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"In January 2008 the world’s leading scientific journal, Nature, carried an editorial titled “Spread the Word: Evolution is a scientific fact, and every organization whose research depends on it should explain why”. Speaking for the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsEvolutionary PsychologyAnthropology
Eduard Hölzels (1817-1885) Serie der Geographischen Charakterbilder ist ein einzigartiges Projekt an der Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft. Hochwertige Ölfarbendrucke nach künstlerischen Vorlagen zeigen ausgewählte... more
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      GeographyGeologyVisualizationScience Education
Ludrová je obec bohatá na históriu a archeologické pamiatky, ktoré sú však značne opomenuté a pre laickú verejnosť nedostupné. Cieľom práce je kriticky zhodnotiť súčasný stav prezentácie pamiatok a koncipovať návrh na ich zveľadenie.... more
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    • Popularization of Science
Грицевич Т.Л. Проповідник-популяризатор військової психології капелан Норман Коупленд та його книга «Психологія і солдат» // Людина і техніка у визначних битвах світових воєн XX століття: Збірник тез доповідей Міжнародної наукової... more
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      History Of PsychologyMilitary PsychologyPopularization of ScienceHistory of military psychology
El artículo presenta un estudio de la trayectoria académico‐profesional del médico argentino Germinal Rodríguez, nacido en 1898 en Buenos Aires y fallecido en la misma ciudad en 1960. Como planteamos, la vida profesional de este médico... more
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      Public HealthSocial MedicinePopularization of ScienceHigienismo
"Presentiamo una raccolta di dodici articoli di divulgazione scientifica pubblicati sulla rivista mensile Controluce, qui riveduti e corretti. Lo scopo degli articoli era di osservare le esperienze quotidiane attraverso l’occhio di un... more
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      PhysicsPhysics EducationElementary Science EducationFísica
Ainda existem áreas de floresta na região de Manaus que abrigam grande diversidade de plantas e animais nativos, incluindo 65 espécies de cobras que são apresentadas neste volume muito bem ilustrado. Guias como este são essenciais para... more
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Emil du Bois-Reymond is the most important forgotten intellectual of the nineteenth century. In his own time (1818–1896) du Bois-Reymond grew famous in his native Germany and beyond for his groundbreaking research in neuroscience and his... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCognitive ScienceMetaphysics
Presentiamo una raccolta di 14 articoli di divulgazione scientifica, che fa da seguito alla prima raccolta intitolata Curiosità Scientifiche, uno sguardo alla Fisica di tutti i giorni, pubblicata nel 2014, la quale è stata finalista al... more
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      Science EducationGalileo GalileiPhysics EducationElementary Science Education
Book of 497 pages [ISBN: 979-12-200-0644-6] ---- Abstracts in English and in Italian -- Riassunti in inglese e in italiano: ABSTRACT in English – The existence of this book is due to an initiative of the Rector (Vice-Chancellor) of... more
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      Elementary Particle PhysicsNuclear PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceRelativity
Research on Iberian culture has a long tradition in Catalan historiography and archaeology, with such outstanding figures as P. Bosch-Gimpera or J. Maluquer de Motes. Since the eighties, this research has undergone a major boost from both... more
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      HistoriographySociocultural EvolutionIberian CultureDissemination of the Knowledge
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    • Popularization of Science
h e m i s t ry a nd E n l i g h t e n m e nt in B r i t a in, 1760-1820, C a m b r i d ge: C a m b r i d ge U n i v e r s i ty P r e ss, 1992· R. Y eo, D e f n i ng S c i e n ce: W i l l i am W h e w e ll, N a t u r al K n o w l e d ge, a... more
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      History of ScienceModern Greek HistoryPopularization of Science
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      Medieval HistoryMedievalismPopularisation of SciencePopularizačný článok
SUMMARY This paper traces how media representations encouraged enthusiasts, youth, and skilled volunteers to participate actively in science and technology during the twentieth century. It assesses how distinctive discourses about... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Maraven, en cumplimiento de su responsabilidad social, siempre ha dado su apoyo y su aporte a todo lo que signifique promover y realizar acciones en una serie de campos del quehacer nacional, entre ellos al cultural y a la investigación... more
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      FigurinesPrehistoric FigurinesTerracotta FigurinesAnthropomorphic Figurines
45 2. Contenidos públicos básicos de especial dificultad 49 3. Cuestiones de nanociencia y la nanotecnología que más fácilmente pueden prestarse a ser mal comprendidas o malinterpretadas por el público 56 4. Beneficios y riesgos de la... more
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      Delphi MethodologyPublic Understanding Of ScienceSTS (Anthropology)Nanotechnology
Angebote der Wiener Volkshochschulen von ihren Anfängen über die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus bis in die Gegenwart. In: Spurensuche. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Erwachsenenbildung und Wissenschaftspopularisierung, 27. Jg., 2018, S.... more
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      Health SciencesAdult EducationHistory of EducationHistory of Science
Popularization of Darwinism in Romanian Culture
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      Cultural HistoryRomanian HistoryHistory of ScienceDarwinism
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      History of IdeasAdult EducationHistory of EducationAustrian History
Zugänge zu einer komparatistisch orientierten historischen Erwachsenenbildungsforschung für Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit
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      German HistoryHistory of ScienceSwiss HistoryAustrian History
This article explores a scientific technology—mitochondrial analysis—that underlies contemporary technoscientific phenomena such as genetic ancestry tests, ethnic diversity projects, and national genome projects. The article focuses on... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural StudiesGender StudiesHuman Evolution
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      Anthropology of ScienceLiteratureGeorgian LanguageEvaluation
In contrast to the high number of museums and exhibitions for cave study worldwide, the role of musealization in speleology is yet poorly examined, neither its historical aspect nor its epistemological or social implications. The... more
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      History of MuseumsHistory of CollectionsSpeleologyPopularization of Science
The demanding promotion of university teachers is being taken advantage of by international publishers to develop a fast business, which is framed by supposedly fraudulent activities of apparently scientific magazines, but without impact... more
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      EthicsPseudoscienceArticlesScientific Communication
In the popular accounts of the new physics (i.e. relativity and quantum mechanics) by Fritjof Capra and Gary Zukav, the new physics is represented as fatally undermining the universal determinism associated with Newton and Laplace. This... more
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      Newtonian DynamicsQuantum PhysicsRelativityMetaphor
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      Austrian HistoryHistory of adult educationPopularization of Science
In today’s knowledge-based society, exploring the dynamics of communicating specialised contents to the lay public is an undoubtedly topical issue. However, popularization still remains a rather unexplored territory and recent... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmaticsCorpus LinguisticsGenre Analysis
Obwohl die österreichische Erwachsenenbildung, und hier vor allem die Volkshoch-schulen, eine nicht nur weit in das 19. Jahrhundert zurückreichende, sondern darüber-hinaus auch demokratie-und bildungsgeschichtlich ungemein facettenreiche... more
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      History of EducationArchivesAustrian HistoryScience Popularization
Past, present and future of AI.
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    • Popularization of Science
"Editorial Reviews From Booklist "Among the many topics that have galvanized the public in recent years, the debate over evolution versus intelligent design has generated an outpouring of heated rhetoric from both sides. Terms such... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyAnthropologyHuman Evolution
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      History of EducationAustrian HistoryScience PopularizationUniversity Extension
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of IdeasPopular EducationAdult Education
The discourse of news media in English has traditionally been an attractive and fruitful source of information for discourse analysts and corpus linguists. However, studies on science popularizations as a text type of newspaper discourse... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyScience PopularizationPopularization of Science
How can paintings transmit or even generate knowledge? Anita Hosseini examines this question in her study of the 18th century based on Jean-Siméon Chardin's painting "The Soap Bubbles". By bringing together experimental culture, image... more
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      AestheticsEpistemologyPerceptionArt Theory
Apresenta-se uma proposta de Ensino de Ciências a partir da linguagem das histórias em quadrinhos, materializada na criação da Oficina de “Educação de Ciências através de Histórias em Quadrinhos” – EDUHQ. Neste artigo, enfatizam-se os... more
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      EducationScience EducationComic StripsPopularization of Science
Thanks to cutting edge research in neuroscience, it is possible to identify and analyse the patterns of thought in one's mind just by analysing the electrical activity within the brain.
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      Science EducationPopular ScienceScience PopularizationPopularisation of Science
Cet entretien avec Roland Lehoucq, astrophysicien et spécialiste de science-fiction notamment spatiale, aborde les différents types d'échanges qui se nouent entre les sciences, la littérature et le cinéma de science-fiction. Il questionne... more
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      History of AstronomyScience StudiesScience-FictionScience Fiction Studies
Il contributo descrive i blog, i portali web e i gruppi di Facebook che si occupano di divulgazione della linguistica su internet, ne indica le caratteristiche peculiari e gli orientamenti teorico-ideologici e tenta di tipizzarli secondo... more
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      The InternetLanguage IdeologiesScience PopularizationLinguistic ideologies
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      Adult EducationContemporary HistoryAustrian HistoryScience Popularization
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      Adult EducationContemporary HistoryAustrian HistoryScience Popularization
Paperback edition: June 2017 "Since the early 1990s, evolutionary psychology has produced widely popular visions of modern men and women as driven by their prehistoric genes. In Gender, Sexuality and Reproduction in Evolutionary... more
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      American LiteratureBritish LiteratureHistory of Science and TechnologyEvolutionary Biology
Cet article met en lumière le discours scientifique véhiculé par les médias en général et par les revues de vulgarisation en particulier. C'est une situation où l'information scientifique, notamment médicale n'est pas livrée simplement... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTranslationScientific DiscoursePopularization of Science
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      History of SciencePopularization of Science
In diesem Beitrag wird nach längerer Zeit erstmals wieder versucht, einen Überblick über die Errichtung von Volkshochschulbauten nach 1945 und die dafür vorgebrachten Begründungen zu geben. Es sind beachtliche Bemühungen um die optimale... more
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      Contemporary HistoryAustrian HistoryScience PopularizationModern Austrian History
In this science popularization book, the author discusses how science reveals secrets of our world from the smallest particles of matter to the dark energy in our Universe, from the thermonuclear reaction in the Sun and Earth to the... more
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    • Popularization of Science
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      History of IdeasAdult EducationHistory of EducationAustrian History
Comic books are among the most popular forms of literature, and usually the reader easily assimilated them. All school levels and disciplines can didactically use it. In matters relating to Natural History and Science, its use is... more
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    • Popularization of Science
The article analyses main institutional and ideological features of the popularization of sciences in Central and Eastern Europe in 1950´s. Three societies established upon the Soviet model are analyzed: East-German Society for... more
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      Ideology (Anthropology)MarxismHistory of ScienceIdeology