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Excerpt (abstract, table of contents, objectives and structure of the book) of the book, which is publiched by Springer (foreword by Francesco Lo Piccolo). The book can be ordered at Abstract... more
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      Urban PlanningCrime PreventionPublic SafetyPlanning Theory
NORDIK XII (2018), Copenhagen University, Denmark. Abstract: Emotions can be physical experiences. They may cause an unpleasant pressure on your shoulders, contract the skin over your collarbones, or make your arms or chest burn. They can... more
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      EmotionArt HistoryFeminist TheoryQueer Theory
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      Malayalam LiteratureKerala HistoryMarginalizationArabic Malayalam
Publié dans A. Boerger, P. Dubé et P. Mulatris (dir), Transferts des savoirs, savoirs des pratiques : Production et mobilisation des savoirs pour une communauté inclusive, Presses de l'Université Laval, 4e trimestre 2014, pp. 141-170.) La... more
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      Ethnic StudiesIdentity politicsEthnic FederalismPolitics of Inclusion and Exclusion
This volume aims at shedding light on the city of Delhi and its surroundings by looking closely at the different architectures of the city. Architecture here is broadly understood. It includes places of worship and street bazaars; slums,... more
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      AnthropologyArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Sociology
This paper analyses spatial conflicts in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park (IWP) in South Africa, a state-led ‘development for conservation’ project and UNESCO World Heritage Site. With inspiration from Henri Lefebvre's theory on the... more
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      Social-Ecological SystemsHenri LefebvreMarket based conservationSocial Exclusion and Inclusion
This paper examines the ambivalent positioning of difference in western multicultural nation-states in the neoliberal moment. It does so by analyzing the multiple and contradictory ways that the figure of Governor General Adrienne... more
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      MulticulturalismCanadaPolitics of Inclusion and Exclusion
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
The diversity of Delhi is one of a kind. A panoply of collectives inhabits it, sometimes consolidating physically in specific all-inclusive quarters throughout the city with a village-like character to them. As a matter of fact, the city... more
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      AnthropologyArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Sociology
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      Critical TheoryModern HistorySociologyMedia Sociology
Exclusion and Inclusion in Changing India is a collection of essays, by scholars and practitioners, about the struggles of exclusion and inclusion facing human community in the complex Indian context from a Christian perspective. These... more
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      Social InclusionSocial Exclusion and Social InequalitiesPolitics of Inclusion and Exclusion
The Post-cold War international regime has accentuated the convergence of sovereign states as a desideratum for their continued relevance within the locus of contemporary global political economy. Hence, the relative gains derived by a... more
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      Public AdministrationPeace and Conflict StudiesGovernanceLocal Government and Local Development
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Participatory Budgeting (PB) experiments in municipalities across the world have yielded varied results as there are municipalities. The Kenyan experience of participatory experiments has not fared any better. Following the 2013... more
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      Political CultureParticipatory BudgetingParticipatory governancePolitics of Inclusion and Exclusion
The Post-cold War international regime has accentuated the convergence of sovereign states as a desideratum for their continued relevance within the locus of contemporary global political economy. Hence, the relative gains derived by a... more
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      Public AdministrationPeace and Conflict StudiesGovernanceLocal Government and Local Development
Conference "200 Years of Conference Diplomacy: From the Congress of Vienna to the G7". An Academic Conference in Berlin, 8-9 June 2015 (Conference Programme).
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryDiplomatic HistoryEastern European Studies
This volume aims at shedding light on the city of Delhi and its surroundings by looking closely at the different architectures of the city. Architecture here is broadly understood. It includes places of worship and street bazaars; slums,... more
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      AnthropologyArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Sociology
In this work we discuss the Italian guidelines for Special Educational Needs (ministerial directive of 27 December 2012) taking into consideration their repercussions and implementations on the group of students with a migrant background.... more
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      Special EducationMigrationInclusionDiscrimination