The Civic Theatre was created by a deconsecrated church during the period of Ligurian Republic. It was realized by the neoclassicist architect Ippolito Cremona and inaugurated the 18 July 1846. After some changes made at the end of the... more
Background Malaria remains one of the most significant global health challenges, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Despite ongoing control efforts, malaria transmission persists due to complex biological, environmental,... more
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students... more
Olli Tahvonen is a professor of environmental economics at the Finnish Forest Research Institute, Unioninkatu 40A, 00170 Helsinki, �inl�n� �e��il� �lli������nen��e�l��� �� His ���e� ��� li��i�n is ��e �is�e�� �n� �n�i��n� �inl�n� �e��il�... more
Apex marine predators can structure marine communities, so factors underlying their abundance are of broad interest. However, such data are almost completely lacking for large sharks. We assessed the relationship between tiger shark... more
An ecotechnological approach to control crayfish (Procambarus clarkii ) infestation in rice fields of the Lower Mondego River Valley (Central Portugal) has recently been investigated. The application of the biodegradable non-ionic... more
1. Populations of migratory birds often mix to a considerable extent in their wintering areas. Knowledge about the composition of wintering populations is highly relevant to management, not least for species such as the great cormorant... more
Populations of migratory birds often mix to a considerable extent in their wintering areas. Knowledge about the composition of wintering populations is highly relevant to management, not least for species such as the great cormorant... more
We consider optimal control of a new type of non-local stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). The SPDEs have space interactions, in the sense that the dynamics of the system at time t and position in space x also depend on the... more
Pattern dynamics of a three-trophic population model was numerically investigated in a twodimensional space. By measuring the spatial correlation function of the domain patterns, whose density was higher than 90% of the maximum density in... more
Current measures used to estimate the risks of toxic chemicals are not relevant to the goals of the environmental protection process, and thus ecological risk assessment (ERA) is not used as extensively as it should be as a basis for... more
Previous work on resource constrained adaptive search for sparse static targets has produced two-stage allocation policies with desirable properties. For example, for large asymptotic SNR, such policies converge to the true region of... more
Most population models assume that individuals within a given population are identical, that is, the fundamental role of variation is ignored. Here we develop a general approach to modeling heterogeneous populations with discrete... more
A class of models of biological population and communities with a singular equilibrium at the origin is analyzed; it is shown that these models can possess a dynamical regime of deterministic extinction, which is crucially important from... more
Most population models assume that individuals within a given population are identical, that is, the fundamental role of variation is ignored. Here we develop a general approach to modeling heterogeneous populations with discrete... more
Managers of forest wildlife populations make recurring management decisions based on incomplete knowledge of system states. For example, animal population estimates may ignore spatial structure that may influence population viability. We... more
Summary This paper deals with the problem of software sensor (state estimation) to study the uncertain continuous age- structured model of a harvested fish population, in order to get an estimation of the biomass of fishes by age class.... more
Anthropogenic disturbances may alter a population's conservation status if the ability of individuals to survive and breed is affected. We used an adaptation of the Heligman-Pollard model to estimate survival at age of Cook Inlet belugas... more
A length-based population model for Bristol Bay red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus was updated and applied to abundance and catch data from 1968 to 1994. The updated model has fewer parameters and assumes constant natural mortality... more
A simple weakly frequency dependent model for the dynamics of a population with a finite number of types is proposed, based upon an advantage of being rare. In the infinite population limit, this model gives rise to a non-smooth dynamical... more
Accommodating the needs of a large number of diverse users in the Internet of Things (IoT), notably managing how the users access the common channel, has posed unique challenges to the network designers. In this paper, we study a... more
The first record of Pallas's Warbler (Phyl1oscopus proregulus) for North America was documented at Gainbell, Saint Lawrence Island, Alaska, on 25-26 September 2006. The identification and evidence supporting the record are presented... more
In a growing Saccharomyces cerevisiae population, cell size is finely modulated according to both the chronological and genealogical ages. This generates the complex heterogeneous structure typical of budding yeast populations. In recent... more
It has been well recognized that many key aspects of cell cycle regulation are encoded into the size distributions of growing budding yeast populations due to the tight coupling between cell growth and cell division present in this... more
We investigate a partial differential equation model of a cancer cell population, which is structured with respect to age and telomere length of cells. We assume a continuous telomere length structure, which is applicable to the clonal... more
The Mid-continent Population of sandhill cranes (Grus canndensis) has a large geographic range. contains nearly 500,000 birds, and is hunted in much of its range. The population includes 3 subspecies; the numbers of 2 of these are... more
zx The effects of bleaching and hurricanes on coral reefs in 2005 varied across the region and within countries. zx Some countries experienced intense widespread coral bleaching down to 35 m, while the effects of increased water... more
We study a one patch model using Ricker's equation, xn+l = xner-xn, r ~ 0. We reproduce some results that Hastings ( 1993) obtained by coupling two discrete time logistic equations. Multiple attractors could occur with dispersion where... more
Long-lived marine megavertebrates (e.g. sharks, turtles, mammals, and seabirds) are inherently vulnerable to anthropogenic mortality. Although some mathematical models have been applied successfully to manage these animals, more detailed... more
Question: How might global climate change affect American pika (Ochotona princeps) metapopulation dynamics in the Great Basin, and how would such effects impact evolutionary dynamics of dispersal? Mathematical methods: A structured,... more
In this paper, a mathematical model consisting of a prey-predator involving a prey refuge and infectious disease in the predator has been proposed and analyzed. Two types of functional responses are used to describe the feeding of the... more
We present a spatially explicit population model for analysing the expansion of brown bears (Ursus arctos) after the reintroduction program in central Austria. The model is based on field investigations into brown bears in Austria and... more
We consider an age-size structured cell population model based on the cell cycle length. The model is described by a first order partial differential equation with initial-boundary conditions. Using the theory of semigroups of positive... more
We consider a class of structured cell population models described by a first order partial differential equation perturbed by a general birth operator which describes in a unified way a wide class of birth phenomena ranging from cell... more
We prove an alternative method in order to obtain generation and analyticity results for the semigroups generated by some degenerate second order differential operators linked to the hypergeometric equation.
Shawn Crimmins); we thank them for their support. Quantifying and estimating wildlife population sizes is a foundation of wildlife management. However, many carnivore species are cryptic , leading to innate difficulties in estimating... more
We give a direct proof of well-posedness of solutions to general selection-mutation and structured population models with measures as initial data. This is motivated by the fact that some stationary states of these models are measures and... more
Cultivated tomato is known to be relatively low in genetic diversity. This is a result of microevolutionary processes such as founder events, genetic bottlenecks, and intense selection. For these reasons, a computational approach to... more
Coastal habitats (e.g., seagrass beds, shallow mud, and sand flats) strongly influence survival, growth, and reproduction of marine fish and invertebrate species. Many of these species have declined over the past decades, coincident with... more
We examined the asymptotic rate of population extinction ; when the population experiences density-dependent population regulation, demographic stochasticity, and environmental stochasticity. We assume discrete-generation population... more
The field of prevention and control of wildlife damage is changing and evolving along with clientele needs, pressures from user and non-user groups, and other factors. A theoretical overview of the field may offer an action model... more
Field studies documented increased mortality, adverse health effects, and reproductive failure in common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus following the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill. In order to determine the appropriate type... more
We give a survey of partial least squares regression with one y-variable from a theoretical point of view. Some general comments are made on the motivation as seen by a statistician for this kind of studies, and the concept of soft... more
We evaluated the utility of combining metapopulation models with landscape-level forest-dynamics models to assess the sustainability of forest management practices. We used the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) in the boreal forests of... more
Potentially adverse human and environmental effects due to hormone mimicry of environmental estrogens are a matter of current concern. Environmental estrogens belong to the so-called endocrine active compounds (EAC), which alter... more
This paper addresses the local and global stability of n-dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems with distributed delays and instantaneous negative feedbacks. Necessary and sufficient conditions for local stability independent of the choice of... more