologyIndustrial BiotechnologyPrebioticsMetagenomics
Three chemical kinetic mechanisms of methane combustion were tested and compared using the internal combustion engine model of Chemkin 4.02 [1]: one-step global reaction mechanism, four-step mechanism, and the standard detailed scheme... more
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      Advanced Oxidation ProcessesProbioticsPrebioticsInternal Combustion Engines
Prebiotics have great potential as agents to improve or maintain a balanced intestinal microflora to enhance health and wellbeing. They are non-digestible (by the host) food ingredients that have a beneficial effect through their... more
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    • Prebiotics
Metabolic syndrome is a lifestyle disease, determined by the interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Obesity is a significant risk factor for development of the metabolic syndrome, and the prevalence of obesity is increasing due... more
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      ObesityProbioticsPrebioticsClinical Sciences
Inulin is a food ingredient that belongs to a class of carbohydrates known as fructans. Nutritionally it has functional properties and health-promoting effects that include reduced calorie value, dietary fiber and prebiotic effects.... more
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      Organic ChemistryRheologyPrebioticsCheese
A probiotic is a culture of live microorganisms that can manipulate and maintain a beneficial microflora in the gut. Prebiotics are nondigestible feed ingredients that can positively affect the animal organism by stimulating the activity... more
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      Poultry ScienceProbioticsPoultry NutritionFeed additives in poultry nutrition
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      Nutrition and DieteticsBreast CancerDietPolysaccharides
Obesity and associated metabolic disorders are worldwide epidemic. The literature provides new evidence that gut microbiota dysbiosis (at the phyla, genus, or species level) affects host metabolism and energy storage. Here we discuss new... more
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La obesidad se ha convertido actualmente en una crisis mundial de salud pública (1). Además, su asociación con la resistencia a la insulina, entre otros trastornos metabólicos, está impulsando una epidemia paralela de diabetes... more
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      ProbioticsPrebioticsGut MicrobiotaProbiotics and Prebiotics
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There is growing recognition of the role of diet and other environmental factors in modulating the composition and metabolic activity of the human gut microbiota, which in turn can impact health. This narrative review explores the... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsProbioticsLife StylePrebiotics
There is increasing awareness that the human gut microflora plays a critical role in maintaining host health, both within the gastrointestinal tract and, through the absorption of metabolites, systemically. An optimal gut microflora... more
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      Microflora of the GutPrebioticsFunctional FoodBifidobacteria
World aquaculture is the fastest growing food-producing sector in the world. Globally, aquaculture is expanding into new directions, intensifying and diversifying. With increasing demand for environment friendly aquaculture, the use of... more
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The gastrointestinal tract is a natural reservoir of microbiota. The gut is germ-free at birth, but rapidly becomes host to various bacteria establishing a progressively mutual relationship. The composition of gut microbiota is... more
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      ProbioticsSymbiosisPrebioticsIntestinal Mucosa
| At birth, the human colon is rapidly colonized by gut microbes. Owing to their vast number and their capacity to ferment nutrients and secrete bioactive compounds, these gastrointestinal microbes act as an environmental factor that... more
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      ObesityProbioticsTreatment OutcomePrebiotics
Over the past recent years, a great number of studies have been directed toward the evaluation of the human host-gut microbiota interaction, with the goal to progress the understanding of the etiology of several complex diseases.... more
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      ProbioticsPrebioticsDietary SupplementsAnti-Bacterial Agents
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      Nutrition and DieteticsProbioticsCystic FibrosisInflammation
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Gut microbiota LPS Obesity/type 2 diabetes Gut permeability Inflammation Endocannabinoid system Obesity, type-2 diabetes and low-grade inflammation are becoming worldwide epidemics. In this... more
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This research aims to study the formulation in the manufacture of cookies enriched with prebiotics Xylo - oligosaccharides as functional food for the health of the autism digestive tract. This research design using complete randomized... more
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      PrebioticsBiscuit/Cookies and Cracker TechnologyGluten intoleranceAutism Spectrum Treatment
Probiotics are beneficial microbes that confer a realistic health benefit on the host, which in combination with prebiotics, (indigestible dietary fibre/carbohydrate), also confer a health benefit on the host via products resulting from... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsProbioticsPrebioticsBacteria
In this work, 3 types of ice cream were produced: a probiotic ice cream produced by adding potentially probiotic microorganisms such as Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus; a prebiotic ice cream produced by adding inulin, a... more
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      Food ScienceProbioticsFood and NutritionPrebiotics
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      ProbioticsPrebioticsBiological SciencesGastrointestinal Tract
Obesity is a major public health issue as it is causally related to several chronic disorders, including type-2 diabetes, CVD and cancer. Novel research shows that the gut microbiota is involved in obesity and metabolic disorders,... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsObesityProbioticsAtherosclerosis
Probiotics are beneficial microbes that confer a realistic health benefit on the host, which in combination with prebiotics, (indigestible dietary fibre/carbohydrate), also confer a health benefit on the host via products resulting from... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsProbioticsCancerPrebiotics
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      Nutrition and DieteticsBreast CancerDietPolysaccharides
Clostridium perfringens is one of the major causes of intestinal disease in humans and animals. Its pathogenicity is contributed to by the production of a variety of toxins. In addition, predisposing environmental factors are important... more
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      ProbioticsPrebioticsAnimal HusbandryBiological Sciences
Objective: There is a close bidirectional relationship between overweight/obesity and depression, which may be largely modified through the microbiome and the gut-brain axis. Previous research has shown targeted weight loss effects and... more
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