Marketing and management scholars have provided prolific research into the areas of relationship marketing and organisational culture respectively. The close linkage between these areas, however, has been overlooked. This paper aims to... more
A gestao da mudanca e seu efeito nos empregados em processos de Fusoes e Aquisicoes (M&A) e um dos principais desafios enfrentados por gestores. Implica em saber como lidar com expectativas, incerteza e stress, de forma a minimizar o... more
Le relazioni di guanxi per l'accesso ai business network cinesi di Fabio Musso * 1. I processi di comunicazione nella cultura cinese Per operare in Cina o con la Cina è necessaria una approfondita conoscenza delle condizioni... more
This research examines the post-merger administrative changes in the Erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(KP) almost six years after the 2018 merger. Policymakers may be optimistic, but the region... more
The number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A s) is increasing all over the world. As a result, more and more firms face the challenges of integrating eg operations, personnel, information systems and R&D once the deal is closed.... more
Distribution électronique pour Association de Recherches et Publications en Management. Distribution électronique pour Association de Recherches et Publications en Management. La reproduction ou représentation de cet... more
Overview The ABC Guide to Due Diligence Study is a comprehensive resource for anyone involved in conducting due diligence investigations. Whether you are a business owner, investor, or professional advisor, this book will provide you with... more
Obiettivo del paper: L' obiettivo del lavoro consiste nella valutazione delle principali determinanti della crisi delle grandi imprese in Amministrazione Straordinaria. Ciò allo scopo di verificare se tali fattori risultino coerenti con i... more
Companies in difficult financial situations may seek to survive through mergers and acquisitions. Managers must be able to use company resources efficiently to maintain and improve competitiveness and sustainable advantages. Managers'... more
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page... more
Employee engagement has recently been introduced as a concept advantageous to organizations. However, little is known about the value of employee engagement in explaining work performance behaviors compared with similar concepts. The... more
Definitions list M&A: Acronym for Mergers and Acquisitions. These are transactions involving the purchase of another organization' stocks in order to take control of it. SIT: Acronym for Social Identity Theory. The theory explains the... more
Successful post-acquisition integration hinges on combining hard and soft integration, but insights into how this can be done are scarce. We develop a dynamic model of postacquisition integration through an in-depth inductive study of a... more
There is a significant and growing body of research on radical innovation as a path to corporate renewal and growth. Despite this existing literature, very little is known regarding the role of radical innovation in medium-sized... more
is als hoogleraar Marktkunde en Marktonderzoek verbonden aan de Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen (FEW) van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Drs. G.B.W. Willenborg is als universitair docent Marktkun de verbonden aan de FEW van de... more
Evidence shows that radical innovation is important for longterm firm success. There are still strong uncertainties about the way companies could achieve such innovations. Internal growth has been extensively studied as a way to develop... more
During the last decades, the corporate world has witnessed a significant rise in the number of cross border mergers and acquisitions (M&As). In cross border M&As, not only different corporate cultures collide, but also different... more
This study examines employees' sense of power as a predictor of job crafting. Building on situated focus theory of power, we hypothesize that a personal sense of power enables employees to become more flexible, which in turn activates... more
Companies in difficult financial situations may seek to survive through mergers and acquisitions. Managers must be able to use company resources efficiently to maintain and improve competitiveness and sustainable advantages. Managers'... more
Companies in difficult financial situations may seek to survive through mergers and acquisitions. Managers must be able to use company resources efficiently to maintain and improve competitiveness and sustainable advantages. Managers'... more
In 1864 a schism in the historic Jewish community of Mikvé Israel, founded in 1651, resulted in the formation by separatists of Reform Jewish community Emanu-El. One hundred years later, these two communities merged to become Mikvé... more
Er bestaat een zekere overlapping in tijd tussen de (eerste) post-en de face-to-face enquête. De schriftelijke vragenlijst is een verkorte versie van de mondelinge. Op die manier kunnen specifieke methode-effecten op de antwoordpatronen... more
Evidence shows that radical innovation is important for longterm firm success. There are still strong uncertainties about the way companies could achieve such innovations. Internal growth has been extensively studied as a way to develop... more
L’objet de cette recherche tend à démontrer comment la tension paradoxale entre autonomie organisationnelle (AO) et interdépendance stratégique (IS) est gérée au cours d’un processus de fusion-acquisition. Nous soutenons que dans le but... more
Daniel Bretonès, Antoine Saïd« De la performance application au cas de l'intelligence économique (I.E) et du management des connaissances (K.M) », Vie & sciences de l'entreprise 2007/1 (N° 174-175), p. 181-210.
Merger and Acquisition is one of the most researched areas in the field of finance, economics and strategic management. The post-merger performance of firms has for long been an area of study and research and still an ongoing one. Whether... more
This study examines the short-and-long run share performance of acquirer companies listed on the Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange (Tadawul) from 1 January 2000 to 31 August 2017. Market-adjusted initial returns and buy-and-hold abnormal return... more
Malgre l’engouement des organisations pour les fusions-acquisitions (F/A), leur taux d’echec eleve invite a continuer la recherche en proposant de nouvelles cles de lecture. De nombreux travaux soutiennent que les F/A necessitent de... more
Distribution électronique pour Management Prospective Ed.. © Management Prospective Ed.. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans... more
L’objet de cette recherche tend à démontrer comment la tension paradoxale entre autonomie organisationnelle (AO) et interdépendance stratégique (IS) est gérée au cours d’un processus de fusion-acquisition. Nous soutenons que dans le but... more
A wealth of research indicates that by improving staff engagement levels, improvements will be seen in a range of staff, patient and trust outcomes. Against a background of increasing pressure within the NHS (Murray, 2018), this research... more
This study aims to examine the long-term performance of post-Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) based on the motive's category. This study also examines whether the governance at firm-level and country-level affects the relationship between... more
Communication is generally viewed as a critical component in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) performance, yet surprisingly little research has examined the link between different communication approaches and M&A outcomes. This paper... more
Australasian ( ACIS ) 2007 ERP : More than Just a System The Role of ERP in Mergers and Acquisitions
Company takeovers continue to be a common corporate practice. Where these involve the acquisition of similar businesses the speed of integration is regarded as a contributory factor to the success of the acquisition. In this paper the... more
An extensive body of literature has suggested that the influence of culture on the postmerger integration process and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) performance is critical. However, the results of empirical studies are contradictory and... more
As the motives of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are different across industries, this study examined the synergy effects of technological gains and capital intensity on the operating performance of the acquiring firms after M&As. The... more
Results show that highly ethnocentric individuals respond more positively (attitude towards the ad and self-brand congruity) to localization and glocalization advertising strategies compared to a globalization strategy, while lowly... more
The banking sector turmoil has produced important structural changes, and generated significant opportunities for banking institutions to initiate mergers and acquisitions. Notwithstanding, many of them fail to anticipate strategic... more
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) scholars have long been interested in the analysis of M&A processes trying to explain how M&As perform and we decided to examine what opinions the authors of some studies expressed regarding M&As success or... more
The corporate sector all over the world is restructuring its operations through different types of consolidation strategies like mergers and acquisitions in order to face challenges posed by the new pattern of globalization. Cross-border... more
Objectives: This study aims to investigate the impact of mergers and acquisitions related events on the shareholders' wealth in Telecom sector of Pakistan. Statistical analysis: Event study methodology has been used to achieve this... more
In the past decades, cross-border mergers and acquisitions have increased in popularity, with a significant push in number of transactions in the 1990s. Among other reasons, companies are looking for acquiring targets abroad to... more