Policy Transfer
Recent papers in Policy Transfer
Brazil became a prominent player for policy dialogue on food security and social protection in the 2000s and started to share its policy instruments with developing countries. However, the consequences as well as the mechanisms of such... more
‘Outcomes’ has become one of the ‘it’ words in how we talk about education. There is outcomes-based assessment, outcomes-based learning, and now the rise of ‘learning outcomes’ with the rise of national and regional qualifications... more
En dépit de sa perméabilité aux influences extérieures, le pouvoir en Tunisie n’est jamais resté passif face aux pressions ou injonctions (aussi fortes soient-elles) émanant de ses « partenaires » étrangers. La notion de réajustement est... more
The essays in Globalization on the Margins explore the continuities and changes in Central Asian education development since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Reflecting on two decades of post-socialist transformations, they... more
It has been almost two decades since conditional cash transfer programs first appeared on the agendas of multilateral agencies and politicians. Latin America has often been used as a testing ground for these programs, which consist of... more
« Le 10 mai 2001, ils m’ont transféré en avion militaire à la nouvelle prison de Valledupar. On savait bien que là-bas c’était le régime yankee. Ils m’ont tout pris, ils m’ont donné un uniforme […] et ils m’ont rasé la tête. Les gardiens... more
What is the Bologna Process? Has it been a success or failure in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in particular, and in Europe more generally? The question, asked time and again, is persistently misconstrued. This explains to a large... more
This article explores how the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (National Learning Standards), entered the policy debate in Brazil and became the most important reform initiative of the Ministry of Education between 2015 and 2017. We argue... more
Die Begriffe Politikkonvergenz, Politikdiffusion und Politiktransfer werden in der Literatur nicht immer klar voneinander abgegrenzt. Die daraus resultierende begriffliche — und möglicherweise auch analytische —Unklarheit erschwert... more
In 2007, the Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence, or CIRV, was initiated by the Cincinnati Police Department to tackle the rising problem of gang-member related homicides (Engel et al., 2008). CIRV was an evidence-based, focused... more
A critique of the current balance of attention with regard to the idea of 'transnationalism' in policing. I propose an alternative conceptual framework within which we can consider the history and the present of what I call today... more
facren After a few decades of globalization, in the field of public policy studies, there is the emergence of an explanation for policy decision-making phenomena among the process of internationalization of politics, in which each country... more
This thesis owes its existence to the help, support and inspiration of several people.
The study of the policy transfer model is considered in a very important manner in the way the concept of policy transfer occurs. The increased internationalisation of trade is greater than before; increased communication between... more
This paper examines the phenomenon of educational policy transfer in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is argued that our age has witnessed a phenomenon of “the accelerating transnationalization of policy norms and practices” (Peck and... more
O estudo tem como objetivo analisar a cooperação brasileira no campo da alimentação escolar, a partir de uma perspectiva de difusão e transferência de políticas públicas, buscando identificar os principais aprendizados, características e... more
The pervasiveness of neoliberalism within the field of human geography is remarkable, especially when we consider its virtual absence from the literature less than a decade ago. While the growing attention afforded to neoliberalism among... more
In the decades since the end of the Second World War visible similarities have been emerging between higher education systems of different countries, across varying economic, political and socio cultural contexts. Over these years the... more
Conclusion: "The good life in the good state, geared towards peaceful and productive living-together in the globalized, competitive environment of the 21st century, is unthinkable without a high-quality, appropriate, well-working public... more
Introducing the special issue on ''Mobilizing policy," the paper contrasts orthodox approaches to policy transfer with an emerging body of work in the interdisciplinary field critical policy studies. The governing metaphors in this latter... more
This paper explores IBM’s Smarter Cities Challenge as an example of global smart city pol- icymaking. The evolution of IBM’s smart city thinking is discussed, then a case study of Phi- ladelphia’s online workforce education initiative,... more
Experts en développement ou en réforme de l’État, promotion de la société civile ou des droits de l’homme, thuriféraires du monétarisme ou de la bonne gouvernance... Comment, et avec quelles stratégies empiriques et théoriques penser la... more
This chapter studies the genealogy of participatory approaches at the World Bank in the late twentieth century. It examines how the issue of participation initially gained traction within the organization’s ecosystem before being turned... more
Background International achievement studies such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) have an increasing influence on education policy worldwide. The use of such data can provide a basis for evidence-based policy... more
Over the past two decades, policy transfer has continued to develop as a distinct research area in public policy, having evolved from other concepts, including, policy diffusion, policy convergence, and lesson-drawing. This paper aims to... more
As its social, political, and economic situation changed, the educational policy focus of Botswana has shifted from general education to Technical Vocational Education and Training(TVET). The government of Botswana put a great deal of... more
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This study explores the linkages between two recent trends in global climate governance. The irst trend is the growing focus on cities in the multi-level governance of climate change. Whereas international climate change negotiations... more
Paper presented at the ECPR general conference in Hamburg (2018)
This article intervenes in discussions about the circulation of policing knowledge and the politics of expertise. As part of a broader conversation about transnational reconfigurations of state power, critical scholars have drawn... more
During the first decade of the 21st century, the Colombian prison system went through a profound transformation under the influence of a cooperation agreement between Washington and Bogota in penal and penitentiary policies. This thesis... more
El documento denominado "Los Fines de la Educación en el Siglo XXI" comunica las aspiraciones de la Reforma Educativa del 2013 e informa, en cierta medida, los planteamientos curriculares de educación básica y, en consecuencia, los de la... more