Porifera, Marine
Recent papers in Porifera, Marine
With the completion of a single unified classification, the Systema Porifera (SP) and subsequent development of an online species database, the World Porifera Database (WPD), we are now equipped to provide a first comprehensive picture of... more
Cartographie du couvert vegetal marin du golfe de gabes et mise en place d'un reseau de surveillance du de Posidonia oceanica. La cartographie a ete realise a travers 4800 stations d'observations directes par plongee au scaphandre... more
Thirty-three (33) species of marine sponge were identified in this study. Four were identified as possiblynew to science; a short description of these species is given here. In addition, one species has potential for bath sponge culture.... more
HPLC-UV-ELSD-MS-guided fractionation of the anti-parasitic extract obtained from the marine sponge Monanchora arbuscula, collected off the southeastern coast of Brazil, led to the isolation of a series of guanidine and pyrimidine... more
The depth distribution and abundance of shallow water marine sponges were studied at six stations around Cebu Island, Philippines. Four depth zones were identified: Zone 1 (1-2m); Zone 2 (3-9m); Zone 3 (10-12m); and Zone 4 (13-18m).... more
Sponges are very important in the marine ecosystems and also represent organisms known for producing a diversity of chemicals. The present study was performed from September 2009 to February 2010 and aimed at making a mapping of the... more
Kelompok1_Porifera_Taksonomi Hewan PPT Materi Porifera Kelompok 1 Selamat pagi Bu Niken dan teman-teman semua. Disini kami dari kelompok 1 dengan anggota 1. Diah Kusumawati (4401419015) 2. Risma Irfiyani (4401419042) Izin meng-upload... more
Se registra por primera vez la presencia de Amorphinopsis atlantica en un sistema lagunar del golfo de México. Esta esponja fue reportada en Brasil donde prefiere asentarse sobre costas rocosas y en estuarios. Las observaciones y... more
2011 GSA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis (912 October 2011). Paper No. 15-14, Presentation Time: 11:30 AM-11:45 AM. REASSESSING THE EVOLUTIONARY FRAMEWORK FOR EARLY SPONGES: NEW LINES OF EVIDENCE FROM BURGESS SHALE-TYPE FAUNAS. ...
Three species of marine sponge; Callyspongia aerizusa, Cribrochalina olemda and Haliclona koremella were cultured in situ and their growth and survival rates were determined. The culture experiment was carried out at the drop-off fronting... more
The genus Disparella (D. fusiformis Fedorov, 1987, by original designation) was established in Fedorov and Pereladov [1] for distinctive fossil spiculae of sponges from NorthEastern Siberia of Cambrian age. However, Hessler [2] , a living... more