Poverty and Social Exclusion

108 papers
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Poverty and social exclusion refer to the interconnected processes whereby individuals or groups are systematically disadvantaged in accessing resources, opportunities, and participation in societal activities, leading to a lack of basic needs fulfillment and diminished social integration. This field examines the causes, consequences, and potential interventions to address these issues.
Somalia is generally thought of as a homogenous society, with a common Arabic ancestry, a shared culture of nomadism and one Somali mother tongue. This study challenges this myth. Using the Jareer/Bantu as a case study, the book shows how... more
Flooding and poverty are the two social problems that have coexisted within the rural communities of Tsholotsho district. As a result, both problems have negatively affected and disrupted the everyday pattern of lives of people living in... more
by Mohamed A Eno and 
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Certain proponents of slavery in the Islamic world assert that slaves exported from East Africa to the Arabian Peninsula or areas under Arabian domain within Africa were in fact acquired not for agricultural economic purposes but rather... more
Although scholars of Somali Studies have engaged themselves in examining the Somali society from several perspectives, colonial and early Somali writers mainly observed the Somali people as homogenous, egalitarian and nomadic pastoral.... more
Urban development in North-Western Region of India comprising Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Chandigarh is at cross roads. The Region is facing many crucial and new urban challenges in post liberalization era.... more
The Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme was established in Ghana to tackle poverty, yet studies on LEAP yielded inconclusive results on its effects. This article reports on an assessment of the effects of LEAP on... more
Sosyal politika alanında yapılan reformlardan en fazla payı alanlardan biri de eğitim olmuştur. 19. yüzyıldan itibaren çocuk ve gençler gerek sosyal, gerekse ekonomik yönlerden dezavantajlı duruma düşmüşlerdir. Günümüzde sosyal... more
As Rodas dos Expostos de exposição livre foram encerradas em Portugal entre finais dos anos 1860 e 1888 (e não em 1867, como se continua a ler), sendo substituídas por Hospícios distritais de admissão justificada. Em Coimbra aboliu-se em... more
1 Chinese proverb: BETTER teach a man to catch fish than give him fish 1.0 INTRODUCTION One of the contributions of this chapter is to lend weight to the current discourse on asset-based measures of poverty and argue in support of Carter... more
The United States has had a wavering acceptance of immigrants throughout itshistory, from eager invitations to violent and immediate forced removals. Presently, immigrants from Central America are in the spotlight, who have been... more
There have been many studies which show the existence and practice of an open and blatant form of discrimination in the educational institutes against the children of scavenging communities. These practices directly result in a lower rate... more
by Cristobal Kay and 
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Different approaches to the study of rural poverty are discussed focusing on their respective analyses of causes of poverty and their proposals for reducing it.
Canada has yet to develop a unified and interprovincial/territorial social exclusion/inclusion (SE/I) policy framework. The development of such a framework requires a sound grasp of how these terms are understood in the literature and... more
This study focuses on the issue of social exclusion in British tennis. It commences with a critique of current LTA policy, presenting exclusion as static, ahistorical and underpinned by false dichotomies of age and social class. Aspects... more
Purpose-Poverty and inequality undoubtedly remain substantial challenges to economic and human developments amid growing emphasis on intellectual property rights (IPRs) (with recent advances in information and communication technology... more
Περίληψη Το άρθρο διερευνά τη σχέση μεταξύ των ευρύτερων χαρακτηριστικών της δομής των καθεστώτων ευημερίας με το φαινόμενο της έλλειψης στέγης. Για την επίτευξη αυτού του στόχου, στο πρώτο μέρος επιχειρείται μια επισκόπηση της... more
Se hace un estudio del arte frente a una reorganización de los servicios de atención a personas con trastornos conductuales compulsivos, que generan dependencia y la dependencia química a psicoactivos, para demostrar que es un sofisma,... more
This paper seeks to develop a conceptual understanding and analytical framework for assessing social exclusion, which is then applied to the central government’s flagship programmes on sanitation, health and child welfare. It begins by... more
The aam aadmi is back on centre stage in the new political paradigm that the AAP has ushered in. But in a deeply divided society as India’s, there’s the danger that the aamaadmi could very well be promoting oppressive stereotypes and... more
This was a presentation which I was invited to deliver at the meeting of the Chairpersons of the Committees on Social Affairs of the EU countries. The meeting which was part of the parliamentary dimension of the Maltese Presidency of the... more
Περίληψη Το άρθρο χρησιμοποιεί την έννοια του «μίγματος ευημερίας» (welfare mix) ως βασικό ερμηνευτικό εργαλείο, επιχειρώντας να εξετάσει την αναλογία του στις πολιτικές αντιμετώπισης της έλλειψης στέγης στην Ελλάδα. Οι αλλαγές στο μίγμα... more
En este capítulo se analiza, desde una perspectiva de género y en base a casos empíricos de Londres y Buenos Aires, la inmigración latinoamericana a dichas ciudades, en busca de oportunidades laborales. Se contextualizó el análisis... more
In 1957, European Union was founded (with the name of European Economic Community) mainly based on economic integration but when we came to 2017, EU has lots of legislations on certain areas of social policy such as health, education,... more
The reorganization of the poor relief system in Dutch cities in the second half of the 17th century marked a new manner of confessional coexistence in which dissenting communities were entrusted to care for their own poor co-religionists.... more
by Luis Moreno and 
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"El papel marginal de la asistencia social y la ausencia de programas de rentas mínimas han sido considerados como rasgos definitorios del modelo de bienestar de la Europa del Sur. Sin embargo, a lo largo de la década de los años 90 se... more
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. dr hab. Ewa Rokicka, prof. UŁ mgr Patrycja Kruczkowska Przez całą nowoczesność każde kolejne pokolenie miało swoją otchłań z uwięzionymi w niej wrakami zatopionych... more
El gran interés mediático, social y académico que ha despertado hace décadas el tema de los niños de la calle, ha originado una producción considerable de artículos, libros, reportajes, documentales y películas sobre esta problemática. El... more
Jongeren tussen 16 en 25 jaar bevinden zich in een belangrijke overgangsperiode van adolescentie naar volwassene. Ze trachten op eigen benen te staan en door te stromen naar de arbeidsmarkt. Omwille van een achterstand op vlak ICT-kennis... more
Resumen El combate a la pobreza reconoce como lacerante, la condición de marginación y exclusión social que se registra en la población en condición de pobreza extrema y de carencia alimentaria; pero más en la población indígena, a la... more
The intersection of race and poverty continue to play an integral role in maintaining historical disparities in the distribution of social and economic opportunities. In this regard, they are inextricably tied to the preservation of... more
This paper addresses two hot topics of the contemporary debate, social capital and economic growth. Our theoretical analysis sheds light on decisive but so far neglected issues: how does social capital accumulate over time? Which is the... more
Dans les années 1960, le vocable d’exclusion acquiert une nouvelle ampleur analytique grâce aux apports de Michel Foucault et Howard S. Becker. Dans le champ des études historiques et philosophiques, M. Foucault entame avec Histoire de la... more
This volume in the Springer Series in Social Work and Social Change is an effort to examine the status of poverty, (in)equality and marginalization in societies across the globe. The volume will make an attempt to gain insight into the... more
The risk of poverty or social exclusion is considered as an important problem in all European countries, but in Latvia the share of population at-the-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion is above average in the European Union. The aim of... more