Polish Cinema
Most cited papers in Polish Cinema
Roman Polanski'nin Apartman Üçlemesi'nde kent hayatının bir sembolü olan apartmanlar, dışarısının tacizkar ve ihlalci yapılanmasını içeriye sızdırarak ruhsal aygıtı şekillendiren "tekinsiz" yapılar olarak ele alınmıştır. Apartman... more
Celem artykułu jest rozpatrzenie problemu odzwierciedlonej/wykreowanej w polskim kinie przełomu lat 80. i 90. przestrzeni społeczno-kulturowej pierwszego etapu transformacji ustrojowej. Przedmiotem analizy są wybrane filmy z lat... more
With a view to studying the social and institutional practices related to the post-1989 approaches to film animation under socialism, this article addresses the transformation of the state-owned Se-Ma-For Film Studio in Łódź and the... more
From the mid-1970s to the end of the state-socialist regimes in Central Europe in 1989, the Czech scriptwriter and dramaturg Pavel Hajný successfully fostered parallel careers in two national film industries: between 1975 and 1989, Hajný... more
Przedmiotem artykułu jest film Zapis zbrodni (reż. Andrzej Trzos-Rastawiecki, 1974), którego scenariusz bazował na prawdziwej historii Konstantego Federa i Janusza Dębińskiego – w 1972 r. zamordowali oni w celach rabunkowych dwóch... more
This article examines a wave of documentary films about former shock workers (Stakhanovites) and model workers that were produced in Poland in the 1970s. These short works by Krzysztof Kieślowski, Bohdan Kosiński, Marcel Łoziński, Irena... more
The idea for this book originated in our observation that while there is a growing body of innovative work dealing with transnationality in world cinemas, studies devoted to this phenomenon tend to omit Eastern European cinemas,... more
The chapter explores the various ways in which Jewish return is manifest in recent Polish film and literature. Such returns function variously to express anxiety, loss, mourning or the recovery of lost identity, and appear in diverse... more
This is the first ever international comparative study of the mythologies which popular TV series in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania – made before and after the fall of communism – disseminate in their... more
Autobiographical threads occupy an important place in films of Marian Marzyński and Leszek Leo Kantor. Interesting is the convergence of life experiences common to both authors. We can indicate a lot of parallelisms in biographies of both... more
One of the key roles in the cinematic image of Łódź (the centre of Polish fi lm production in the 1950s and 1960s) was played by “Se-Ma- For” Film Studio. Th e political and economic changes that Poland underwent at the beginning of the... more
This article discusses the concept of worlding in the cinema of Małgorzata Szumowska. Informed by philosophical theory of worlding and worldliness, by thinkers such as Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, and Gayatri Spivak, and the film... more
This book chapter discusses Walerian Borowczyk's use of art objects as well as art collecting and curating in his cinematic sexploitation strategy. Published by Bloomsbury Academic in the new edition of SHOCKING CINEMA OF THE 70S, eds.... more
W artykule został podjęty problem "tożsamości przemieszczonej" rozumianej jako odgórny-narodowy i społecznyprojekt dla przestrzeni pojałtańskich. Chociaż jego celem była homogenizacja narodowa oraz integracja w nowych granicach... more
The article is an analysis of the reception of the film Clergy (Kler) directed by Wojciech Smarzowski in four of the most popular Polish weekly magazines. The author analysed the texts that appeared in Polityka, Newsweek, Sieci and Do... more
Polish People’s Republic (PRL) in the late 1970s saw an increased alliance among, and indeed, a blending of, workers and intellectuals, young and old, women and men, actively struggling against the state. A new kind of solidarity emerged... more
La diffusion ou la divulgation de ce document et de son contenu via Internet ou tout autre moyen de communication ne sont pas autorisées hormis dans un cadre privé. Le film Brueghel, le moulin et la croix (Lech Majewski, 2011) donne vie... more
The aim of the article is to discuss the way of representing the migration motive in Polish post-communist cinematography. The term ‘Polish post-communist cinematography’ can be defined as the collection of national films created during... more
"Fearless Vampire Killers" in the light of modern research on vampires. How much Drakula's blood has the main antagonist in his vains? In which cases does Roman Polański's narrative differs from Bram Stoker 's?
The articles author tries to prove that the experience of March 1968 had a great influence on the Polish film industry. Through the examples of Marek Piwowski's “The Cruise”, Tadeusz Konwicki's “How Far Away, How Near” and Andrzej... more
The vast majority of documentary films relevant to the events of March ‘68 and its consequences were created after 1989, when the abolition of censorship and the opening of previously hidden archives allowed Polish filmmakers to explore... more
Piotr Szulkin made his mark in the history of cinema primarily as the author of disturbing visions of the future. His four films made between 1979 and 1985 comprised the science-fiction tetralogy, which is still one of the greatest... more
Artykuł omawia kondycję polskiego filmu o dorastaniu/filmu inicjacyjnego (coming of movie), który w refleksji rodzimego filmoznawstwa był na ogół rozpoznany jako film dla młodzieży lub film dla dzieci i młodzieży. Autorka na licznych... more
In the 1960s, Polish cinematography lost some of its leading artists, both the founders of the "Polish school" and young masters. In 1961, Andrzej Munk fell victim to a car crash. In 1967, actor No. 1 of Poland Zgibnew Cybulski died under... more
This paper examines industrial landscapes in Polish Cinema in the 60s. Upper Silesian scenery is considered not as a mere background but an essential element that constructs the cinematographic narration. Historic, economic, and... more
In 1964, many decades before multilingual movies have become fashionable, a Polish director, Stanisław Lenartowicz, made a war comedy called "Giuseppe in Warsaw." It narrates the adventures of an Italian soldier who on his way home from... more
Ce séminaire de recherche part de la volonté d’interroger le rapport au temps historique dans le cinéma contemporain et dans le cinéma de la deuxième moitié du vingtième siècle. Nous nous proposons de travailler cette question à partir de... more
The paper presents an interview with Krzysztof Zanussi (born 17 June 1939), one of the most renowned award-winning Polish film directors. Some of his numerous films for television and cinema have been made in co-operation with German... more
This article explores the use of painting in Stanisław Wyspiański's canonical play and Andrzej Wajda's film adaptation. Both playwright and film director were originally trained as painters, and include painting prominently in their... more
Résumé de la thèse de doctorat de Mathieu Lericq (Aix-Marseille Université) La fin des années 1960 correspond à un moment durant lequel la cinématographie polonaise est stimulée par trois dynamiques principales : une exceptionnelle... more
The text explores traditions of film education, understood as education through film, in Polish film studies. Although film education has been de facto part of informal education, we can trace many initiatives aimed at making it an... more
Using archival sources, movie reviews, secondary sources and films, this article examines the cinema of Jerzy Passendorfer, the founding father of action movies genre in People’s Poland, but also the staunch supporter of Władysław... more
Abstract This paper presents polish film director Lech Majewski and discusses one of the essential themes of his work, the pursuit of paradise through the artwork, based on the example of the movie Angelus (Lech Majewski, 2001). In the... more