Popular Adult Education
Recent papers in Popular Adult Education
The first Culture/Justice protocol was co-signed on the 25 th of July 1986 by Jack Lang and Robert Badinter. Following the first international symposium about culture in prison (May-June 1985), this text formalised the interdepartmental... more
The chapter discusses the concept of discipline in relation to struggles over knowledge production and power. It uses as an example the pathways of studies on adult and vocational education between the academy, politics and practice,... more
Folkbildningen i Sverige har, i en mening, varit oforandrad under lang tid, men som vi ser det sker nu ett trendbrott. Nya intressenter eller nya aktorer borjar ta andelar av den begransade statsbi ...
The chapter discusses the concept of discipline in relation to struggles over knowledge production and power. It uses as an example the pathways of studies on adult and vocational education between the academy, politics and practice,... more