Political Marxism

106 papers
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Political Marxism is a theoretical framework that interprets Marxist theory through the lens of political structures and class relations, emphasizing the role of state power and political institutions in shaping economic and social conditions. It critiques traditional Marxism by focusing on the historical and political contexts of class struggle.
Bu makalede, Bourdieu'nün habitus ve sermaye / alan kavramlarının açıklığında yapılan bir okumayla, eylem sorunsalıyla inşa edilebilecek ilişkisel bir metodolojinin imkânı tartışmaya açılmaktadır. Bu okumada bilimsel hakikatin, ortak... more
Türkiye 1960 yıllarında hızlı sanayileşme ve bu sanayileşmeye bağlı kentleşmenin yoğunlaştığı bir dönem olarak hem iktisat kitaplarına hem de tarih kitaplarına geçmiştir. 1950'li yıllarda başlayan kırdan kente göç 1960'lı yıllarda artarak... more
O" zellikle tek bir anlamı varmış gibi görünen kelimeler, onlara çok dikkat etmek gerekir. Alman 'ilozof Heidegger'le başlayalım: "Noksanlık şu demektir: Birbirine-ait-olanın henüz-bir-arada-olmayışı." 1 Bu cümledeki sözcüklerin... more
Türkiye'de sosyalist hareketin işçi sınıfıyla kurduğu ilişki, özellikle 12 Eylül ve onu takip eden baskı döneminde hayli derin yaralar aldı. Öte yandan, adına ve misyonuna yaraşır biçimde, sosyalist hareketimiz her zaman işçi sınıfıyla... more
Neoliberalizmin sahneye çıkışı işçi sınıfının somut ve pratik kazanımlarına ağır bir saldırı biçiminde olmuştu. Ancak çok geçmeden, neoliberalizmin saldırısının ücretlere, emekçilerin sosyal güvenlik ve örgütlenme haklarına, kamunun... more
Türkiye kapitalizminin gerek siyaset ve ideoloji başlıklarında gerekse toplumsal dinamikler alanında uzunca bir süredir ciddi sıkıntılarla uğraşmakta olduğu artık biliniyor. Asıl olarak düzenin yeniden-üretimi sürecine etki eden bu... more
In einem Briefwechsel vom März 1868 liest man ein laufendes Gespräch zwischen Marx und Engels über die Geschichte der gesellschaftlichen Eigentumsverhältnisse. Der Dialog dreht sich u.a. um die historischen Ursprünge von Gemein-und... more
In this paper, I aim to form the basis of a new perspective on transition to capitalism by examining some foundational debates. In this effort, I will discuss two mainstream approaches-Commercialization and Demographic models, and two... more
The transition to capitalism has been one of the most perennial questions in the field of historical sociology. A distinct brand of historical materialism known as Political Marxism (PM) has offered critical insights into the "transition... more
Le médiéviste Guy Bois a développé une pensée critique de la mondialisation dès les années 1990, à un moment où celle-ci semblait accomplir enfin la promesse d’une humanité réconciliée par la technique et l’échange. En avance... more
Uvodna riječ Što je priroda? Je li ona u nama, izvan nas ili oboje? Spoznaje li priroda kroz nas samu sebe ili je to samo naš poetični način izražavanja? Spoznajemo li je mi uopće? Postoji li priroda? Postoji li ono „ja” koje spoznaje... more
This commentary responds to the six symposium pieces that critically engage my book Capitalism, Jacobinism, International Relations: Revisiting Turkish Modernity (CJIR). I am grateful for and challenged by this engaging, and diverse set... more
Although the neglect of Marxism has been a pervasive characteristic of IR theory, there has been a marked revival of interest in Marxism. Marx's materialist insights into the general historical development of societies, as well as his... more
Here is Pinar Bedirhanoglu's review of my book, 'Capitalism, Jacobinism, and International Relations: Revisiting Turkish Modernity' (2022, CUP), which is included in a symposium set to be published in Critical Sociology.
There is a growing literature suggesting that the digital economy is taking us out of capitalism. While this manifests most notably as a diagnosis of 'digital feudalism' or 'technofeudalism', a differing voice is McKenzie Wark, who... more
by Eren Duzgun and 
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Klevis Kolasi's excellent review of my book, 'Capitalism, Jacobinism, and International Relations: Revisiting Turkish Modernity' (2022, CUP), which is included in a symposium set to be published in Critical Sociology. It provides a lot of... more
Here is Alp Yucel Kaya's review of my book, 'Capitalism, Jacobinism, and International Relations: Revisiting Turkish Modernity' (2022, CUP), which is included in a symposium set to be published in Critical Sociology.
Situé à la jonction de la théorie critique, de la géographie sociale et de l'économie politique internationale, l'ouvrage Planetary mine: Territories of extraction under late capitalism présente une contribution significative à l'étude... more
Karl Marx siyasal düşünceler tarihi kanonunun en önemli ve bilinir isimlerinden biridir. Yaşadığı ve teorik çerçevesinin büyük tartışmalar ve polemikler, mücadeleler içinde üretildiği dönemde çağdaşı ve öncülü pek çok düşünürü ve... more
Resumo: Este artigo tem o objetivo de desvelar o núcleo da forma das relações socioeconômicas no sistema capitalista de exploração para acumulação de propriedade privada. Referido núcleo deriva nos sujeitos de direito, no Estado e nas... more
Özne mekana maruz kalarak algılamakta ve kendi bilişsel sistemi içerisinde mekanı zihinsel örüntüye oturtarak kavramaktadır. Kavranan mekan, ona maruz kalan öznenin bilinçdışına dokunur. Bilinçdışına dokunan mekan artık onu tasarlama... more
Özne mekana maruz kalarak algılamakta ve kendi bilişsel sistemi içerisinde mekanı zihinsel örüntüye oturtarak kavramaktadır. Kavranan mekan, ona maruz kalan öznenin bilinçdışına dokunur. Bilinçdışına dokunan mekan artık onu tasarlama... more
Robert Brenner's seminal article "The Origins of Capitalist Development: a Critique of Neo-Smithian Marxism" published in 1977 in the New Left Review counts as one of the most established (and accepted) critiques of dependency theory, and... more
This paper discusses the expanded conception of labour and work available to scholars. It correlates the development of Global Labour History with that of new, radical, critical approaches to Irish studies, the Irish New Wave. It is... more
The untimely death of Ellen Meiksins Wood on January 14, 2016 deprived the Left of one of its most original voices. Following Meiksins Wood's own approach to political theory, we consider her work about the contradictory relationship... more
Partant du constat d’un monopole masculin sur les moyens de production aux origines du dérèglement climatique en Angleterre, cette contribution fait l’hypothèse que c’est notamment en vertu d’une transmission structurellement inégalitaire... more
Nous remercions vivement Riley E. Dunlap pour sa disponibilité, ainsi que Marc Rubio et Jean-François Nominé pour leur travail de traduction et pour les recherches documentaires menées pour trouver des équivalents français à des termes et... more
All in all, Duzgun’s study offers an excellent interdisciplinary analysis of different modes of modernity and their application to Turkish modernization. Those scholars interested in modernity, the political economy of development, and... more
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions... more
This article examines the different approaches to the relation between law, state and economy in the works of Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt and Evgeny Pashukanis. It begins with Kelsen’s depiction of law as a dynamic and ‘self-regulating’... more
Distribution électronique pour Association Vacarme. Distribution électronique pour Association Vacarme. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites... more
TO QUOTE THIS PAPER Jérôme Maucourant, Michael Rafferty, Bruno Tinel, "Nations And Capitalism:A Socio-Historical Perspective", Economic Alternatives, 2017, Issue 3, pp. 405-421. Cf. URL... more
In the wake of Russia’s imperialist invasion of Ukraine and its attendant devastation; the surge of some 26 million people into the streets in the US in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd and the swift crackdown on and attempt... more
The untimely death of Ellen Meiksins Wood on January 14, 2016 deprived the Left of one of its most original voices. Following Meiksins Wood's own approach to political theory, we consider her work about the contradictory relationship... more
This book offers a radical reinterpretation of the development of the modern world through the concept of Jacobinism. It argues that the French Revolution was not just another step in the construction of capitalist modernity, but produced... more
Theorising a non-Eurocentric "global international relations" has been a main preoccupation of scholars associated with international political sociology (IPS). In this article, I argue that scholars within the IPS tradition have provided... more
In this essay, I examine the works of Agnes Smedley and Ding Ling, focusing on Daughter of Earth (US, 1929), Smedley’s fictional autobiography and Bildungsroman; The Great Road (US, 1956), her unfinished and strikingly novelistic... more
With capitalist social relations emerging in a prior system of absolutist states in Europe, the outward expansion of capitalism through conditions of uneven and combined development became dependent on the existence of multiple political... more
The objective of the master thesis presented here is to chart a concept of causality adequate for a historical materialism at pace with the times, uncircumventable for grasping complex social phenomena and relationships, their... more
This paper argues that world-systems research can be strengthened by adopting a two track research strategy in which key parts of proposed explanations for social system change are also formulated using energy dynamics concepts and... more
Bu makalede, kapitalizme geçiş üzerine bazı temel tartışmalardan yola çıkarak yeni bir perspektifin temellerini oluşturmayı amaçlıyorum. Bu doğrultuda, öncelikle kapitalizme geçiş üzerine iki ana akım yaklaşımı – Ticarileşme Modellerini... more