In recent years, US police departments have drawn significant attention due to widely publicized events involving police misconduct. The Department of Justice (DOJ), taking notice of public discontent, has compelled several police... more
El presente trabajo pretende delimitar el campo judicial penal en el marco de la administración de justicia de la provincia de Santiago del Estero, República Argentina, durante el período 2002 – 2017, como un espacio con una autonomía... more
Kinerja polisi adalah bagian dari bagaimana kepolisian sebagai salah satu fungsi dalam birokrasi pemerintahan mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam pencapaian tujuan penyelenggaraan negara. Doktrin universal polisi yaitu to protect and to... more
This research critically evaluates the South African Police Service (SAPS)'s top ten service delivery challenges noted by Station Commanders. The research will explore how these impediments impact operational effectiveness, public trust,... more
Europski uhidbeni nalog kao institut međunarodne kaznenopravne pomoći koji je zamijenio izručenje unutar Europske unije već se četiri godine primjenjuje i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Budući da je riječ o institutu koji je u usporedbi s... more
Research shows that Americans who hold strongly to a myth about America’s Christian heritage—what is called “Christian nationalism”—tend to draw rigid boundaries around ethnic and national group membership. Incorporating theories... more
Concerns over killings by police returned to the news after the recent release of body camera footage showing a deputy in Springfield, Illinois, fatally shoot a Black woman, Sonya Massey, in her kitchen. After the shooting, the lawyer for... more
En las audiencias iniciales del sistema de justicia penal de la Ciudad de México se decide la legalidad de las detenciones policiales. En el delito de posesión simple de drogas las decisiones de ilegalidad son mucho más frecuentes que en... more
In today’s digital age, text messaging has become a primary means of communication, enabling individuals to share information quickly and efficiently. However, the widespread use of digital communication, particularly through mobile... more
espanolEn este trabajo se propone observar dos casos de suceso de publico en la cinematografia brasilena: Tropa de elite 2 (2010) de Jose Padilha y Cidade de Deus (2002) de Fernando Meirelles y Katia Lund. Las producciones cuentan con una... more
The colonial origin of Crisis of Alienation in Policing in Nigeria is the focus of this study. There is no scholarly historical investigation on the colonial origin of Crisis of Alienation in policing in NIgeria. The historical methods of... more
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un acercamiento cuantitativo a las experiencias y valoraciones que los/as policías tienen sobre el uso de la fuerza y del arma de fuego en la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Se utiliza... more
The theme of this module is centered on empowering LEOs to gain comprehensive insights into the principles of good policing as delineated by IHRL, thereby enhancing their capacity to navigate situations involving the use of force and... more
Sažetak Istraživanja kriminaliteta žena, jos uvijek su snažno podzastupljena. To vrijedi i za dva vrlo vrijedna koncepta koji, svaki na svoj nacin, stvaraju red u raznovrsnim interdisciplinarnim pristupima i tako dobivenim empirijskim... more
Over the last 30 years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has used the pattern-or-practice initiative to implement police reform in maligned law enforcement agencies. Despite the longevity of the program, there is limited empirical evidence... more
El presente artículo discute la relación entre la práctica de la tortura y la militarización de la seguridad pública en México. En primer lugar, se analiza desde la perspectiva federal, comparando las probabilidades de las fuerzas armadas... more
Presento una investigación dirigida a comprender los discursos y prácticas en torno a la violencia policial de defensores/as de derechos humanos en Chile. Mediante metodología etnográfica (2020-2022), trabajé con defensores/as de una... more
This research work examines police brutality and violation of human rights in Nigeria – causes and its implications. The objectives of the study is to establish some cases of police brutality in Nigeria; to investigate the causes of... more
ace cerca de diez años, el 23 de septiembre de 2001, fue asesinado a tiros José Manuel Ortega Lara, alias "el guatón Ceni", sindicado por los medios de comunicación como "el jefe narco de La Legua". La situación causó revuelo público: los... more
La literatura sobre seguridad ciudadana en América Latina, inspirada en las recomendaciones de la banca multilateral de desarrollo y de organizaciones no gubernamentales, adopta un enfoque económico e institucional centrado en las ideas... more
Literature often emphasizes the use of force as a distinctive feature of police work, while risky encounters and uncertainty are conditions under which such work is carried out daily. Conditions leading to the use of force by the police... more
espanolEl objetivo del estudio fue determinar las percepciones, actitudinales que, sobre el entrenamiento, especificamente el metodo del Uso Progresivo y Diferenciado de la Fuerza (UPDF), tienen los policias venezolanos en el contexto del... more
Environmental crimes related to industrial waste refer to illegal activities conducted by industrial factories that pose harm to the environment and human health. In many developing nations, law enforcement agencies underestimate the... more
This qualitative study investigates the effectiveness and quality of police service. We propose that there is a link between quality of police service and how officers attain extraprofessional status and intraprofessional status. The... more
Resensi Buku "Pemikiran Politik Indonesia” Buku "Pemikiran Politik Indonesia", ditulis oleh Profesor Ris Dr. Sjamsuddin Haris, MSi; Dr. Firdaus Syam, MA; serta Drs. H. Azian Tamrin, MSi, memberikan perspektif mendalam tentang dinamika... more
In terms of Section 205(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, the objectives of the South African Police Service (SAPS) are to prevent, combat and investigate crime, to maintain public order, to protect and secure... more
We have learned to shape solutions through the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights or the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg on what, until not long ago, we were treating an eternal lamentation as a real problem but... more
Dr. Xiao, I'm really glad to have this opportunity to talk with you. We know that mental health in China has been lagging behind other areas such as infectious diseases. What prompted you to choose mental health as your lifelong career?... more
This research work examines police brutality and violation of human rights in Nigeria – causes and its implications. The objectives of the study is to establish some cases of police brutality in Nigeria; to investigate the causes of... more
O presente artigo objetiva lançar luz sobre um ator social pouco conhecido da dinâmica criminal carioca. Os “pi-lícias” são civis “desejosos em ser polícia” na vida cotidiana, e que acabam eventualmente trabalhando ilegalmente para... more
I had already decided to talk about Canada and the terrible deaths in Saskatoon, a series of cases that have been kept under wraps, when a Global News headline jumped out at me on 26 September: ‘Nine natives have died in police custody... more
Avevo già deciso di parlare del Canada e delle terribili morti di Saskatoon, una serie di casi messi sotto silenzio, quando il 26 settembre mi è balzato all'occhio un titolo del Global News: "Da agosto 9 indigeni sono morti sotto la... more
Police researchers have neglected any in-depth study of campus policing. Instead, the writings and practical observations of campus law enforcers have dominated the campus police literature. This paper presents the results of a pilot... more
, the Hellenic League for Human Rights organized an event at the Athens Bar Association to present a documentation and proposals report titled "Hellenic Police: Issues of Excessive Force and Arbitrariness" (a document upon which this... more
Η παρούσα έκδοση υποστηρίχθηκε από το "Guerilla Foundation". Οι θέσεις και οι απόψεις που εκφράζονται στο παρόν ανήκουν 1 Τάκης Ανδρέας, Πουρναρά Αικατερίνη, "Γιατί η αστυνομία είναι πρόβλημα στη χώρα μας σήμερα", Syntagma Watch,... more
This article discusses implications and potentialities of anthropologically thinking and researching with documents, arguing that they consist of ethnographic artifacts, which can be particularly fruitful in certain research contexts. In... more
Quels objets sont mobilisés dans les luttes de reconnaissance culturelle des groupes minorisés ethniques, linguistiques, politiques, professionnels, sexuels ou religieux en Europe et en Méditerranée ? Le séminaire nomade Singuliers.... more
Ao Professor Doutor Roberto Henriques, por nos orientar e apoiar nesta empreitada. À minha esposa pelo apoio incondicional e pelo amor. À minha filha, maior benção da minha vida. Ao Excelentíssimo Senhor Diretor de Investigação e Combate... more
The article analyzes the way in which, in the first half of the 20th century, the relationship between capital and labor was regulated in a peripheral province of Argentina, marked by the "obraje"'s system and seasonal work. The... more
El artículo analiza el modo como en la primera mitad del siglo XX se buscaba regular las relaciones entre capital y trabajo en una provincia periférica de Argentina, marcada por el sistema de explotación del obraje maderero y el trabajo... more
espanolEl articulo analiza el modo como en la primera mitad del siglo XX se buscaba regular las relaciones entre capital y trabajo en una provincia periferica de Argentina, marcada por el sistema de explotacion del obraje maderero y el... more
El articulo se propone analizar diferentes estrategias en el activismo legal contra la violencia policial y penitenciaria en Argentina y sus consecuencias. Para ello comparamos el trabajo de dos organizaciones pioneras en la lucha contra... more