This is the illustrated version of the article "“The Lesser of Evils Versus the Common Good: On the Poverty of Ideology in the Washington Post," a critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two... more
1950 saw the publication of a classic study in social science, The Authoritarian Personality. In this paper I explore the connections between authoritarianism and creativity. Even though there was some overlap between the researchers as... more
Thèse déposée à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales dans le cadre des exigences du programme de doctorat en études politiques École d'études politiques Faculté des sciences sociales Université d'Ottawa © Jean François... more
Dreams about 9/11 -- Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Conference for The International Association for the Study of Dreams, Tufts University, Medford, Boston, Massachusetts; 05/2002 An analysis of trauma dreams collected... more
"The wound is the place where the light enters you." 1 -Rumi "…The movement to make fear the problem is also dangerous. What is needed is courage to resist the oppressive causes for unnecessary suffering 2 , and fearlessness in actions... more
Lars Svendsen's 2008 book, a philosophical analysis of fear, was written at the end of the Bush presidency, when US foreign policy had inflicted its ideological "war on terror" onto the world for 7 years. In that time since the infamous... more
Fear and anxiety are evolutionarily developed responses to perceived or anticipated threat. They involve behavioral, autonomic, and endocrine alterations aimed at increasing an organism's chances of survival. Excessive or uncontrolled... more
Fear is a natural part of life. it occurs whenever we are threatened. Threats come in many forms. A snake on the ground in front of you is a biologically prepared threat, and so is being face-to-face with an angry human. Evolution has put... more
Our societies of fear go along with an increase of populist movements in politics. This article explains the basics of populism and shows how easily it joins highly likely political friend‐enemy patterns. Anthropologically, we have to... more
La presente investigación se inscribe en el campo de estudio de las memorias de los pasados dictatoriales en el Cono sur, y se enfoca en el recuerdo de la experiencia del miedo en personas que no fueron víctimas de violaciones a los... more
This article examines how fear of human Otherness affects the contemporary breeding and marketing of dogs in America. We trace the history of pit bull-type dogs in the United States along race and class lines (early 20th century -... more
Drawing on studies of the history of emotions, trust- and community-formation, and on medieval as well as modern religious violence, this study re-evaluates the predominantly military view of medieval sieges. Instead, this article... more
La presente investigación gira en torno al impacto del Post 11S en las ficciones enmarcadas en la Tercera Edad Dorada de la televisión estadounidense, con especial atención al caso de Perdidos (Lost, ABC, 2004-2010). El estudio tiene dos... more
This paper explores political fear in classical thought. Through an analysis of Plato, Aristotle, Thucydides, and Sallust, I discuss two broad uses of fear: fear as a source of unity and of moral energy. In addition, the paper addresses... more
Alarmism has enabled the extension and reconfiguration of sovereign power at thresholds of human mobility in ways that exemplify the shifting and polymorphic nature of borders. Extending critical geopolitical scholarship on alarmism and... more
What role, if any, should appeals to fear play in climate change communication? Moral and practical worries about fear appeals in the climate change debate have caused some to turn toward hope appeals. I argue that fear can be a rational... more
What role, if any, should fear play in the politics of existential crises like nuclear catastrophe and global climate change? This paper considers why the postwar thinker Hans Morgenthau set aside his principled worries about the politics... more
Identity-building processes require exclusiveness, besides the categories of belonging, which paint the profile of the self- Turkishness and Islam in the case of Turkey-, an equally important role is reserved to the categories of... more
This topic is a small part of a more comprehensive investigation into a mythic legend which is also of central importance for the understanding of Greek religion. A central theme here was that the continued existence of both divine and... more
In this paper I argue that Foucault is relevant to the discussion of mass incarceration beyond his disciplinary analysis of prisons. I will respond to a popular critique of Foucault posed by philosophers of mass incarceration, such as... more
ABSTRACT: This article provides a theoretical and empirical contribution to the political history of technology by articulating a new conceptual perspective on the power of technological things and through outlining a history of modern... more
Modern military training exercises often include an information warfare component. Combat manoeuvres and weapon tests may be combined with large-scale information operations, including attempts at mass deception and cultivation of fear... more
Jordi Farré Coma COMUNICACIÓN DE RIESGO Y ESPIRALES DEL MIEDO Comunicación y Sociedad, enero-junio, número 003 Universidad de Guadalajara Guadalajara, México pp. 95-119 [95] Nueva época, Núm. 3, enero-junio, 2005, pp 95-119. ISSN 0188-252X
This article analyses the perception of the ‘Congregation’ (a key-word for Fethullah Gülen’s religious community), by the leader cadre of AKP. The study rests upon Erdoğan’s public speeches during the campaign for elections in March 2014... more
Fearful talk surrounding ISIS discloses two ‘public secrets’ that collectively define the dilemma of late modern politics. The first is a transition from politics that is experienced and narrated chiefly as tragedy to one that is... more
The link between man and the world is broken (...) Restoring our belief in the world-this is the power of modern cinema.". In this paper we will analyze the four last works of the American Indian director and writer M. Night Shyamalan... more
It is not at all difficult to become afraid of an endless range of things. Just so much as opening the newspaper in the morning will do. A brief glance over the headlines will be sufficient to make you afraid of the food you were planning... more
"La ricerca Fearscapes affronta l'analisi delle relazioni tra sentimenti di paura – connessi con il pericolo di essere vittime di crimine nello spazio urbano –, discorsi di paura – testi diretti alla generazione di sentimenti di paura –,... more
Türk siyasal yaşamında sağ geleneğin ayırt edici özelliklerinden olan ve komplo teorilerinin kolaylaştırıcı etkisiyle kurgulanan mağduriyet söylemi ya da mazlumluk ideolojisi, 30 Mart 2014 yerel seçimleri öncesinde Adalet ve Kalkınma... more
The fear of the elections of 1852 in France, generally known as the ' Fear of 1852 ' or the ' crisis of 1852 ' , is an event little known in the history of the Second Republic. It was nonetheless a major phenomenon, one that struck... more
In the construction and acknowledgment of responsibility towards the Other, this edition of 'New Talents' challenges the contradiction of a lucky country sustained by processes of forgetting and, more critically, the processes of... more
Si l'ira du princeps et le metus qu'elle vise à ins-pirer au populus sont généralement réprouvés dans le De clementia, quelques passages semblent ad-mettre la validité d'une colère maîtrisée et d'un ti-mor temperatus, ce qui paraît... more
As is clear from the tendencies towards "renationalization" and the rediscovery of separate and irreconcilable identities that have recently been such a feature of the political rhetoric in the European Union as well as in the United... more
*Published in Key Words: A Journal of Cultural Materialism, Vol. 15, 2017* My contention in this article is that in the contemporary moment live performance encounters offer a means with which to attend to both discourses and politics of... more
My evidence has just been published by the UK @CommonsCMS Fake News Inquiry on #CambridgeAnalytica #SCL #brexit #USelection Drawing on interviews conducted for my upcoming co-authored book with Prof Robert Entman 'What's wrong with the... more
This paper examines the concept of political fear, its background and usage in the history of political thought. Fear is an emotion, which is caused by an anticipation of harm from a possible (or maybe imaginary) danger. According to... more
This paper explores an understanding of the Postmodern crisis through Greek mythology and philosophy of history. A revival of the interior fear as a colective phenomenon of contemporary society that characterize our cultural situation and... more
Dans l’imaginaire collectif ainsi comme dans la plupart des théories philosophiques, la peur est souvent conçue comme un sentiment irrationnel, une passion qui nous paralyse et nous empêche d’agir de façon rationnelle. Par rapport à cette... more
El miedo se produce por un sentimiento de inquietud causado por un peligro real o imaginario, y acaba consolidándose como una sensación de inseguridad que, desde lo individual, se vuelve colectiva. Así, el miedo de una sociedad es el... more
This paper explores the usage of fear by nationalist forces in the pursuit of a political objective, particularly those employed by political elites to advance a state-building project. By examining the manipulation of sectarian fears in... more