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      Social SciencesSubjective Well-BeingSocial IndicatorsValues
The thesis explores potential challenges and opportunities for blockchains and International Relations (IR). The thesis also explores how IR can help understand blockchains as new conceptual phenomena. The thesis broadly questions: what... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyTrustGlobal Governance
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
Au moment de son élection, Emmanuel Macron a été présenté comme l’homme d’un « nouveau monde » qui devait remplacer les pratiques anciennes. Mais, du point de vue de ses rapports avec la presse, c’est au contraire avec un très ancien... more
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      Journalism20th century FrancePress FreedomHistory of the press
[Resumen] Los fundamentos de la política moderna han cambiado desde las visiones de la Grecia clásica, centrados en una visión más expansiva del ser humano como un ser político, hasta las visiones modernas, basadas en la teoría del... more
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      Political TheoryPolitical LegitimacyPolitical PowerLegal and Political Philosophy
تحلیل نسبت عقلانیت و قدرت/ بنت فلوبیر
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      Knowledge and PowerPolitical PowerPlanning Theory
The Social and Economical Bases of Evolution in the Hegemonic Political Discourses of the Islamic Republic of Iran مبانی اجتماعی و اقتصادی تحول در گفتمان های سیاسی مسلط در جمهوری اسلامی ایران Abstract: Iran's revolution was a... more
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      HegemonyIranChantal MouffePolitical Systems
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      NationalismIraq WarWar powersPolitical Power
This series provides a forum for researchers to publish preliminary findings on themes related to migration and displacement in Africa. These papers may be cited (including the full URL and the date downloaded), but reproduced only with... more
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      Urbanization in Developing AreasNationalismSouth AfricaIraq War
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      Computer SciencePolitical ScienceEconomic CrisisUnited States
History never repeats itself but it is surprising how often it rhymes. Although the ‘new politics’ narrative, promoting a stark institutional and cultural shift away from the power-hoarding and adversarial system of politics and... more
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      British PoliticsConstitutional PoliticsElectoral systems, political parties, and executive-legislative structuresDemocracy and Good Governance
... View all references; Lebow 200332. Lebow, Richard Ned. 2003. The tragic vision of politics , Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. [CrossRef] View all references) or even postpositivists (see Peterson 199951.... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceScholarly CommunicationPolitical Power
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      Middle East StudiesIraqi HistoryNationalismIsrael/Palestine
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      Property RightsPolitical SciencePolitical PowerDeveloping World
La personnalisation charismatique du pouvoir, l’emploi de la télé-politique désormais sur internet, l’antiélitisme rampant, les débats participatifs (face-à-face ou en ligne), la fièvre référendaire, les flash-mobs citoyens et populaires,... more
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      PopulismIdeology and Discourse TheoryIdentificationPolitical Power
EU scholarship has seen several 'turns' during the last decade-most of them are theoretical, but some have also been empirical and even methodological. The most notable ones have been the institutionalist turn (eg Aspinwall and Schneider,... more
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      LawEuropean LawPolitical PowerModern Law
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      International RelationsTerrorismInternational StudiesPolitical Power
In this paper I will present and also analyze the context of the elections from December 1937. I perceived the context of the elections as a game of power involving many variables and in which the main actors were, on the one hand, the... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical ScienceHistory of Political PartiesPolitical Power
This chapter seeks to understand the concept of new media in the Arab world and how politics in the information age has changed Arab politics and moved citizens to the streets. However, the evolution of new media social networks and the... more
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      Social MovementsNew MediaGlobalizationInformation Communication Technology
In this paper I examine how Hobbes’ philosophy can be read from an Arendtian perspective. I argue that Arendt provided two different interpretations of Hobbes: one set down in The Origins of Totalitarianism, where Hobbes is depicted as... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthoritySocial Contract TheorySovereigntyHobbes
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      Political SociologyPolitical ViolencePolitical Power
Russia's premier, Vladimir Putin has garnered various opinions regarding his leadership and handling of state affairs with many arguing that he is bringing Russia to be a major player in power politics. This paper examines the motivations... more
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      Russian StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisPolitics
This article draws on identity construction, emotions and a notion of productive power to address the question of why Swedish policymakers and public opinion are becoming increasingly supportive of NATO membership. It contributes... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInternational RelationsSelf and IdentityInternational Relations Theory
The actorness of the European Union (EU) has been an ongoing debate in the literature since the first years of the EU's foundation. Putting the debate of the EU's being a civilian or military power aside, this study tries to answer the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean UnionCritical Discourse AnalysisPolitical Power
Questo articolo parte dalla ricostruzione del modello aristotelico di amicizia fornita nel ‘Brief of the Art of Rhetorique’ e dai motivi della critica hobbesiana a questo modello per esaminare il modo in cui l’amicizia lavora nel discorso... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical Philosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySovereignty
Recent research has explored how the Sino-American narrative struggle around COVID-19 might affect power shift dynamics and world order. An underlying assumption is that states craft strategic narratives in attempts to gain international... more
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      International RelationsNarrativePolitical ScienceAmerican Foreign Policy
the Atlantic, as seen from the South and the top, in On a Marché sur la Lune, Hergé, with the young reporter Tintin, the great Professeur Tryphon Tournesol, and poor treacherous Wolf ouverture, the grand Mare Nostrum, then a Mare Clausum:... more
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      Economic HistorySociologyCultural StudiesEconomic Sociology
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      Public RelationsPolitical PowerMunicipal
The concept of soft power occupies a prominent place in International Relations, foreign policy, and security studies. Primarily developed by Joseph S. Nye, the concept is typically drawn upon to emphasize the more intangible dimensions... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisAestheticsCritical Discourse Studies
An analysis (in Croatian) of the discourses articulated in public and the politics surrounding the affirmative parliamentary voting on the Istanbul Convention in Croatia, which was then ratified. The article maps four key discourses as... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseIdeologyPolitics of Recognition
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      AestheticsViolenceCultureDigital Games
In modern society, the value of political communication has increased dramatically. Recently, some political debates have become the focus of discussion in journalism and scientific literature. The term "Politics" has been translated into... more
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      LanguagePolitical DiscoursePolitical PowerLinguistics and Politics
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
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      BuddhismSocial ChangeSocial MovementsSocial Theory
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      Iraqi HistoryNationalismIraqIraq War
Il Corso di Laurea in Filosofia in collaborazione con la Società Filosofica Romana organizzano un workshop di due giorni, per 16 ore complessive, dedicato agli studenti liceali dell'ultimo anno interessati ad approfondire lo studio della... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageCultureHopeFaith
Unlike the previous administrations, Duterte veers away from leaning towards or depending to United States. Last November 20-21, Duterte and Chinese President Xi Jinping signed 29 deals during the Chinese leader’s state visit. These... more
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      International RelationsPolitical SciencePoliticsPhilippine government and politics
The festive dinners featured special occasions of interaction while establishing friendly connections between hosts and guests. In Moldavia and Wallachia, during the 17th and 18th centuries, these were a reason of great joy and several... more
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      HistoryMusicMusicologyMilitary Music
W tradycji myśli społecznej i politologicznej dominuje przekonanie o ścisłym związku istoty zjawiska polityki z problemem władzy. Dziś taki sposób interpretacji wydaje się kruszeć. Coraz mocniej daje się odczuć niezdolność do wyjaśniania... more
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    • Political Power
Rentier state theory has often been used by scholars to understand Arab Gulf states’ policies. Yet, this dissertation argues that rentier state theory does not fully explain how oil is employed as a political tool by the Arab Gulf states... more
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      Foreign PolicyEconomic DevelopmentInternational political economy of oil and gasGulf Cooperation Council
Communication decisively impacts upon all our lives. This inherent need to connect may either be soothing or painful, a source of intimate understanding or violent discord. Consequently, how it is brokered is challenging and often crucial... more
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Publicado en el libro "Aporías de la democracia", Ricardo Espinoza y Jordi Riba (editores). Ediciones Terra Ignota. Un mayor desarrollo de esta cuestión puede ser leído aquí:... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityAnarchismAnarchist StudiesPolitics of Recognition
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      SilencePolitical PowerSecret
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      Political TheoryPolitical SciencePoliticsContemporary Political Theory
The ornamental horticulture industry is responsible for the introduction, propagation, and transport of thousands of nonnative plant species, most of which stay in their intended locations or spread without significant environmental... more
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      Invasive SpeciesPolitical PowerEnvironmental ImpactInvasive Plant
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      Presidency (American Politics)Middle East StudiesNationalismAnglo-American Relations
Eurovision since its establishing date 1956, beyond being a music entertainment show, but more like as a global event, it has always been important since it has served as a place for countries to cultural struggle and prove their... more
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      Popular MusicIdentity Politics (Political Science)Eurovision Song ContestSoft Power and International Relations
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    • Political Power
Power has long been one of the key conceptual anchors around which IR's debates have cohered. Whether material power in realist terms, institutional power in liberal terms, normative power in constructivist work, or linguistic power in... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEmotionInternational RelationsCritical Discourse Studies
The text is focused on the issue of power as one of the main parts of the political science's research, arguing that Czech research in this issue has "frozen". Several concepts of power are introduced throughout the first third of the... more
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      GovernmentalityCritical Discourse AnalysisMetaphor AnalysisPolitical Power