Les titres des travaux épigraphiques et papyrologiques sont abrégés selon les recommandations de la Liste des abréviations des éditions et ouvrages de référence pour l'épigraphie grecque alphabétique, de l'Année épigraphique et de la... more
In our paper, we reconsider the accepted viewpoint that the definite postpositive article in Eastern Armenian should be classified as belonging to the grammatical category of nouns. We demonstrate that an interplay between various... more
Η παρούσα ανακοίνωση έχει αντικείμενο την οργάνωση του τουρκικού εθνικού κινήματος στον Πόντο και τα πολιτικά και νομικά εργαλεία που αυτό ανέπτυξε για να εκκαθαρίσει την περιοχή από τα αλλόθρησκα και αλλογενή στοιχεία, όπως οι Έλληνες... more
Για τα αποκριάτικα έθιμα της βόρειας Λακωνίας και τη διασύνδεση τους με την "ρομάννα" της περιοχής Ματσούκας του Πόντου.
Ζαϊκόφσκαγια Τατιανα Βλαδλένοβνα, Οι μωμόγεροι στις πρωτοχρονιάτικες και γαμήλιες τελετές των σύγχρονων ελληνοποντίων στην Ατζαρία (Νότιος Καύκασος) // Αρχείον Πόντου. Τόμος 47. – Αθήναι: Επιτροπή Ποντιακών Μελετών. – σ. 155-185.... more
This paper explores the nuanced realm of case syncretism, focusing primarily on its synchronic presence in Modern Greek (dialectal variety) and on the diachronic emergence of the phenomenon, classifying the distribution of syncretic cells... more
In recent decades, agreement has attracted considerable interest in the field of Arabic linguistics and dialectology. Since the second half of the 20th century, there has been a growing concern for agreement regarding both Modern Standard... more
«Tra tutti i titoli medievali nessuno è più magico di quello di imperatore di Trebisonda». Così sir Steven Runciman, grande bizantinista, riassunse il fascino millenario dell’ultimo Impero greco sulle rive del Mar Nero, nato nel 1204 e... more
This paper offers further insights on the role of language contact in the reorganization of grammar based on data from two Modern Greek contact-induced dialects: Italiot varieties in contact with both the local Romance varieties and... more
This article examines the nominal inflectional system of a group of Asia Minor Greek dialects (Dawkins 1910, 1916), which developed, in parallel with the fusional inflectional system, an agglutinative one due to language contact with... more
Gender assignment has been studied in many languages and the assignment system is considered important particularly when it is related to determining the structure of the lexicon. Semitic languages show two genders, namely masculine and... more
La Colchide est une terre absolument fascinante autant par son héritage culturel que par l'ensemble des légendes les plus intéressantes et fascinantes de la zone interculturelle de l'ancienne Mer Noire depuis les temps les plus anciens... more
In our contribution we first examine the system of gender in Modern Greek, placing emphasis on the grammatical means of the language, as well as their use and participation in the construction of social gender. We thus distinguish between... more
Why does man occur more frequently in the English language than woman does? Has the expression of gender evolved through the centuries or is it a non-changing linguistic universal? To what extent are inflections and word-formation... more
In this paper we discuss so-called P-drop, i.e. the omission of the preposition se 'at' in certain locative and directional contexts in Greek. We highlight the relevance of the simultaneous omission of the definite determiner and bring... more
In this paper we discuss so-called P-drop, i.e. the omission of the preposition se 'at' in certain locative and directional contexts in Greek. We highlight the relevance of the simultaneous omission of the definite determiner and bring... more
Different inflectional endings of masculine animate and inanimate nouns in the accusative are common to Croatian and Russian and constitute Differential Object Marking (henceforth DOM) in these two languages. Additionally, Russian nouns... more
Ως μέλος της ψηφιακής κοινότητας διδασκόντων την Ελληνική ως ξένη / δεύτερη γλώσσα στην Τουρκία «Dialog-ος» δημιούργησα την κάρτα με τη λέξη «θαύμα» για τη δραστηριότητα «Η λέξη της ημέρας» που κοινοποιήθηκε στις 30-05-2021 από το μέσο... more
The present study focuses on the decipherment and interpretation of the unique runic inscription carved on the zoomorphic pendant of Scandinavian jewelry traditions. The new Scandinavian zoomorphic pendant of 10th century, originating... more
This paper reports on the application of dialectometric techniques to measure the degrees of association between contact-induced and language-internal variation in inner Asia Minor Greek varieties (i.e., those of Cappadocian, Pharasiot,... more
This paper offers further insights on the role of language contact in the reorganization of grammar based on data from two Modern Greek contact-induced dialects: Italiot varieties in contact with both the local Romance varieties and... more
This paper presents an empirical study on the cross-linguistic influence of contact languages (Turkish, Georgian and Russian) in the domain of grammatical gender in Pontic Greek spoken by the Pontic-speaking community of Georgia. The... more
My newest article on two ancient languages, Pontic and Cappadocian Greek, both of which struggle to survive after the Greek Genocide. It is important to remember genocide just doesn’t involve ethnic mass killings, but also the destruction... more
1 (1) a. Variation in the inflectional suffix Gri mandeḍḍi.n ~ Gri mandeḍḍo.n < Lat mantellum 'mantle, headkerchief' Gri kasteḍḍi.n ~ Gri kasteḍḍo.n < Lat castellum 'castle' Gri pekurari.m ~ Gre pekuraro.m < Lat pecorarius Gri giudiko.m ~... more
This article aims to test the general validity of borrowability scales by investigating contrastively two contact induced linguistic varieties of Greek. It tries to elucidate the factors that facilitate or inhibit the borrowability of... more
In this paper we present a model and a classification of graphemic genderneutral writing methods, we explore current practices in French, Ger man, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, and we investigate in teractions between... more
Namely the contraction of-άων το-ῶν of α-masculines and feminines (1 st declension) in Archaic Greek. 2 The third person genitive plural των can be found in a few variant forms (e.g. τω/ τωνε/ τουν/ ντουνε/ τνε etc) in
Les Cahiers Balkaniques, fidèles à leur mission, réunissent en priorité les travaux des membres du CREE-Inalco à l'occasion de colloques, journées d'études ou tables rondes, sans négliger bien évidemment les apports extérieurs... more
Most English loans are nouns and their morphological adaptation is achieved in the sense required by the inflected organization of Romanian language; In some cases, the adopted forms of assimilation also depend on the peculiarities of the... more
The PIE gender system consisted of two genders, most likely animate and neuter; the earliest manifcstations of feminine gender were derivational and involved the suffix *-h 2 , which in origin derived abstract nouns. This suffix also gave... more
Η Νϋα Ελληνικό εύναι πλοϑςια ςε διαλεκτικϋσ ποικιλύεσ, οι οπούεσ χρηςιμοποιοϑνται ςτον καθημερινϐ λϐγο, ενώ υπϊρχουν και κϊποιεσ γλωςςικϋσ ποικιλύεσ που περιορύζονται ςε ςυγκεκριμϋνεσ ομϊδων πρεςβϑτερων/ γερϐντων και αντιμετωπύζουν το... more
Gender assignment has been studied in many languages and the assignment system is considered important particularly when it is related to determining the structure of the lexicon. Semitic languages show two genders, namely masculine and... more
This article deals with the replacement of the genitive by the accusative plural in the nominal inflection of various Modern Greek dialects. The aim of the article is to provide an explanation of the factors that triggered this unusual... more
This paper is about the lexicographic principles set and adopted for the design and development of the tridialectal dictionary of Greek dialects in Asia Minor, one of the deliverables of the THALIS research programme "Pontus,... more
The PIE gender system consisted of two genders, most likely animate and neuter; the earliest manifcstations of feminine gender were derivational and involved the suffix *-h 2 , which in origin derived abstract nouns. This suffix also gave... more
The paper considers gender assignment of deverbal nouns, originally present participles, in Swedish. The perspective is diachronic. The corpus consists of a choice of Swedish texts from 1225-1732. The results show that nouns denoting... more
Platonic Investigations / Платоновские исследования 15.2 (2021): 241–330. The publication presents a commented Russian translation of Book Ⅻ: On Animals of the Etymologies by Isidore of Seville (c. 560-636). Isidore may be considered the... more
This paper aspires to offer further insights on the mechanisms underlying (micro-)variation and change in the organization of nominal inflection and investigate their possible consequences in the architecture of the grammar. Claims and... more
The morphological processes of diminution and augmentation, widely known as evaluative morphology, is a well studied topic in linguistic theory and various theoretical accounts have been put forward in order to define their status in... more
In this paper we discuss so-called P-drop, i.e. the omission of the preposition se ‘at’ in certain locative and directional contexts in Greek. We highlight the relevance of the simultaneous omission of the definite determiner and bring... more
The paper considers the anomalous use of definiteness and gender in Bulgarian noun phrases containing hypocoristic names, nicknames or sometimes even legal personal names. Proper names of people, being semantically definite, usually do... more
The present paper examines the development of Differential Object Marking (DOM) in child Hebrew. In Hebrew, DOM distinguishes definite from indefinite objects. Object case-marking is obligatory only with definite objects (pronouns, proper... more