Political Parties
Recent papers in Political Parties
Von der historischen Entwicklung der Wohnungspolitik in Deutschland und den Besonderheiten dieses Politikfeldes ausgehend, werden die relevanten wohnungspolitischen Akteure in Deutschland und die von ihnen verfolgten Ziele dargestellt.
This is the first book on the genesis, impact and reception of the most-widely read History of England of the early 18th century: Paul Rapin Thoyras' Histoire d'Angleterre (1724-27). The Histoire and complementary works (Extraits des... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
É comum que dúvidas sejam levantadas sobre se um partido político insere-se no campo da esquerda ou da direita. Especialmente no caso brasileiro, a resposta para esse problema é ainda mais complexa dada a quantidade de legendas que... more
This study analyzes controversies and public attitudes concerning the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera in Ukraine. The research question is: Which... more
From the volume Introduction: "Leonardo Campus’ chapter explores the Italian political perspectives on the crisis, using new documents from Italian, US and British archives, as well as interviews. The divisive nature and the desire... more
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
Isparta gibi, çok partili hayata geçiş ile birlikte merkez sağ çizgisinin güçlü olduğu bir seçim bölgesi olagelmiştir. Buna karşın 1999 seçimlerinden bu yana merkez sol olarak konumlanan partiler Muğla'da birinci parti olmuşlardır.... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
The growing success of populist parties from across the political spectrum in Europe calls for an examination of the link between populist parties and voters and the new (if new indeed) cleavages that such parties exploit. Scholars have... more
At the end of the 1970s a racist rock music movement known as White Power music emerged in Great Britain in connection with political parties of the extreme right and remains a vibrant force in racist social movements today. Throughout... more
After the 1917 February Revolution, main expectations of the societies both in Russia and Georgia were related to the Constituent Assembly which, apart from the future form of the state, was to solve the truce, land and national issues.... more
The paper examines variation in union density in advanced Western countries. It employs newly updated data on unionization which show that differences among industrialized Western nations persist overtime. The analysis includes... more
Political parties, which provide relation between society and political area, are fundamental elements of political life in the Democratic countries. In comparison to Western democracies, frequency of closure of political parties in the... more
Texto para o Boletim Opsa, de 2013, sobre as eleições seguintes para presidente e para prefeito de Montevidéu. O arquivo está sem a formatação com que foi publicado; o upload foi feito agora porque o acervo do OPSA está fora do ar.... more
Das italienische Parteienrecht ist in der Entwicklung und die allenthalben ubliche Unbeweglichkeit des Gesetzgebers auf diesem Gebiet kollidiert mit zwei Bedurfnissen: Ein Parteiengesetz zu schaffen, dass nicht nur eine Beschrankung,... more
In the course of election campaigns politicians and political parties try their best to highlight their most favored topics that would help them draw public attention and increase people’s regard for specific political figures. In... more
This research paper explores some of the criteria set for elections and the conditions in which the respondents participate. Moreover, the voters’mindset was investigated by drawing the illustrations from newspapers, television,... more
La COP21 donne lieu à des prises de conscience fortes dans le chef des partis politiques belges francophones. Tous soulignent aujourd'hui l'enjeu fondamental que représente le changement climatique pour la planète et les générations... more
ISBN 978-1-108-48087-1 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for ttre persistence oI accuracy of UR[* foı extemal or üird-party internet \i/ebsites referred to in this publication and does not guaıantee üat any content... more
The political districting problem has been studied since the 60's and many different models and techniques have been proposed with the aim of preventing districts' manipulation which may favor some specific political party... more
Providing an innovative conceptualization to extremist political movements founded upon "world-historic" populations and vanguard party organizations, Vanguardism sets out a new path in investigating the intellectual and historical... more
¿Los partidos brasileños responden a una dinámica regional, operando en ciertos espacios del país? ¿Los partidos argentinos se estructuran nacionalmente, hiriendo el federalismo y esfumando las realidades provinciales? ¿Hasta dónde esto... more
According to numerous recent cross-national studies of public support for democracy, citizens of both well-established and newer democracies continue to share a strong commitment to the ideals and principles of representative democracy.... more
El trabajo analiza las revoluciones de 1893 en la provincia de Buenos Aires a la luz de las transformaciones en el ideal de gobierno representativo
El presente ensayo se referirá al tema de la formación del partido hegemónico, Partido Nacional Revolucionario (PNR), actualmente Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).
מתייחס למנהיגות בגין על תנועת החרות והליכוד בנוסף על ההנהגה שסבבה אותו על הרטוריקה שלו ככלי פוליטי על האידאולוגיה המפלגתית שעברה מטמורפוזה ושינויים
על הטראנספורמציה שעברה מנהיגותו
על הטראנספורמציה שעברה מנהיגותו
In her chapter Nathalie Tocci argues that ‘‘spoiling characterizes the very nature of the persisting conflict in Cyprus’’ and the failure of numerous peace processes on the island. She suggests that spoiling has taken the form of actions... more
Book Review / Essay
This is a draft version of a published review in Parliamentary Affairs - published version can be found by clicking the links below
This is a draft version of a published review in Parliamentary Affairs - published version can be found by clicking the links below
Over two decades have passed since the 'third wave' of democratization began to roll across sub-Saharan Africa in the early 1990s. The introduction to this collection provides an overall assessment of the (lack of) progress made in... more
Public demand for environmental policies can only influence policies when political parties incorporate environmentalism into their platforms. The economic downturn that began in 2009 may have caused European parties to abandon their... more
Elected officials routinely do not reflect the racial diversity of the citizenry. In Latin America, these descriptive gaps are particularly pronounced. A growing number of studies investigate the causes of racial disparities in... more
Tesis para optar al Grado de Licenciado en Historia de la Universidad de Chile, 2018.
Profesores a cargo: Sergio Grez Toso y Pablo Artaza Barrios.
Profesores a cargo: Sergio Grez Toso y Pablo Artaza Barrios.