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The small town, an environment adapted to the paradoxes of West Africa. A study on the distribution of small towns, and a comparison of the spatial an social system of seven settlements: Badou and Anie (Togo) ; Jasikan and Kadjebi (Ghana)... more
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      GeographyUrban GeographyEthnic StudiesAfrican Studies
In establishing an anarchic framework for understanding public space as a vision for radical democracy, this article proceeds as a theoretical inquiry into how an agonistic public space might become the basis of emancipation. Public space... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      SociologyGeographyUrban GeographyAfrican Studies
The purpose of this study is to examine how the influential state and non-state stakeholders interact, conflict and collectively shape the urban transformation of downtown Cairo. The stakeholder analysis revealed interesting positions and... more
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      Politics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping CountriesUrban RestructuringCairoUrban Renewal I Downtown Areas
It has often been that an operation of development planning process approaches to an unfortunate dilemma, especially in public affairs. The uprising ideological contrast brings on a vacancy that each development agent cannot accomplish... more
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      Case StudiesPolitics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping CountriesBottom-up strategiesCommunicative and collaborative planning
"Le nombre de plus en plus élevé de villes moyennes en Afrique nécessite de développer une analyse du phénomène urbain qui ne soit subordonnée ni à l’étude des métropoles ni à celle des communautés, lesquelles ont fait les beaux jours des... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Through the last few years, Egypt witnessed turbulent political changes in the form of two successive revolutions in 2011 and 2013. This was preceded by several decades of a strong central ruling culture. Although, wide aspirations and... more
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      Politics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping CountriesUrban And Regional Planning
This working paper focuses on the plans to construct a skyscraper in St Petersburg, Russia, known originally as Gazprom-City and recently renamed into Okhta Center, and on the controversy that developed around these plans. The paper uses... more
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      Real EstatePolitical SociologyGeographyHuman Geography
Navi Mumbai was proposed as a twin city -a counter magnet to the city of Mumbai.
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      Urban PlanningPoliticsUrban StudiesPolitics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping Countries
The annihilating earthquake on 26 th January, 2001 caused heavy losses and damages to lives as well as the infrastructure in as many as 21 districts of Gujarat. 13,805 lives human lives were lost (as per Revenue department, Government of... more
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      Sociology of DisasterFeminist TheoryCommunity ResilienceDisaster Studies
do Amazonas. Uma versão preliminar deste texto foi apresentada no Seminário Redivisão territorial do Amazonas promovido pela FUNDAJ/IESAM (2001). O presente texto foi revisto e ampliado, e incorpora resultados parciais do projeto... more
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      Indigenous PoliticsAmazoniaPolitics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping CountriesHistoria Social
The purpose of the study highlights the local education authorities (LEAs) support as society capacity on their national policy of ICT integration implementation in public schools in case of Kepulauan Riau province, Indonesia. Therefore,... more
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      Politics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping CountriesIndonesian education development
My first published book traces the evolution and consequences of Bangalore's growth. Bangalore city saw unprecedented growth in the 1980s & 90s, deriving from its positioning as a hub for IT & associated industries. Even as the world... more
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      Social ChangePublic AdministrationPublic ManagementSocial Sciences
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      Global citiesUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanism
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      Indigenous PoliticsAmazoniaPolitics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping Countries
Cita: Ivana Socoloff, Ana Colombo Blanco, Ivan Kitay, Hernan Maltz, Ignacio Rullansky, Guadalupe Seia, Laura Stiberman y Magdalena Urdampilleta (2012). Gobernar Buenos Aires. Un estudio sobre las racionalidades politicas en torno al... more
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      Global citiesUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanism
The Second World War and its associated political events of a national and global scale brought new circumstances, which was considerably influenced the development processes of Tehran. During World War II, Iran hoped that Washington... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryUrban PlanningCold War
The purpose of this study is to examine how the influential state and non-state stakeholders interact, conflict and collectively shape the urban transformation of downtown Cairo. The stakeholder analysis revealed interesting positions and... more
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      GeographyStakeholder AnalysisPolitics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping CountriesUrban Development
do Amazonas. Uma versão preliminar deste texto foi apresentada no Seminário Redivisão territorial do Amazonas promovido pela FUNDAJ/IESAM (2001). O presente texto foi revisto e ampliado, e incorpora resultados parciais do projeto... more
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      Indigenous PoliticsAmazoniaPolitics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping CountriesHistoria Social
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      Israel/PalestineMiddle East PoliticsPolitics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping Countries
With regard to the climate change an increase of storm water events combined with longer droughts is prognosticated subsequently resulting in growing discharges of sewage into receiving water bodies with harmful consequences for surfaces... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTransdisciplinarityPolitics And Planning In Cities In Deveveloping CountriesUrban Water Systems