Postmodern Theory

94 papers
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Postmodern Theory is an intellectual stance that emerged in the mid-20th century, characterized by skepticism towards grand narratives and ideologies, emphasizing the relativity of truth, the fragmentation of identity, and the interplay of power and knowledge in shaping cultural and social realities.
Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity-the notion that gender is the result of a series of performative acts collectively enacted and sustained in time-has long garnered diametrically opposed interpretations. 1 One reading... more
"Taking a cue from one of the most (in)famous postmodern thinkers, Friedrich Nietzsche, the essays in this book put forth “experiments” in thought rather than arguments for fixed conclusions. Blum brings John Howard Yoder to the same... more
This is the draft of a chapter Paul Stenner and myself wrote for the forthcoming Routledge International Handbook of Postmodern Therapies to be out early in 2025 This chapter offers a new historical and theoretical perspective on... more
La tristezza è una cifra delle narrazioni postmoderne, e la depressione un tema sotteso a molti romanzi e racconti della seconda metà del Novecento. In tre racconti statunitensi, tristezza e depressione sono trasfigurati con effetti... more
Accenni al postmodernismo e alla sua visione caleidoscopica A partire dagli anni Settanta del XX secolo, con l'affermarsi negli Stati Uniti del postmodernismo 1 , s'impone progressivamente l'idea di un'instabilità totale che * Università... more
's Need to Know is an ambitious book. Stackhouse's stated aim is to provide a model for Christian thinking-that is, how to think, as a Christian. Thus, the concept of vocation is a natural structuring motif for Stackhouse's project... more
Il pianeta azzurro è un giallo in potenza; e l’indagine condotta nell’opera è metanarrativa. Lo statuto ambiguo del personaggio Malerba, a metà tra il mondo diegetico e quello extradiegetico, apre a riflessioni metanarrative che mirano al... more
Las preguntas y las traducciones han sido preparadas por Víctor Conejo Abril, Oscar Quejido Alonso y Ana Velasco Lázaro. Queremos agradecer la revisión de las traducciones a Danfeng Jin y a Eduardo Valls Oyarzun.
York University professor Michael Rectenwald found himself the object of a barrage of vicious verbal attacks in 2016 when he took to Twitter and Facebook to object to such recent campus developments as the banning of speakers, the mandate... more
Mathematics education research over the past half century can be understood as operating in four distinct yet overlapping and simultaneously operating historical moments: the process-product moment (1970s-), the... more
This paper tries to evaluates the Postmodern thought with special focus on the key concepts like self, God and World and values by the key postmodernist thinkers of this novel Philosophy. It tries to reflect on the system of philosophies... more
Wallace Stevens can be read as a lyric poet whose early work dramatizes a crisis in modernist aesthetics that opens up the space of the postmodern as an enactment of mythopoetic reversal. In this discussion, before offering... more
In recent years, parents in Turkey have mobilized for their children to pass exams and attend the schools they want, which affects children’s success and psychology severely. In this context, this study investigates the relationship... more
This article describes classical approaches to understanding political discourse analysis as one of the most promising methods of political analysis. The article examines both the critical discourse analysis approaches proposed by G.... more
With Mimmo Pesare. The article presents a review of Subjectivation theory starting from the Foucauldian-Lacanian perspective and considering it as one of the main theoretical questions that, according to the authors, should found the... more
This dissertation seeks to present a reductive definition of the concept of literary modernism. As such, I identify the metaphor of the postmodern structure of consciousness, as the best tool by which to both identify and understand... more
The essay aims to analyze three stages of modern culture: romanticism, modernism and postmodernism as moments in which sublime loses its power in favor of kitsch. Kitsch emerges as the only aesthetic dimensions that combines the various... more
While critics, actors and directors have frequently referred to the "musicality" of the works of Samuel Beckett, nobody has really addressed the question of quite how or why such an effect is achieved. Music and Language in the Work of... more
Elisa Bricco teaches French Literature at the University of Genoa. She has published several studies on contemporary French fiction and on intermediality (Le Défi du roman. Narration et engagement oblique à l'ère postmoderne, 2015). She... more
This book collects the proceedings of the International conference "The Postmodern Condition: Forty Years Later" held at University of Genova on December 2019. The conference took advantage of the fortieth anniversary of the publication... more
In their work published in 2001, “After Postmodernism” (López, Potter 2001), the editors Garry Potter and José López claim that postmodernism was the most influential intellectual trend of the last third of the 20th century, and one of... more
Images, imagination and imaginary. Richard Kearney and the not so mournful wake of postmodernism. This essay aims to locate  The Wake of Immagination within Richard Kearney’s scholarly research and relate it to current theorizations of... more
Starting with the differentiation between the literal meaning of the notion of intersection and its philosophical understanding in the multidimensional contexts of the debate, this paper seeks to highlight those contact zones where the... more
Considerando o esvaziamento semântico do prefixo pós-, o artigo propõe um conceito de pós-consumismo que não seja um simulacro de renovação ou um disfarce para a incapacidade de distingui-lo de um pré-consumismo. O trabalho analisa os... more
The aim of the article titled "Why is it difficult to be different?" is to analyze the matter of “Living rights and educational rights of the disabled students”, which is hushed up although frequently witnessed in our living... more
One hundred years have gone by since the first missionary conference was held at Edinburgh in 1910. The world has changed drastically and the challenges facing Christian missions are different from those times. However, many Christians... more
Ted Cabal is professor of philosophy at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Cabal has served as the Dean of Boyce College, and has also taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dallas Baptist University. He has... more
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the artistic production of photo artist Louise Lawler and the evolution of critical response to her work between the 1970s and 1990s. Of main concern are the manner in which early scholarship and... more
Ogni indagine circa i concetti di trascendenza e immanenza ha riguardato,dall’antichita all’Eta moderna, la questione della verita e, dunque,dell’essenza da cui hanno origine i fenomeni e gli oggetti della nostraesperienza. Una verita da... more
One hundred years have gone by since the first missionary conference was held at Edinburgh in 1910. The world has changed drastically and the challenges facing Christian missions are different from those times. However, many Christians... more
Until now post-structuralism and phenomenology are widely regarded as opposites. Contrary to this opinion, I am arguing that they have a lot in common. In order to make my argument, I concentrate on Judith Butler's poststructuralist... more
The idea behind the title of J. D. Salinger's famous novel The Catcher in the Rye is used in this article to illustrate Erving Goffman's theoretical approach to everyday life. However unlike Holden Caulfi eld, who wants 'to catch' the... more
This article does not claim to be the first piece of postmodern scholarship on Philippine society. In fact, many scholars, both Filipino and foreign, consciously or unconsciously, have already inquired into various domains using a... more
A usual reading of postmodern critiques of science, progress, and the nation-state, has casted postmodernism as pessimistic, if not apolitical. In fact, it is even read as conservative, as it unintentionally enables a continuation of the... more
Call for Papers n. 12/2021: "Paul Ricoeur tra moderno e postmoderno" [Deadline: 15/10/2021]
The struggle for a more democratic future electoral arrangement under the Basic Law has become increasingly confrontational. Verbal violence within the legislative chambers and physical violence outside government offices and on the... more
Analitik bir tarih çizgisi çizerek modernliğin tarihine bir ömür biçmek ve sonunun artık geldiğini ilan etmekten ziyade pek çok eleştiri ve özeleştiriye rağmen hâlâ güçlü kalan ve teknolojiden şehirleşmeye, mimariden felsefeye, eğitimden... more
This volume includes a revised selection of articles based on contributions presented in lectures and panel sessions at the Second Seminar on Postmodernism held at the University of Seville between 2 lst-23rd October 1999. The basic... more
A theory of drawing, and of drawing’s relation to animation, and vice versa.
Animatic apparatus; animatic; hyperanimatic; animation; hyperanimation; the uncanny; the hauntological; the Cryptic Complex;