Post Communism

380 papers
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Post-Communism refers to the political, economic, and social transformations that occur in countries following the collapse of communist regimes, particularly in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This period is characterized by the transition to market economies, democratic governance, and the redefinition of national identities and institutions.
En las regiones tropicales de Suramérica, el dengue ha aumentado aceleradamente su incidencia y tasa de morbilidad, sobre todo en la población infantil. En este sentido, Venezuela se encuentra entre los países con mayor repercusión... more
El presente trabajo busca abordar un espacio intersticial, la crisis cubana de los anos 90 en tanto segmento historico que logro exponer algunas tensiones constitutivas de la modernidad. En este sentido resulta clave la restitucion de la... more
ALEKSANDRA KUSTRA-ROGATKA** "(...) History is like the ocean. Years of quiet, when gentle wind blows and waves splash against the shores, alternate with stormy times, when waves rise like mountains and hit against the shore as if they... more
Je remercie chaleureusement ma directrice de thèse, Marie-Élizabeth Ducreux, avec laquelle le dialogue constant et nourri a largement contribué à l'orientation prise par cette thèse. Son soutien, ses remarques, ses compléments ont été... more
Je remercie chaleureusement ma directrice de thèse, Marie-Élizabeth Ducreux, avec laquelle le dialogue constant et nourri a largement contribué à l'orientation prise par cette thèse. Son soutien, ses remarques, ses compléments ont été... more
Je remercie chaleureusement ma directrice de thèse, Marie-Élizabeth Ducreux, avec laquelle le dialogue constant et nourri a largement contribué à l'orientation prise par cette thèse. Son soutien, ses remarques, ses compléments ont été... more
and 2014. While it did not fulfill any formal academic requirements, it was pursued as a voluntary initiative to explore and critically analyze the public history of the Pashtun people. This endeavor aimed to engage in meaningful academic... more
More Info: Autorzy: M. Hartliński, P. Bajda, L. Hurska-Kowalczyk, D. Mikucka-Wójtowicz, M. Kubat, M. Papla, M. Sikora-Gaca, J. WojnickiOrganization: Instytut Nauk Politycznych UWM w OlsztyniePublication Name: Przywództwo partyjne w... more
Twenty-five years after the fall of Communism in Southeastern Europe, the continued struggle with authoritarian governments, state capture, radical income inequality, and poor social services leaves many asking "what went wrong"where is... more
As we are accustomed to, the predigious Polirom publishing house from Iaşi is offering students, specialists in social sciences but also to the grand public a new, interesting and wothy paper. It appears in the social science and... more
In this study we propose to analyze the way the act of justice behaves a series of social engineering. Starting from the building social theory measure expressed by the P. Berger and Th.E. Luckmann and taking into account the research... more
In this study we propose to analyze the way the act of justice behaves a series of social engineering. Starting from the building social theory measure expressed by the P. Berger and Th.E. Luckmann and taking into account the research... more
The paper follows in the assumption that the transformations of central-european and Balkan cities taking place in the second half of the 20th century can be considered a symptom of complex economic, social and political processes related... more
This article deals with the mysterious side of Mircea Nedelciu's fictional geography. Often underestimated by the critics in terms of their aesthetic and conceptual value, these "mysterious territories" (utopian... more
Book Review Islam after Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia Author: Adeeb Khalid
Introducción:El dengue es una enfermedad viral transmitida por un vector (mosquito aedes aegypti) que es endémica en nuestra ciudad y que presenta sintomatología inespecífica hasta su periodo de fase crítica en la que se pueden manifestar... more
The article examines four centre—right parties in East-Central Europe in order to assess the impact of ideology on party organization and revisit the thesis of organizational weakness in the region. The data collected indicate that,... more
اختتامی بات یہ ہے کہ میکسول کی مساواتیں صرف نظری نشانیاں نہیں ہیں بلکہ انہیں عملی اوزار سمجھا جا سکتا ہے جو طبیعی عالم کے سمجھنے اور الیکٹرومیگنیٹک پدیدائیوں کو فنیاتی ترقی کے لیے بہتر بنانے میں کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔ ان کا اثر بنیادی طور پر... more
This article deals with the mysterious side of Mircea Nedelciu's fictional geography. Often underestimated by the critics in terms of their aesthetic and conceptual value, these "mysterious territories" (utopian... more
As in other settler/invader colonies that artificially invented and inserted themselves as nation-states in regions where they did not naturally belong, the collective feelings of estrangement and the reassessment of Canada’s history and... more
Manole explores how an exilic actor’s foreign accent can evolve from a barrier to working in mainstage theatre to a site of simultaneously acknowledging and negotiating differences between natives and exiles. As a case study, she... more
Sexual politics play a key role in anti-Muslim narratives. This has been observed by scholarship-W subjects focusing on countries such as France, the USA and the Netherlands. Yet interrogations into how these debates play out in European... more
De redes sociales recíprocas a grupos de acción para el intercambio de mercado: la "privatización espontánea" en la Hungría post-comunista 1. 2
This article explores the role of politics and public debates in the pursuit of transitional justice after communism. Our analysis of Albania and Poland enables a variation of both explanatory factors and results. The two cases feature... more
This article explores the role of politics and public debates in the pursuit of transitional justice after communism. Our analysis of Albania and Poland enables a variation of both explanatory factors and results. The two cases feature... more
The paper is a critical commentary of The Legacies of Totalitarianism: A Theoretical Framework authored by Aviezer Tucker. This book presents the evolution of totalitarian communism, its transformation and an analysis of problems of... more
Myslim and Shermin Mustafa who opened the door to the American dream to me and so many others and to my parents Astrit and Myhyre Mustafa who sacrificed their lives for their children's education.. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This dissertation... more
Myslim and Shermin Mustafa who opened the door to the American dream to me and so many others and to my parents Astrit and Myhyre Mustafa who sacrificed their lives for their children's education.. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This dissertation... more
Across Europe, traditional parties of the left seem to be in terminal decline. In Western Europe, support for social-democratic and socialist parties sank to insignificance in the 2017 French and Dutch elections. In the 2018 German... more
RESUMEN El Dengue es un malestar vírico epidémico y endémico, es trasferido por mosquitos del género Aedes, hasta la actualidad va produciendo una arbovirosis a nivel mundial en términos de morbilidad, mortandad e impacto financiero. El... more
"Clinical and Laboratory Characterization of Dengue Patients Treated at a Private Hospital in Brazil."
Automedicación o Autoprescripción, ¿Dónde está la problemática? Self-medication or self-prescription, where is the problem? Automedicação ou autoprescrição, onde está o problema?
This thesis focuses on novels, essays, films, and popular culture miscellanea representative of Central and Eastern Europe, in the attempt to explain how nostalgia developed in this area since the fall of the Iron Curtain. Post-socialist... more
This article describes the concepts and approaches to Cultural Opposition used by the COURAGE project (funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme). It examines how can the legacy of Cultural Opposition be analyzed... more
Across Europe, traditional parties of the left seem to be in terminal decline. In Western Europe, support for social-democratic and socialist parties sank to insignificance in the 2017 French and Dutch elections. In the 2018 German... more
The aim of this article is to characterise Russian youth living in a country which has been at war with neighbouring Ukraine since 24 February 2022. Considering the difficulty of directly reaching the target group, a non-invasive research... more
یہ کتاب کا سب سے اہم باب ہے۔ ہم اسلامی انقلابی ہیں اور کتاب لکھنے کا بنیادی مقصد اسلامی عقلیت کے نظاماتی غلبہ کی راہ ہموار کرنا ہے۔ اس دور میں اسلامی عقلیت کے مدمقابل جو غالب عقلیت ہے وہ ریشنلٹی ہے۔ پھچلے باب میں ہم نے ان چیدہ چیدہ کفار... more
enparaguay-sisifo/). Reproducido con autorización.