Postsecondary Education
Recent papers in Postsecondary Education
Given a growing asset-based approach to equipping English Learners (ELs) with the knowledge and skills to enter and succeed in postsecondary education, this brief examines ELs’ college readiness and postsecondary education outcomes in... more
A Story to Tell: 'A School Made Just for Us' (2017) is an updated and translated version of Storytellers (2016), which was selected as one og the 25 winners of the eponymous contest of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council... more
This course will engage with critical literature on the settler colonial and racist legacies of postsecondary institutions and education more broadly while encouraging students to imagine a just university. What does it mean to study,... more
In this article, the authors discuss friendship as a method of qualitative inquiry. After defining friendship and positing it as a kind of fieldwork, the methodological foundations of friendship as method are established (Tillmann-Healy,... more
This article examines how young African immigrant men in Southern Ontario cope with the dominant racial identity at school in an effort to improve their academic performance and access postsecondary education (PSE). Critical race theory... more
Amendments to the Higher Education Opportunity Act (2008), including the creation of the Transition and Postsecondary Program for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID) model demonstration program, have led to increased... more
The North American Indigenous College Students Inventory (NAICSI) is an instrument that assesses cultural integrity for American Indian and Alaska Native college students across the domains of faculty/staff support, social/peer support,... more
International higher education in the United States, and indeed worldwide, is in a critical moment. Notably, higher education worldwide has changed dramatically over the last ten years with regards to student enrollment, international... more
Using a sample of 144 Native American undergraduates attending predominantly White universities in the United States, this study examined through multilevel regression analyses the influence of interactions with faculty and diverse peers... more
Beginning with an overview of historical perspectives of Native American women, this article includes some discussion of values and practices of contemporary Native American women, data pertaining to Native American women's participation... more
The occupational therapy profession in the United States is considering another shift in the level of entry-to-practice education. Currently, all accredited U.S. occupational therapy education programs offer graduate-entry master's... more
h i g h l i g h t s Studies on instructors' difficulties in teaching students with disabilities are limited. This qualitative study employs interviews to explore science instructors' barriers. The study reports first-order (external) and... more
This chapter provides a description of the evolution of inclusive higher education in the United States, including legislative milestones and policy implications, as well as a description of the current array of higher education programs... more
Higher education worldwide is facing unprecedented challenges - the dramatic rise of college tuition, rapidly increasing demands for accountability, and a complex society that demands college graduates with even more skills and... more
Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002) to examine how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college-related... more
This cross-sectional descriptive study captured the perspectives of 14 college-bound students with ASD at the critical period of transition from high school using an open-ended prompt. The aim was to capture (1) student definitions of... more
This timely volume documents the immediate, global impacts of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on teaching and learning in higher education. Focusing on student and faculty experiences of online and distance education, the text... more
The importance of information is seldom centered in modern college access, college disparities, and college-going discussions. This article situates information and how it shapes college pursuits and intensifies inequities, particularly... more
This volume uses case studies and students' lived experiences to document the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on international students and explore future challenges and opportunities for student mobility within higher education.... more
Can we see art differently? Can others see and experience art as autistic, or non-neurotypical artists do? An autistic, Richard Boswell is someone who thinks and sees differently, navigating through environments that inundates his senses... more
This study followed a qualitative research approach to investigate how welleducated professionals see the role of formal education in building human capital. Individuals need to understand the relationship between education and their... more
Implications of D. Ausubel's Theory of Meaningful Verbal Learning and its derivative, the Advance Organizer' Model of Teaching, for deaf students are examined. Ausubel believes tbt complex intellectual processes (thinking, language,... more
This study tested the conceptual framework of school counseling college-going culture (SCCGC) using a national sample of 15,857 high school students from the High School Longitudinal Study 2009. We examined the relationship of SCCGC... more
This paper grapples with some of the key questions facing those who wish to ensure that Canadian students have access to the kind of STEM learning they will need to succeed in the economies and societies of the 21st century – whether it... more
The decisions to go to college and where are life-altering. Accordingly, college choice theory has been a necessary framework for understanding access and destinations in postsecondary education. The author argues for the need to depart... more
The central question engaged in this chapter is: How can the TALLS framework help to call in spirituality and explorations of spirituality and dialogue into educational spaces? Our starting point is the Learning Spirit (Battiste, 2013) as... more
As the cost of college tuition has increased, policymakers and practitioners have begun to examine the proliferation of college promise programs (i.e., tuition-free grant programs, debt free college programs) across the United States... more
Although some research has shown a negative relation between Facebook use and academic performance, more recent research suggests that this relation is likely mitigated by multitasking. This study examined the time stu- dents at... more
The purpose of this literature review was to locate, describe, and analyze empirical data on mentoring individuals with disabilities in postsecondary (or higher) education. The fundamental question posed was: Is there evidence to support... more
Critical accounts of contemporary higher education are often emplotted by a demand that the state make good on its post-War promises of distributed affluence, inclusion, and social mobility. Oriented by the critical interventions of... more
Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published in printed form and electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the... more
This annotated bibliography does not attempt to be inclusive of this broad field of literature concerning peer collaborative learning. Instead, it is focused intentionally on a subset of the educational practice that shares a common focus... more
Current graduation rates indicate a lack of persistence at public two-year community and technical colleges. This study identifies promising practices found to be effective in the way they help improve graduation rates at public two-year... more
Lire Emanuelle Dufour, Department of Art Education, Concordia University
Manitou College, one of the first Canadian post-secondary institutions for indigenous students, was created in 1973 on the abandoned site of the missile base located in La Macaza, Quebec. Despite its very short existence, Manitou College... more
I prepared this report for the Australian Qualifications Framework Council in 2009. Here is the blurb from the AQF's website: In April 2009, the then Deputy Prime Minister asked the Chair of the AQF Council, Mr John Dawkins AO, to... more
Depuis son ouverture en 2011 à Odanak, l’Institut collégial Kiuna constitue le seul établissement postsecondaire conçu par et pour les Premières Nations du Québec. Il s’inscrit dans la ligne directe de son prédécesseur, le Collège Manitou... more
You Can’t Get an Elder in an App: Elder Engagement for Mi’kmaw and Wolastoqey Post-Secondary Education brings together the voices of many Mi’kmaw and Wolastoqey Elders and other Knowledge Holders, Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey Education Directors... more