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This paper presents an effective algorithm to locate Single Line to Ground (SLG) fault at a transmission line. Post fault voltages and currents from both substation terminals were used as the input parameters to the algorithm. Discrete... more
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      Power SystemsPower SystemFault DetectionElectric Power Systems
The power systems protection laboratory is designed to directly apply theory learned in lectures to devices that will be studied in the laboratory. Power system protection is concerned with protecting electrical power systems from faults... more
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      Power SystemPower System ProtectionPower System Protection EngineeringProtection and Relaying For Power Systems
Time based coordination and protection is the normal basis for coordinating low voltage power distribution systems. Enhancements, such as zone selective interlocking and bus differential protection, may be used to accelerate protective... more
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      Power System ProtectionPower system distributionPower DistributionConductors
In this paper the behavior of the power supply system of a typical Light Railway Transportation System (LRTS) subjected to overvoltages of atmospheric origin is analyzed, with the purpose to determine the optimum location of the surge... more
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      Power SystemAtmospheric ModelingPower System ProtectionSurge Arresters
An algorithm is developed to determine the backup/primary relay pairs for the coordination of directional protective relays of power transmission systems. The linked-list type of data structure known as LINKNET has been utilized to... more
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      Electric Power SystemsPower System ProtectionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Protection of data against long fading time is one of the greatest challenges posed by a satellite delivery system offering multimedia services to mobile devices like DVB-SH. To deal with this challenge several enhancements and... more
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      Power System ProtectionData ProtectionHandheld Device UsePower Consumption
In many cases, the manholes for maintaining various installations including power and telecommunication cables, water-, remote heating-, and gas-pipes are located in a close vicinity of power substations. The paper analyzes the risks of... more
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      Automatic ControlPower System ProtectionSafetyRisk Analysis
In many physical insulation systems it is often necessary to establish the approximate estimate of the breakdown voltage for nonstandard impulse voltages. The disruptive effect method, which is an analytical method, has some success in... more
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      Power SystemsSignal ProcessingPower QualityPower System
The main frequency is an important parameter of an electrical power system. The frequency can change over a small range due to generation-load mismatches. Some power system protection and control applications, e.g., frequency relay for... more
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      Power SystemsPower SystemControl SystemsPower System Protection
Currently classical thyristor-based high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems hold the market in bulk power transmission. However, recent advances in semiconductor technology have led to voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC)... more
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      Computer SciencePower System ProtectionPower TransmissionCircuit Breakers
 We describe new analytical techniques to help mitigate the disruptions to electric power grids caused by terrorist attacks. New bilevel mathematical models and algorithms identify critical system components (e.g., transmission lines,... more
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      AlgorithmsPower SystemsTerrorismHomeland Security
Distributed generation (DG) inclusion within the grid system potentially introduces problems related to control, protection, harmonics, and network transients. This paper analyses one of the key issues: protection of the network, by... more
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      EngineeringEnergyElectric Power SystemsPower System Protection
Capacitor banks are applied in power systems to provide reactive power. The reactive power results in lower current in lines upstream of the bank improving system voltage and power factor and reducing line losses. Capacitor banks can be... more
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      EngineeringPower SystemsPower SystemPower System Protection
ABSTRACT Islanding detection is an essential function for safety and reliability in grid-connected distributed generation (DG) systems. Several methods for islanding detection are proposed in literature, but most of them may fail in... more
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      EngineeringPower QualityPower SystemTopology
Traditionally, vulnerability is the level of degradation caused by failures or disturbances, and resilience is the ability to recover after a high-impact event. This paper presents a topological procedure based on graph theory to evaluate... more
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      Power SystemsGraph TheoryResiliencePower System Protection
The new, 160 mile long Amtrak Northeast Corridor railway electrification project has four supply substations that connect 115 kV utility power to the 55 kV single-phase, AC traction power system. Eighteen autotransformer-paralleling... more
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      Power SystemPower System ProtectionPower GenerationProtective Relaying
The original contribution of this work is contained in the following statements. A general mathematical model of auxiliary DC installations in power plants was developed in order to he used for analyzing short circuit conditions according... more
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      PackagingPower PlantPower System ProtectionInstallation
Cascading outages can cause large blackouts, and a variety of methods are emerging to study this challenging topic. The Task Force on Understanding, Prediction, Mitigation, and Restoration of Cascading Failures, under the IEEE PES... more
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      Computational ModelingPower SystemRisk ManagementRisk assessment
The problem of optimal coordination of directional overcurrent relays in interconnected power networks is addressed. The paper introduces a new problem formulation and presents the justification of this formulation using mathematical... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringLinear ProgrammingPower System
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      Power SystemPower System ProtectionCase StudyTransmission Line
A new index reliability for power system protection by optimizing the relay time operating using multi agent system (MAS) is presented. In the proposed method, the MAS consists of two agents as follows; first agent is a fault current... more
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      Power System ProtectionMulti Agent SystemsOvercurrent Protection
Auto-reclose relay is an important relay used to reenergize a line after the line was tripped by main protection relay due to fault occurrence. Failure of auto-reclose relay to reenergize the line will make power can't be transmitted... more
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      Power SystemsPower SystemElectric Power SystemsPower System Protection
A brief introduction to thermal power plants, their construction and applications.
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      Electrical EngineeringPower SystemPower System ProtectionThermal Power Plants
Transformer Protection
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      Electrical EngineeringPower System ProtectionPower System Protection EngineeringTransformer
: The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in power system protection has been addressed in this paper. Particular emphasis has been put on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Fuzzy Logic (FL). Several novel concepts have... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPower System ProtectionArtificial IntelligentError Correction
Among the several components of distribution systems, protection devices present a fundamental importance, since they aim at keeping the physical integrity not only of the system equipment, but also of the electricians team and the... more
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      Power System ProtectionDecision support systemReliabilityImplementation
This paper describes a methodology for voltage sag characterization using Matlab/Simulink. It includes fault simulations for voltage sag magnitude calculation using Simulink, based on the SimPowerSystems toolbox, and also considering... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower QualityPower System ProtectionMatlab/Simulink
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      Power System ProtectionProtective RelayingFrequencyVoltage
Improved and controlled power quality is one of the essential and fundamental need in any power driven industry for optimum utilization of resources. However critical problems in power quality have been recognized such as sags, swells,... more
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      Power SystemsPower SystemPower System EconomicsElectric Power Systems
A Distance Relay typically used as main protection relay to protect transmission line from any type of fault. It is very sensitive to voltage and current variation because it uses the impedance measurement principle to detect fault... more
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      Power SystemsPower SystemElectric Power SystemsPower System Protection
Due to the increasing demand of energy and the need for nonconventional energy sources, distributed generation (DG) has come into play. The trend of unidirectional power flow has been gradually shifting. With new technology comes new... more
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      Power SystemPower System ProtectionLiterature ReviewDistributed generation & energy storage systems
this paper is a result of ongoing activity carried out by Understanding, Prediction, Mitigation and Restoration of Cascading Failures Task Force under IEEE Computer Analytical Methods Subcommittee (CAMS). The task force's previous papers... more
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      Power SystemRisk ManagementRisk assessmentPower System Protection
The latest of a series of classified lists of power system relaying references, begun in 1927, is presented. This bibliography is in continuation to the bibliographies of relay literature, which were published previously and are contained... more
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      Power SystemPower System ProtectionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
This paper describes the opportunity of implementing a model of a Mho type distance relay with a three zones by using MATLAB/SIMULINK package. SimPowerSystem toolbox was used for detailed modeling of distance relay, transmission line and... more
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      Power System ProtectionWind Power
The effects of non-sinusoidal voltages on the performance of an over/under voltage relay were experimentally studied. The frequency and amplitude of individual harmonics were adjusted with a programmable power source and the operating... more
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      Power System ProtectionProtective RelayingFrequencyVoltage
Kebutuhan tenaga listrik yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun sejalan dengan bertambahnya permintaan energi.Untuk itu diperlukan infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang handal untuk dapat mewujudkan kelancaran pengaturan operasi sistem. Dalam... more
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    • Power System Protection
Though distributed generators (DGs) have significant economic and environmental benefits, increased penetration of DGs will impose significant technical barriers for the efficient and effective operation of bulk power systems. Increased... more
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      Power System ProtectionDistributed GenerationsDistribution networkOvercurrent Relay
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      Power SystemPower System ProtectionSystem ApproachMaintenance Engineering
Anti-islanding protection schemes currently enforce the DGs to disconnect immediately for grid faults through loss of grid (LOG) protection system. This greatly reduces the benefits of DG deployment. For preventing disconnection of DGs... more
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      Distributed SystemControl SystemsPower System ProtectionPower Generation
IEC 61850 based high speed peer-to-peer communication called GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) has an impact on the development and testing of IEC 61850 relays and the associated protection schemes in modern power system.... more
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      Computer EngineeringSmart GridPower System ProtectionSubstation automation
Electric power is the bedrock of our modern way of life. In Nigeria, power supply availability, sufficiency and reliability are major operational challenges. At the generation and transmission level, effort is made to ensure status... more
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      Power SystemFault DetectionPower System ProtectionPower System Protection Engineering
Fault detection during power swing condition is a challenge for stable operation of power system due to several reasons. This paper proposes a negative-sequence current-based technique for detecting presence of fault, classification of... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower System ProtectionFault ClassificationFault location
IEC 62305-4 gives the rules for the selection and the installation of surge protective devices (SPDs), where the maximum enhancement factor is considered to be equal to 2 in the worst case of open-circuit condition. The objective of the... more
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      Power ElectronicsPower SystemRoutingMethod of Moments
Maintaining power system reliability in a deregulated market environment is a day-by-day challenge for electrical utilities throughout the world. Stability and thermal limits, voltage collapse and loop flows are usual constraints that... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPower System Protection
This paper describes an adaptive distance relaying scheme which can eliminate the effect of fault resistance on distance relay zone reach. Distance relay is commonly used as main protection to protect transmission line from any type of... more
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      Power SystemsPower SystemFault DetectionElectric Power Systems
This paper presents an overvoltage analysis of the DC catenary in the DC powered railway system. The main objective is to study the sources of damages of on-board equipment and cause service interruption by the occurrence of the surge... more
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      Power System ProtectionRailway SafetySurge Protection
The power system blackout history of last two decades is presented.Conventional load shedding techniques, their types and limitations are presented.Applications of intelligent techniques in load shedding are presented.Intelligent... more
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      Power SystemsGenetic AlgorithmsPower SystemFuzzy Logic Control
Grid interface of renewable energy based distributed generation requires satisfying the interconnection requirements stipulated by the local distribution utility. Detailed testing of protection and control systems is required to ensure... more
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      Power ElectronicsRenewable EnergyRenewable energy resourcesControl Systems
In modern power system protection, an accurate transformation of primary short circuit current is vital to ensure correct operation of the high impedance Restricted Earth Fault (REF) protection scheme used for transformer protection. The... more
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      Power System ProtectionPower EnergyCurrent TransformerShort Circuit Current
In the past decade, new communication schemes have been designed and retrofitted into substations by utilities to integrate data from relays and Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) and capitalize on the protection, control, metering,... more
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      Work EnvironmentPower System ProtectionMiddlewareCommunication System