Power of Our Words
Recent papers in Power of Our Words
E-BOOK OF VOCABULARY WITH MNEMONICS VOL-1 From Editor desk Enough has been written about the utility of vocabulary in our routine life or for competitive exams but still vocabulary is an area which scares people the most. Students... more
J. Lawton Winslade's, "Techno-Kabbalah: The Performative Language of Magick and the Production of Occult Knowledge" begins with a discussion of an episode of the X-Files called "Kaddish", which portrays a somewhat sensationalized version... more
1 the [ðə, ði:] art.这,那 ad.[用于比较级;最高级前] 2 be [bi:,bi] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在 3 of [əv, ə, ɔv] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于 4 and [ənd, aend] conj.和;那么;然后;而且 5 a [ei, ə, aen, ən] art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个) 6 to [tu:, tu, tə] prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到... more
There are words that when uttered have the capacity to release power-packed blows that can make or break a person's life. There are words whose potentiality can lead people to act decisively or to get discouraged in the face of impending... more
This paper addresses an etymological study of the word "cunt", the history of its usage, and the potential problems/obstacles it faces to ameliorate the word in post-modern society because of it's phoentic origins, relating to pre... more
This thesis will study the life and art of late American artist and literature-renewing writer William Seward Burroughs (1914-1997). It will discuss three novels by William S. Burroughs, and determine how the concept of control is... more
‘’What are you reading my lord? Words, words, words’’ __ Hamlet The enigmatic power of words is evident for us. We all know what an acrimonious sentence, although short, can do in a quarrel. Or women, in general, are aware of... more
Poetry Sunday is related to the last module in the course called the creative prescription. It is a collection of my poetry and my art work put together rather like a gallery/
sermon from Matthew 12:15-37, preached 8/12/18 at Kilgore Bible Church, Kilgore, TX
Chi per anni ha affermato che la verità non esiste, oggi invoca agenzie statali per intercettare le notizie non vere. Il parere di Vladimiro Giacché, autore de "La fabbrica del falso" L'anno nuovo sembra essersi aperto con una sindrome... more
Les mots qui nous sont les plus chers À la mémoire de Ceslaw Miloscz Des noms, des mots viennent et passent; je ne connais plus ni ces mots, ni les noms, des noms que j'ai aimés, que j'ai oubliés, abandonnés… des mots que je devine dans... more
The major paradigms of one’s life are essential to one’s personal identity. Your paradigms may be a combination of those listed and others that are not listed. One may live out of a paradigm without awareness, and once the paradigms are... more
Neste trabalho, exploro o potencial analítico daquilo que Martin Holbraad deno-mina 'método ontográfico' , a partir das reflexões dos Filhos do Erepecuru – castan-heiros, ribeirinhos e remanescentes de quilombos – acerca do processo de... more
It has been acknowledged that organizations consist of a plurality of realities; thus, it is important to account for less visible ones to understand processes of organizing, changes and resistance to them better. Doing so has significant... more
I was reminded of the power of the word when I read a post on a philosophy notice board: “I identify as a French philosopher.” The funny thing is that this young thinker actually is French and does teach philosophy at a university. They... more
The "context" of any word in a literary works is circumscribed by nothing less than the cultural memory of peoples and humanity. These case studies may serve as pointers to this possibility.
Film review of "Antonio Guerriero di Dio" (original title), directed by Antonello Belluco, Italy, 2006. In Portuguese.
MMegrelian Folklore is the most important part of Georgian Folklore and to look through the materials from Megrelian Folklore valuable work done for further enrichment of Georgian Folklore. The main interest of our research work is some... more
Komunikacija večinoma poteka spontano in nezavedno. Besede imajo moč, zato bi morala naša komunikacija potekati bolj zavestno. Besed in načina komuniciranja se najprej naučimo v družini. Komunikacija odraslih, posebej staršev, ima močan... more
A primary purpose of the Grammatica 2020 Intensive was to illustrate five ways of engendering harmony, or in the words of the course description: five different ways to transform chaos/trauma into coherence. Those five ways are: 1) Heart... more
Neste trabalho, exploro o potencial analítico daquilo que Martin Holbraad denomina ‘método ontográfico’, a partir das reflexões dos Filhos do Erepecuru – castanheiros, ribeirinhos e remanescentes de quilombos – acerca do processo de... more
Honouring my Father
Discussing Monday's debate with my college students was not anyone's cup of tea. But we did it. And we actually came to agree on one thing. www.democracychronicles.com/verbal-hemophilia-afterthoughts-first-presidential-debate
The preamble poses an attempt to remove old wood in the way of advancing a study of the phenomenon posed by L. A. Willoughby's article "The Image of the 'Wanderer' and the 'Hut' in Goethe's Poetry. We consider the diachronic or historical... more
Ethical and moral essay that discusses the related but arguably different meaning of three Portuguese words – "insulto", "calúnia" and "injúria". In Portuguese.