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      Media AnthropologyEthnographyPopular CultureCrime fiction
11º volume do projeto coletivo "1968: imagens, contracultura, guerra, revolução" do grupo PET História UFPR, a publicação trata das relações entre a banda inglesa The Beatles, cuja produção durante a década de 1960 foi muito influente, e... more
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      Music HistoryContemporary HistoryPop CultureThe Beatles
Was, wo und vor allem: wie ‚ist‘ eigentlich das Politische? Mit gutem Grund beschäftigt diese Frage auch den Populärkulturforscher. Er steht zwei Lesarten gegenüber. Eine befürchtet, kommerzielle Populärkultur liefere jede Menge... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular CultureResistance (Social)Mass culture
[English abstract. Article in swedish] Music, ice hockey Lions and the construction of a national community In Finland the men’s Ice Hockey World Championship has evolved into a yearly carnival that unites the Finns like no other sport... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicologyMedia and Cultural StudiesPopular Music Studies
11º volume do projeto coletivo "1968: imagens, contracultura, guerra, revolução" do grupo PET História UFPR, a publicação trata das relações entre a banda inglesa The Beatles, cuja produção durante a década de 1960 foi... more
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      Music HistoryContemporary HistoryPop CultureThe Beatles
Dieser Aufsatz geht der Debatte über Widerstandspotenziale populärer Kultur nach. Der erste Teil verfolgt ideengeschichtliche Konstellationen, in denen die Fragestellung entstand und bis heute steht. Dann wird vorgeschlagen, die... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular CultureTheodor AdornoMass culture
ovc-r the last 5u 'ears, o1 wilhelminc popular culture h;rs er''idcntlv been shaped by the trcncls that havc charactellized the 'tua1'
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      Cultural HistoryGerman StudiesGerman HistoryPopular Culture
Thinking Popular Culture investigates how popular culture has been transformed in decade since September 11.  It also explores the role and function of cultural journalism and academic writing in tracking social change.
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      Cultural StudiesJournalismPopular CulturePolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      Gender DiscourseConsumer Culture TheoryPopular Culture StudiesRepresentation
This article follows up on the debate over the resistance potential of popular culture. The first part traces the historical constellation of ideas in which the question arose and remains to this day. The second part attempts to... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular CultureTheodor AdornoMass culture
À l’image des carrières d’artistes majeurs de la fin du XXe siècle comme David Bowie, Kate Bush ou Prince, le parcours musical et artistique de Björk (née en 1965) se distingue par un renouvellement constant de sa production, un... more
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      MusicMusicologyPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
In Finland, ice hockey is the country’s most popular sport, and the men’s Ice Hockey World Championships have evolved into the culmination of the ice hockey season. The large interest for the Finland’s men’s national team in ice hockey,... more
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      Popular Music StudiesNationalismCultural MusicologyIce Hockey
Review of Mukherjee S. Videogames and Postcolonialism: Empire Plays Back. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. — VII, 120 p.
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      Game studiesPopular Culture StudiesAlternative HistoryPostcolonialism
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      MusicMusicologyPopular Music StudiesCulture Studies
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      HistoryPopular Culture StudiesKorean Wave
Contents Introduction: Interventions in/denial 1 THINK Google is white bread for the mind 15 Stop crying — start thinking. Putting the punch back into pop 33 Coalition of the guilty 37 The eighth deadly sin 43 When Paris became a... more
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      Cultural StudiesJournalismPopular CulturePolitical Violence and Terrorism
Der Aufsatz fragt: Wie verändert sich Populärkultur im Web 2.0? Genauer: Wie ändern sich die Angebote an populären Künsten und wie die ästhetischen Praktiken und Gewohnheiten ihrer Nutzer? Nach einem Überblick in die deutsche Datenlage... more
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      Popular CultureVideo GamesUser-Generated ContentParticipatory Culture
This paper is based on findings concerning the reception of popular arts, mainly popular reading materials and the cinema, since the middle of the 19th century and covers the German-speaking countries of Europe. It is built around three... more
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      Material Culture StudiesPopular CultureAudience and Reception StudiesEveryday Aesthetics
""COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES: “Fascinatingly original… enthralling and provocative”. THE GUARDIAN: “a bracing reproof to those who moan about the death of reading or the brain-rotting effects of reading only popular... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican Studies
This ground-breaking book analyzes contemporary education discourse in the light of curriculum politics and popular culture, using sources ranging from academic scholarship to popular magazines, music video, film and television game... more
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      Mathematics EducationPopular CultureMathematics Teacher EducationPopular Culture Studies
Μια σύντομη ανάλυση της νοτιοκορεάτiκης τηλεοπτικής σειράς Squid Game (2021), μέσα από μια προσωπική οπτική που συνθέτει στοιχεία από τις πολιτισμικές σπουδές και τη σημειωτική, διατηρώντας μια βατή γλώσσα για τον μη-ακαδημαϊκό αναγνώστη.... more
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      Popular CultureCulture StudiesThrillerSociosemiotics
Kiekkokansa, ed. Benita Heiskanen & Hannu Salmi, Teos, 2015
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      EthnographyPopular CulturePopular Culture StudiesSport Studies
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      ComedyPopular CulturePopular Culture StudiesTelevision