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      Postcolonial TheoryMozambican LiteratureJosé CraveirinhaFrelimo
La collecte d’objets fut une pratique fréquente dans les territoires occupés par les États européens colonisateurs. À partir de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, les pouvoirs coloniaux encourageaient leurs citoyens implantés dans les... more
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      EntomologyArt HistoryMuseum StudiesEthnography
In Virginia Woolf's 1931 novel The Waves, one of Bernard's many becomings -his 'becoming-savage' -reveals a point of intersection between Woolfian aesthetics and Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy. Moreover, a triangulation of Woolf's... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Virginia WoolfPostcolonial Theory
Most ―mainstream accounts of the West-East divergence gain theoretical inspiration from Max Weber and/or Karl Marx, and have therefore traced the ―rise of the West to the unique social processes that apparently fostered capitalism in... more
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      Historical SociologyMarxismTransnational and World HistoryPostcolonial Studies
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural Studies
Federally-recognized tribes must adapt to many ecological challenges arising from climate change, from the effects of glacier retreat on the habitats of culturally significant species to how sea level rise forces human communities to... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesClimate ChangeCritical Geopolitics
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySelf and IdentitySoutheast Asian Studies
The indigene/settler question has been central to scholarly discourses on land ownership, ethnicity and identity in Nigeria. The legacies of the 1804 Jihad and the subsequent divide and rule colonial model of governance are extant in the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolencePostcolonial StudiesRace and Ethnicity
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryIndigenous StudiesArt
With growing acknowledgment within critical democratic theory that formal inclusion is not enough to guarantee real participation in democratic practice, particularly in the context of deep cultural diversity, this dissertation examines... more
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      Performance StudiesDemocratic TheoryPostcolonial TheoryAesthetic theory
In contemporary classrooms, it is crucial for teachers to have a thorough understanding of sociological issues in education. Understanding Sociological Theory for Pedagogical Practices addresses sociological theory, highlighting its... more
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      Critical TheorySociology of EducationTeacher EducationPoststructuralism
Enacted February 24, 2014 and effective until August 1, 2014, Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act targeted Ugandans of minority sexual orientations and gender identities—many of whom self-identify as 'kuchu'—by imposing life sentences for... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial MovementsQueer Studies
Feministische Interventionen gegen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt führten in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu politisch-institutionellen Maßnahmen. Dieser Entwicklung steht eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung gegenüber, die ihren Blick... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesQueer StudiesPhilosophy of Agency
Enclosed is the syllabus and course notes from the upper division course I teach in PostModernism and Post-Marxist Critical Theory. It occurs to me that some of these essays--ranging from Horkheimer and Adorno, Baudrillard, Foucault, and... more
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryMarxismPostcolonial Studies
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
This paper will discuss the idea of modernism in territory as complex as India, with a focus on the city of Chandigarh. It will be examined how Chandigarh operates within the notion of national identity in India, and specifically, whether... more
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      Modern ArtColonialismPost-ColonialismBritish Empire
In contemporary classrooms, it is crucial for teachers to have a thorough understanding of sociological issues in education. Understanding Sociological Theory for Pedagogical Practices addresses sociological theory, highlighting its... more
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      Critical TheorySociology of EducationTeacher EducationPoststructuralism
International relations theory has broadened out considerably since the end of the Cold War. Topics and issues once deemed irrelevant to the discipline have been systematically drawn into the debate and great strides have been made in the... more
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      Gender StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryFeminist Theory
Cette recension propose une lecture en deux volets des cinq essais qui constituent l'ouvrage de Mbembe, correspondant grossièrement à deux champs de contributions (économie politique et philosophie politique) qu'ils entendent combler.... more
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      Critical Race TheoryPostcolonial TheoryAfricana StudiesAfricana Philosophy
As a subject, post-colonial studies stands at the intersection of debates about race, colonialism, gender, politics and language. In the language of post-colonial studies, some words are new, others are familiar but charged with new... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPost-ColonialismPostcolonial Theory
This Ph.D. is an ethnographic-activist-based project. It first examines the genealogy of popular nationalist-statist and religious enforcements of postcolonial cisheteronormativity in Egypt through the examination of two case studies, the... more
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      Social MovementsPsychoanalysisQueer StudiesIndigenous Studies
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial Theory
O tema geral do Congresso centrou-se nas artes e na criatividade, questionando os processos através dos quais, num mundo cada vez mais global, aberto, diferente e multicultural a criatividade artística é (re)definida, promovida, avaliada... more
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      HistorySociologyCultural StudiesMusic
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingHistory
Postcolonial Encounters in International Relations examines the social and cultural aspects of the political violence that underpinned the French colonial project in the Maghreb, and the multi-layered postcolonial realities that ensued.... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East & North AfricaPostcolonial StudiesFrench colonialism
Australian author David Malouf is well known for his works which deal with identity, language and nature in a colonial setting. Similarly, his Remembering Babylon (1993) discusses the vulnerability of identity within a British colonial... more
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      Critical Race StudiesPostcolonial StudiesRace and RacismRace and Ethnicity
In today’s globalisation, countries compete with each other in the same manner as the multinational corporations do. Recently, the term ‘nation-brand’ has appeared, together with a nation-brand index that tracks how a particular country's... more
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      European StudiesDesignBrand ManagementStrategic Brand Management
The questions of body, identity and existence constitute the bedrock of the post-colonial literature. A fleet of intellectuals stand against the biased, colonial descriptions of the "colored colonies". Since the human body is not exempt... more
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      Cultural StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPostcolonial StudiesRace and Ethnicity
Tageldin’s book engages with postcolonial thought, foregrounding the distinctiveness of the French in Egypt. Rather than emphasize the difference between Briton and Indian in South Asia, this colonial encounter begins with Napoleon... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesFrancophone LiteratureEgyptPostcolonial Theory
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      BioarchaeologyPostcolonial StudiesAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodPostcolonial Theory
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      Postcolonial StudiesCuban StudiesPostcolonial TheoryPostcolonial Literature
This presentation will examine the history of Africans servants in Israeli, British and American films and examine why these problematic representations are still being consume by a global audience.
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      Film StudiesFilm GenreRace and EthnicityPostcolonial Theory
English version of interview with Annett Busch and Anselm Franke, curators of "After Year Zero" exhibition in MoMA Warsaw (summer 2015). This is EXTENDED VERSION of the conversation, so far unpublished
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      Eastern European StudiesTacit KnowledgePostcolonial StudiesPost-Colonialism
China's relations with the African continent continues to be misrepresented within the Western (North American and European) academe. This is due, in part, to the methodological and epistemological assumptions underpinning many research... more
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      Human GeographyInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesPostcolonial Studies
Article Short Summary: This article examines the implications of using different theories concerned with social justice to interpret first generation Quechua (Indigenous) students’ voices for responsive education policy.
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      Critical TheoryEducationEducational LeadershipFeminist Theory
It is widely agreed that British society and culture have been shaped by their interactions with the colonies. By focussing on Samuel Butler, a nineteenth-century New Zealand settler and later a heterodox London intellectual, this paper... more
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      New Zealand LiteratureNew Zealand StudiesPostcolonial StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Communities@Work provides a broad suite of quality community programs of social value and practical benefit. Our vision is for a resilient and socially inclusive community that cares for the well-being of all. Communities@Work's Centre of... more
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      Critical TheorySpecial EducationCurriculum DesignCritical Pedagogy
This paper analyses the human encounters with the alien other in Vandermeer's Annihilation and Burke's Semiosis with the help of post-colonial literary theory where it is argued that the human protagonists position themselves as superior... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationLiteratureScience FictionPostcolonial Theory
El pensador camerunés Achille Mbembe propone la noción de “necropolítica” para entender los procesos tanatopolíticos que se experimentan en los espacios periféricos del sistema-mundo moderno. Aunque el camerunés se apoya en las... more
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      ViolencePostcolonial StudiesPolitical Violence and TerrorismNecropolitics
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      Cultural StudiesIndigenous StudiesDisability StudiesPostcolonial Studies
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      BuddhismPostmodernismLatin American literaturePostcolonial Theory
In this article, we explore the wraparound approach of service delivery as a model for transnational social work. The wraparound model, used primarily within community-based children's mental health services and child protection... more
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      ReligionSociologyHuman GeographyCriminal Law
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      Critical GeopoliticsSociology of KnowledgePolitical EcologyCommunity Engagement & Participation
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      Comparative LawPostcolonial StudiesLegal TheoryPostmodernism
The critical turn has brought a healthy, if unresolved, concern to doing ethnographic research in (forever in lieu of a better term) the “Global South”, where the South is understood as a “post-colonial context”. Broadly this comes out of... more
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      Development StudiesResearch MethodologyPostcolonial StudiesPostcolonial Theory
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      Postcolonial StudiesPostcolonial TheoryPostcolonial LiteratureEcocriticism
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      Black/African DiasporaQueer TheoryShakespeareCritical Race Theory
This thesis intends to disentangle the various understandings of hybridity in peace-building, while pointing out the weaknesses of its claims. Instead of considering it as an alternative to liberal peace-building, this work regards... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesHybridityPostcolonial TheoryPeace Studies
J. M. Coetzee’s Youth (2002), born in the heated times of the reconciliation of races in South Africa, has invited scholarship primarily on two areas: the problem of storytelling and the nature of place. Its predominant aspects,... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Postcolonial Theory
O artigo tem como intenção analisar as associações comumente feitas entre representação e representatividade, que supõem que a representatividade entre produtores leva necessariamente à representação positiva de determinados grupos e... more
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      MulticulturalismFilm StudiesPostcolonial StudiesFilm Analysis