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Over the last decade, there has been considerable progress in the development of countermeasures for preventing or reducing contamination of animal products by radioisotopes of iodine, caesium and strontium. In this paper, recent... more
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      Radiation ProtectionAgricultureEnvironmental PollutionUkraine
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      Carbon DioxideMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technologyPower Plants
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      Carbon DioxideMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technologyPower Plants
When investigating the toxicity of individual particle sources, it is important to consider the contribution of both primary and secondary particles. In this article, we present the design of a new photochemical chamber that can be used... more
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      PhotochemistryCoalAcid RainPower Plant
Biogas technology, besides supplying energy and manure, provides an excellent opportunity for mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and reducing global warming through substituting firewood for cooking, kerosene for lighting and... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbonAir pollutionMultidisciplinary
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      EconometricsStatisticsRadiobiology of Ionizing RadiationLinear models
The effects produced by emissions from coal-fired power plants, including mainly SO2, NO X and particulates, on natural populations and caged specimens of birds and small mammals were studied. The field-captured species used to evaluate... more
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      Electron MicroscopyScanning Electron MicroscopyCoalAir pollution
The Aguamilpa Dam is part of the reservoir cascade system formed by four reservoirs in the middle and lower part of the Santiago River. For decades, this system has received urban and industrial wastewater from the metropolitan area of... more
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      AgricultureEnvironmental MonitoringRiversMultidisciplinary
A major challenge for modern waste management lies in a smart integration of waste-to-energy installations in local energy systems in such a way that the energy efficiency of the waste-to-energy plant is optimized and that the energy... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringCarbon DioxideAir pollution
Cs-137 is considered to be the most significant anthropogenic contributor to human dose and presents a particularly difficult remediation challenge after a dispersal following nuclear incident. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant meltdown... more
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      SoilEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinaryGamma Spectrometry
... countries since many years ago and it is considered as one of the development indexes [1]. TheBOT contract is a contract in which the client, which usually is from government sector, assigns a private firm with the credit of executing... more
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      Fuzzy set theoryPublic sectorPower PlantRisk Analysis
Energy and GHG emission balances were assessed for 3 biogas plants.
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      MultidisciplinaryItalyBiofuelsPower Plants
The increasing number and size of wind farms call for more data on human response to wind turbine noise, so that a generalized dose-response relationship can be modeled and possible adverse health effects avoided. This paper reports the... more
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      Auditory PerceptionVisual perceptionMultidisciplinaryAeroacoustics
Vertical cylindrical vessel-chambers as a part of coal — drying plants, whose purpose is to collect wastewater, are supported at 3 points in upper dish head area and are made of fine-grained Mn steel plates, joined by welding. Significant... more
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      Materials ScienceFinite Element MethodsMetallurgyHeat Treatment
In the face of a continuing attention to operations and maintenance costs at nuclear power plants, the future of the industry depends largely upon increasing plant availability and improving operating efficiency. The success in achieving... more
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      Power PlantsThermal Power Plants
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      RadiationAdolescentUrban HealthUkraine
The role of the transmission network in the Power System is to transmit the power generated in the power plants to the load centers and the interconnected power systems. The transmission of electric power has to take place in the most... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringComputer Science
Seismic or base isolation is a proven technology for reducing the effects of earthquake shaking on buildings, bridges and infrastructure. The benefit of base isolation has been presented in terms of reduced accelerations and drifts on... more
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      Civil EngineeringTechnologyEarthquake EngineeringPerformance
One of the fundamental challenges in studying cognitive systems in context is how to generalize beyond the specific work setting studied. How does one progress beyond the details of a single case to derive a more general understanding of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHuman FactorsProcess Control
This article reviews the progress made in CO 2 separation and capture research and engineering. Various technologies, such as absorption, adsorption, and membrane separation, are thoroughly discussed. New concepts such as chemical-looping... more
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      Earth SciencesCarbon DioxideCarbonAir pollution
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      EngineeringPower SystemsClimate ChangeBiomass
A systematic approach to optimizing water network has traditionally been utilized to exam and plan water conservation in industrial processes. In the present case study, water-pinch technology was used to analyze and optimize the water... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAlgorithmsCleaner ProductionWater quality
The original contribution of this work is contained in the following statements. A general mathematical model of auxiliary DC installations in power plants was developed in order to he used for analyzing short circuit conditions according... more
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      PackagingPower PlantPower System ProtectionInstallation
The disposal of fly ash as a byproduct of thermic power stations, results in significant environmental problems. The leaching of coal fly ash during disposal is of concern for possible contamination, especially for the aquatic environment... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyLeachingPower Plant
The heuristic-systematic information processing model (HSM) holds that individuals will use one or both of these modes of information processing when attempting to evaluate information in order to arrive at a judgment. Systematic... more
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      Decision MakingForecastingRisk communicationRisk assessment
Capsule'': Urban tree planting can account for a 25% reduction in net cooling and heating energy usage in urban landscapes.
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      Air QualityCarbon DioxideCarbon SequestrationEnvironmental Pollution
For smart metering systems (SMSs), this study presents a novel architecture, which allows simple, secure and fast integration of SMSs with other software products. Proposed architecture that combines better features of two models [Common... more
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      Computer ArchitectureSoftware EngineeringPower SystemData Management
The provision of electricity has been a great benefi t to society, particularly in health terms, but it also carries health costs. Comparison of diff erent forms of commercial power generation by use of the fuel cycle methods developed in... more
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      Environmental HealthDeveloping CountriesElectricityFossil Fuels
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    • Power Plants
As wind turbines get larger, worries have emerged that the turbine noise would move down in frequency and that the low-frequency noise would cause annoyance for the neighbors. The noise emission from 48 wind turbines with nominal electric... more
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      EngineeringAcousticsHousingEnvironmental Monitoring
This doctoral thesis represents a set of new ideas, methods and research re-sults related to improving the efficiency of functioning of ship power plants (SPP) of combined propulsion complexes (CPC). The main motivation for these studies... more
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      Electrical EngineeringEffectivenessProcess Modeling and SimulationMarine Diesel Engines
The disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 released 80 petabecquerel of radioactive caesium, strontium, plutonium and other radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere, polluting 200 000 km 2 of land in Europe. As we discuss... more
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      EcologyUkraineBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
The world production of petroleum coke has been growing in the last years, due to a growing supply of heavy oils. The market is divided among the green coke consumers and the calcinate coke consumers. When taking pollutants into... more
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      Power PlantsPetroleum sciencePetcokeDesulfurization
The study area includes the Municipalities of Gela, Niscemi and Butera located in the South of Sicily, Italy. In 1990 it was declared Area at High Risk of Environmental Crisis. In 2000 part of it was designated as Gela Reclamation Site of... more
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      Environmental HealthForecastingEnvironmental PollutionSicily
This report presents the results of the first phase of the ongoing EG&G Idaho, Inc., Software Reliability Research Program. The program is studying the existing software reliability mc:lels and proposes a state-of-the-art software... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware ReliabilityControl Systems
This study assessed historical changes in metal concentrations in sediments of southern Lake Macquarie resulting from the activities of coal-fired power stations, using a multi-proxy approach which combines (210)Pb, (137)Cs and metal... more
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      AustraliaCoalEnvironmental MonitoringMultidisciplinary
KKS ye göre Besleme suyu Pompa Sistemleri ve Proses Inputları Hakkında
KKS/LAC Boiler Feed Water Pump System/Thermal Power Plant
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringEnergyMakine
Co-gasification of solid waste and coal is a very attractive and efficient way of generating power, but also an alternative way, apart from conventional technologies such as incineration and landfill, of treating waste materials. The... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCoalWaste ManagementPower Plant
The global electrical energy consumption is still rising and there is a steady demand to increase the power capacity. It is expected that it has to be doubled within 20 years. The production, distribution and use of the energy should be... more
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      Power ElectronicsWind EnergyProductionControl
A number of countries have recently discovered and are developing oil and gas reserves. Policy makers in such countries are anxious to obtain the greatest benefits for their economies from the extraction of these exhaustible resources by... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GeographyPolitical EconomyNatural Resources
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      RecyclingWasteMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementGlass
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      Air QualityForestryClimate ChangeRenewable Energy
Thermal power plants (TPPs) that burn fossil fuels emit several pollutants linked to the environmental problems of acid rain, urban ozone, and the possibility of global climate change. As coal is burned in a power plant, its... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCarbonWaste ManagementEnvironmental Pollution
Electric power production from biomass has the potential to make significant contributions to the power mix in the United States, and to do so with substantially fewer environmental impacts than current technologies. Using dedicated... more
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      Power SystemsBiomassPower SystemPower Plant
In high pressure turbine the temperature of the steam will be in a range of 5400c – 5600c and the flow of the fluid flow will be subsonic and supersonic. The pressure and temperature on the blade effects the surface of the blade, life... more
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      AerospaceRenewablesTurbinesPower Plants
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      ForestryClimate ChangeEconomic GrowthCarbon
The study area includes the Municipalities of Gela, Niscemi and Butera located in the South of Sicily, Italy. In 1990 it was declared Area at High Risk of Environmental Crisis. In 2000 part of it was designated as Gela Reclamation Site of... more
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      Environmental HealthForecastingEnvironmental PollutionSicily
The Puertollano Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Power Plant (Spain) fly ash is characterized by a relatively high content of Ga and V, which occurs mainly as Ga 2 O 3 and as Ga 3+ and V 3+ substituting for Al 3+ in the... more
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      EngineeringCarbonPower PlantTemperature