Pornography Studies
Recent papers in Pornography Studies
As pornography use becomes more commonplace in the United States, and increasingly so among younger cohorts, a growing literature is considering its potential connection to key social and cultural institutions. The current study examines... more
Numerous studies have examined the connection between pornography viewing and marital quality, with findings most often revealing a negative association. Data limitations, however,have precluded establishing directionality with a... more
In New Views on Pornography: Sexuality, Politics, and Law, eds. Lynn Comella and Shira Tarrant (Praeger, 2015): 125-145
Se discute la relación entre la pornografía como un dominio de la transparencia sexual y la libertad de expresión.
This paper will discuss how porngraphy has evolved and developed a strong foothold in our society. It will also discuss the affects pornography can have on the brain and why those affects are very often addiction.
Pornologías es una mirada latinoamericana sobre lo que ha pasado en el pos(t) porno en Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, México, desde el activismo, el arte y la academia.
Pornography, like "high" art and popular culture-for that matter, like conservative, liberal, and radical spectators, men and women, people of color and people that pass as white-engages in overt and implicit, complex if not always... more
This article considers the creation and circulation Peter De Rome 1971 pornographic short film Hot Pants and its use of James Brown’s then recently released track of the same name. De Rome’s film drew from footage of his own sexual and... more
Corrientemente, cuando se piensa en la relación sexo-tecnología, lo más común es pensar que la tecnología ha modificado nuestra "sexualidad", aunque precisamente sepamos con poca o nula certeza qué se quiera decir con ello. Es cierto, la... more
This chapter positions pornography as an important media genre for both questioning normative expectations and exploring forms of resistance to intersectional subjugations. Media literacy provides tools for critically analyzing the gender... more
Publisher: NewStatesman
Author: Rhiannon and Holly
Date: Mar. 11, 2013
porn, pornography, porn culture, misogyny, raunch culture, sexual assault, rape, rape culture, sexualization, sex, sexuality
Author: Rhiannon and Holly
Date: Mar. 11, 2013
porn, pornography, porn culture, misogyny, raunch culture, sexual assault, rape, rape culture, sexualization, sex, sexuality
The essays collected in this book focus on unusual relations and marginal objects, with the purpose to draw a portrait of Luchino Visconti less fossilized than that resulting from canonical authorial perspectives, and more vividly... more
Polyamory. Loving More than One A biographical portrait of non-monogamous relationship cultures In the mainstream of academic Psychology, the concept of the monogamous relationship between two people is rarely called into question. The... more
This article examines young women’s common ‘orientations’ towards pornography as they appear across a range of qualitative research. These orientations, which I define as ‘learner’, ‘laugher’, ‘lover’ and ‘critic’, reflect both common... more
We may know pornography when we see it, but the business of pornography is a surprisingly elusive subject. Reliable figures about the industry are difficult to come by and widely disputed, but one matter that is hardly debatable is that... more
Labelled as ‘new extreme’, 'Ett hål i mitt hjärta' ('A Hole in My Heart') (Moodysson, 2004) controversially straddles the boundaries of art and pornography, challenging the supposed eroticism of pornography with disgusting re-enactments... more
This volume contains in-depth essays in English by the ethicist Thomas Schirrmacher, who is known for representing Christian-ethical standards. He is actively engaged in pastoral counseling in German churches and the Third World and in... more
Sex work was not a prominent public issue in the USA a generation ago. Law and law enforcement were fairly settled. Over the past two decades, however, a robust campaign has sought to intensify the stigmatization and criminalization of... more
O livro O olhar pornô: a representação do obsceno no cinema e no vídeo, de Nuno Cesar Pereira de Abreu, nasceu da dissertação de mestrado (de mesmo título) do autor, defendida no ano de 1994, pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes da... more
Une approche éclairante de la pornographie comme milieu socio-professionnel et comme "monde de l'art", qui pose la question de la construction sociale de l'hétérosexualité.
The field of audience studies has undergone something of a change in the last twenty years. From considering film and television viewers to be passive consumers, scholars now recognise the active role that audiences play in the... more
In Leaving and Coming Home: New Wineskins for Catholic
Sexual Ethics, ed. David Cloutier, 62-84. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2010.
Sexual Ethics, ed. David Cloutier, 62-84. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2010.
Bruce LaBruce (born Justin Stewart, 1964-) is a Canadian writer, director, and photographer known for queer media. LaBruce studied film at York University in Toronto, and began his career writing for publications such as Cineactio and his... more
Las prácticas culturales en su conjunto están enmarcadas en y atravesadas por un contexto informacional que traza el camino por el que transita el siglo XXI. Pero ¿cuál es la entidad de este ser al que llamamos información? ¿Bajo qué... more
In this paper, I suggest that the notion of consent acts as the basis for sexual health protocol in mainstream straight porn production. I further suggest that this is problematic, and demonstrate alternative policy visions offered by gay... more
Gender, Sex, and Politics: In the Streets and Between the Sheets in the 21st Century includes twenty-seven chapters organized into five sections: Gender, Sexuality and Social Control; Pornography; Sex and Social Media; Dating, Desire, and... more
Pornography is an important phenomenon of human history and needs further research from an interdisciplinary and global perspective. The editor of Pornography -Interdisciplinary Perspectives, which is supposed to provide an extensive and... more
This paper explores the surprising historical connections between philosophical and pornographic writing (such as pornography written by or about philosophers, and works that are both philosophical and pornographic). Examples discussed... more
Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures and Other Latina Longings proposes a theory of sexual politics that works in the interstices between radical queer desires and the urgency of transforming public policy, between utopian longings and everyday... more
Roz. 8. „Fetyszyzm medyczny a biowładza” (s. 283-305).
An overview of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case that established the standard in designating obscenity in media works; how this ruling reflects the double standards that persist between women's and men's sexual expressions of desire.