Through narratological analyses of Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy, this project challenges the ingrained epistemologies and ontologies of humanism and anthropocentrism and offers a zoecentric alternative: the “individual” is... more
This paper aims to analyse the epistemological definition of the legal subject in Hart's philosophical and theoretical thought. In order to achieve this, it delves into Hart's well-known doctrine of the minimum content of natural law,... more
O presente artigo pretende desestabilizar os fundamentos do binarismo humanidade/natureza por meio de uma reflexão que amplie o escopo da definição tradicional de violência, demasiadamente antropocêntrica, de maneira a abrir espaço para o... more
The idea of enhancing soldiers with advanced technologies capable of overcoming the limits of the human body is no longer just science fiction, but a rapidly evolving reality. These technologies aim to transform soldiers into enhanced... more
The account of narrative temporality has a propensity to give impetus towards an absurd c o m p l e x i t y. C o s m o l o g i c a l a n d phenomenological collision of time gives rise to this absurdity. Philosophical tradition views the... more
Breve biografía Nerea González Calvo, socióloga especializada en intervención social y en crítica y comunicación cultural. Finaliza la tesis en el programa de
Lavra é um documentário híbrido que tanto mapeia os diferentes danos da atividade mineradora em Minas Gerais quanto narra o processo de luto de uma personagem fictícia frente a morte de um rio. Instigado pela ruptura da Barragem do Fundão... more
RESUMO Os confinamentos do COVID 19 mudaram a nossa relação com o computador: passámos a usá-lo mais mas não necessariamente melhor. Nestes tempos, ensino, trabalho, divertimento e arte recorrem às redes sociais, ao vídeo streamming e a... more
Lavra é um documentário híbrido que tanto mapeia os diferentes danos da atividade mineradora em Minas Gerais quanto narra o processo de luto de uma personagem fictícia frente a morte de um rio. Instigado pela ruptura da Barragem do Fundão... more
Networked technologies have created many learning opportunities and led to new learning models such as massive open online courses (MOOCs). However, MOOCs are an evolving learning model that are even today changing according to learners’... more
Introduction Breast cancer (BC) is the leading cause of cancer death in Caribbean women. Across the Caribbean islands, the prevalence of hereditary breast cancer among unselected breast cancer patients ranges from 5 to 25%. Moreover, the... more
Inspired by the feminist thoughts of Rosi Braidotti and Donna Haraway, the author of this article endeavours to depict the emerging concept of gender neutrality that has developed in Sweden in recent years. The author uses an... more
Para além da ciência e do anthropos: deslocamentos da antropologia da ciência e da tecnologia no Brasil A antropologia da ciência e da tecnologia (ACT) no Brasil tem se desenvolvido com grande fôlego, principalmente a partir da virada... more
Share-copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt-remix, transform, and build upon the material The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
While implementation research has studied the behaviors of street-level bureaucrats (SLBs) extensively, we have very little knowledge about the role of managers in affecting SLB behaviors during implementation of policy reforms. This... more
Activists and scholars often describe environmental racism as an immoral and illegal dumping of toxic waste into poor, Black, and people of colour communities. Yet, the use of environmental habitats in (and with) which Black people are... more
This article * concentrates on the material side of religious intimacy in Afro-Brazilian Umbanda through an 'ontographic' perspective as well as looking at materiality as evidence. It is based on an eleven-month fieldwork period among... more
Setores do extrativismo brasileiro têm sido criticados em virtude da expansão agrícola e minerária na floresta amazônica e nos territórios das comunidades indígenas e tradicionais, que assume cada vez mais o caráter de invasões violentas.... more
In contemporary history, advanced technologies have become important areas of argument and discussion as they are intricately connected to our development and survivability. World War II gave rise to numerous new technologies, and later... more
En este artículo se plantea una revisión teórica del desarrollo seguido por muchas de las principales investigaciones sobre cuidados y de la centralidad que el feminismo les ha otorgado. Argumentamos que ello ha llevado a concebir los... more
When Anglo-Saxon warriors buckled on gem encrusted, intricately wrought gold arms and armor, they did not merely transform their appearance, but shifted their fundamental ontology. We consider objects from the Staffordshire Hoard as... more
Resumo: neste artigo, apresenta-se uma análise do filme Joker (2019) de Todd Phillips. O filme é compreendido no gênero estudo de personagem e aqui considerado sob a contínua frustração de expectativas na narrativa fílmica operadas pelo... more
20 2002), inevitably engaged with the abiding concern for the spatial, 'travel' qualities of tourism. 10 'Mobilities' became a name that is cultural or paradigmatic itself (Mavrič and Urry 2007), and that also 'mobilises culture' (Urry... more
This paper approaches the polemics on (inter)disciplinarity in design from a frequently overlooked viewpoint: that of the design-artifact itself. It is, in that sense, a critique of current (inter)disciplinary discourse itself (as opposed... more
The endeavour of the present paper is to trace the roots of what we know as patriarchy in common usage or utterance. Is patriarchy essentially a term associated with oppression/repression, especially of women? Is it some invisible... more
El discurso posthumanista esta empezando a hacerse sentir en el contexto educativo y particularmente en el ambito escolar. Una de las primeras cuestiones que esas transformaciones paradigmaticas suscitan en este contexto se insertan en el... more
Together with Paul Gilroy she has recently edited the volume Conflicting Humanities (2016). CV: Your latest book is called The Posthuman. In consideration of your philosophical development, which is rooted in the study of Foucault, in an... more
La abundancia de métodos de experimentación artística es algo que requiere de metodologías alternativas para su estudio y su evaluación. «Diffractive Interfaces» es una propuesta de investigación que se centra en la relación... more
En este artículo se plantea una revisión teórica del desarrollo seguido por muchas de las principales investigaciones sobre cuidados y de la centralidad que el feminismo les ha otorgado. Argumentamos que ello ha llevado a concebir los... more
is doctoral thesis examines contemporary human relationships with animals in a Western context by means of three 'relational' art projects produced by Snaebjörnsdóttir/ Wilson-nanoq: fl at out and bluesome; (a)fl y; and seal. It explores... more
What is disclosed in the questioning of the human being in post-humanism? Addressing this question in congruence with Heidegger's questioning of being in Being and Time, we end up with two discoveries: first, that the characteristic of... more
RESUMO Partindo-se da noção de “outros estruturais” do sujeito projetado/produzido pela tradição humanista, apresentada por Braidotti (2011; 2013; 2016), defende-se que as tecnologias da escrita, notadamente o texto e o livro, são... more
Partiendo de la concepción de sujeto post-humano, entendido por Rosi Braidotti y Donna Haraway como una construcción nómade y múltiple en la que el vínculo con lo tecnológico y con el medio ambiente resultan constitutivos, propongo... more
The purpose of this article is to discuss the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the design of the Deep House project (Fig. 1), an attempt to use estrangement as a method to emancipate a house from a canonical approach to the... more
RESUMO: Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre as atividades Previously e Newsletter como propostas que tiveram um expressivo envolvimento estudantil no conjunto de ações artísticopedagógicas do Campo Remoto. O Campo Remoto foi o projeto... more
This paper contends that a robust concept of the technosphere-indeed one that is truly adequate to the Anthropocene-must be approached using a plurality of methods that do not categorize agencies or rely on hierarchical scalar analysis.... more
Life in the era of biotechnology opens up opportunities but also poses challenges related to our values and questions regarding the way we want to see coexistence on our planet, which is inhabited by many species. The parasite is our... more
This paper looks at both theoretical and practical research on embodied knowledges and fermented foods. The paper consists of two chapters. In the first chapter, I discuss the history of human-microbial socioecological relations from 7000... more
This paper explores the impact post-human stance has on the study of the learning process. It shows how this new paradigm which focuses upon the relationship between human and non-human modifies our understanding of education. First, we... more
Much has been argued within the fertile critical field of feminism in the second half of the twentieth century. With the advantage of distance from the twenty-first century, we can now gain a certain perspective on the general context of... more
A quali condizioni l'umanesimo può trasformarsi in post-umanesimo? In questo saggio cerchiamo di argomentare a favore di un'ontologia in cui la dif-ferenza tra un essere umano e un cavolfiore, cioè quella del dualismo... more
Lavra é um documentário híbrido que tanto mapeia os diferentes danos da atividade mineradora em Minas Gerais quanto narra o processo de luto de uma personagem fictícia frente a morte de um rio. Instigado pela ruptura da Barragem do Fundão... more
Este estudo faz uma breve revisão do percurso do ateliê do artista na história da arte, situando sua importância em alguns momentos da história, chegando ao contemporâneo. Em uma análise da importância desse espaço de criação para o... more
Este artículo trata de cómo nuestra comprensión del lenguaje y del pensamiento ha sido transformada por el lenguaje informático. Lo virtual requiere un análisis filosófico respecto a su relación con lo real. La hiper-realidad sustituye a... more
This paper is divided into two realms. The first portion aims at addressing the post-humanist developments that continually assay to evolve whilst ambivalently opining about the castaways of the world who are the end products of... more