The introduction to my forthcoming book *Power and Powerlessness: The Liberalism of Fear in the Twenty-First Century* (OUP, 2025).
In the new century, social media and user generated content are profoundly transforming not only communications in general but also business, political campaigns and higher education. This paper is a summary statement coming out of the... more
C'est juste un essai d'envol pour aller jusqu'aux principes de la raison et ses conséquences politiques ou relationnelles, dans nos actes. Y compris révolutionnaires, ce pourquoi je me suis permis de convoquer ici Saint-Just, simple... more
The first pandemic texts, published in the book Where Have We Gone? Epidemic as Politics (“A che punto siamo? L'epidemia come politica”, Quodlibet, 2020), link Agamben's central notion of ”bare life” to fear, placing it at the center of... more
violence and 3) youth gangs. She organised the 2010 Cardiff symposium 'Situating Animal Abuse in Criminology' and has co-edited the special journal issue on animal (in Crime, Law and Social Change) abuse that emerged from the symposium.... more
Il Corso di Dottorato in Studi Classici per la Contemporaneità (ciclo XXXVIII) organizza il primo Convegno per Dottorandi, dal titolo “Phobos e Metus in Grecia e a Roma”. L’incontro, che si terrà a Palermo il 10 e 11 dicembre 2024,... more
Il Corso di Dottorato in Studi Classici per la Contemporaneità (ciclo XXXVIII) organizza il primo Convegno per Dottorandi, dal titolo “Phobos e Metus in Grecia e a Roma”. L’incontro, che si terrà a Palermo il 10 e 11 dicembre 2024,... more
Análisis de los intereses y movimientos geoestratégicos de Estados Unidos en el tablero global.
El concepto de Seguridad se suele relacionar con lo bélico, lo militar y lo policial, pero tiene también otras dimensiones como la ambiental, la alimentaria o la social.
This article focuses on how to use ethnography and theory to disrupt binaries between "state" and "nonstate" actors and violence and "private" and "public" actors and violence. I also touch on expanded use of the political opinion basis... more
Resumen | El artículo explora cómo la persecución política desatada por el macartismo durante el periodo de la posguerra desarrolló y estableció un proceso de acusación y persecución a los ciudadanos estadounidenses por tener ideas de... more
This paper explores some of the ways that fear can be both a manifestation of and major contributor to oppression. It argues for a pluralistic account of the reasons that justify feeling fear or working to let go of fear and provides a... more
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Ovaj rad otvara pitanje nad time kako vrednosti koje promovišemo u vaspitanju i obrazovanju zapravo žive na afektivnom planu. U fokusu rada je afektivno delovanje straha – kao dominantne političke sile savremenog društva i sile koja... more
This paper analyzes the involvement of mexican women in the formal and informal self-employment sector in a large metropolitan area of Arizona. Qualitative research is used to explore factors that impact self-employment activities of... more
Mémoire de recherche en Master 2 Histoire sous la direction de Pierre Karila-Cohen. 2 Je remercie M. Karila-Cohen pour sa direction. 9 Villèledépeignant avec soin les relations complexes entre les principales figures de la droite. A... more
The rise of border audiovisual productions in recent decades is a possible conclusion to the difficulties imposed by border control policies. The BBC TV fictional series, Years and Years (2019), presents how Brexit causes vulnerabilities... more
Réflexions sur la situation politique actuelle (juin 2024) en Europe et ailleurs. J'essaie d'analyser en parallèle la situation intérieure, subjective, comme la situation sociale, politique.
This article discusses societal attitudes to images, concentrating on photographs. What may or may not be photographed communicates a lot about a society. As the ability to take photographs increases, with ever more digital devices... more
El horror de la guerra y el miedo que esta infunde no son experiencias ajenas a la condición humana sobre las cuales, sin embargo, es posible aprender para evitar los errores del pasado y así obtener respuestas para el presente. Este... more
Bien qu’ayant affaire à la vérité commune, au logos, la politique n’est pas une science, c’est un art, l’art le plus complexe qui soit. Ce à quoi elle a affaire, c’est à la vérité commune intégrale, celle qui, bien que commune,... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Cet article propose de porter un regard historique sur la problématisation de la vie de l’Autre dans la modernité. La méthode employée s’apparente à la généalogie, au sens de Michel Foucault, enrichie d’une lecture critique de la... more
L'État de droit peut-il être le socle d'un monde où l'intérêt particulier serait compatible avec l'intérêt commun? La réponse est bien évidement non, puisque, au sein de l'État de droit, la régulation et l'intérêt particulier varient,... more
This article is a study on the neoliberal state, its relation to time and its ongoing transformation through crisis. It is spurred by two seminal works-Hartog's on historicity and Rosa's on acceleration-that catalogue a collapse of the... more
Korku, popüler kültür içerisinde gittikçe yükselen bir değer haline gelmektedir. Bugün baĢta ABD olmak üzere, tüm dünyada korku bir çeĢit , ticaret sektörü olarak kabul edilir. Amerikalıların korku ticareti olarak nitelendirdikleri... more
Comunicação de abertura da Conferência Internacional que organizei a 2 e 3 de Abril de 2003, no Instituto de Defesa Nacional (IDN), em colaboração com o Professor Doutor Diogo Freitas do Amaral; o nome da conferência foi “O Islão, o... more
The standard weak-coupling approximations associated to open quantum systems have been extensively used in the description of a two-level quantum system, qubit, subjected to relatively weak dissipation compared with the qubit frequency.... more
This article examines the changing nature of fear in Enlightenment France. While the growing power of the absolutist state reduced many traditional sources of insecurity, fears of state power proliferated during the eighteenth century,... more
La rivalité, le pouvoir, et les discours de la paix et de la guerre Quand les discours exhumés par Foucault interpellent l'économie politique Christian Barrère, Ceras-EDJ, Université de Reims 1 Nous 2 assistons depuis une dizaine d'années... more
This study seeks to monitor and analyze the most prominent European policies related to immigration and asylum issues, as these policies have known over the past two decades many contradictions expressed by these different options at all... more
Recently, there has been intense research in proposing and developing various methods for constructing high-order exceptional points (EPs) in dissipative systems. These EPs can possess a number of intriguing properties related to, e.g.,... more
The essay is a shortened and revised version of the larger, academic essay “The Despot’s Violence and the Citizens’ Virtue”. It is divided into two thematic parts. The first and largest one is dedicated to the attributes of the tyrannical... more
France is no stranger to revolutions. The first one beheaded Louis XVI, ushered in a Reign of Terror, and ended with an Empire. The second, in 1830, sent Louis' younger brother, Charles X, into exile and put his cousin Louis-Philippe on... more
Zbornik radova u čast fra Ljudevita Antona Maračića
A system of two coupled semiconductor-based resonators is studied when lasing around an exceptional point. We show that the presence of nonlinear saturation effects can have important ramifications on the transition behavior of this... more