Human action in video sequences can be seen as silhouettes of a moving torso and protruding limbs undergoing articulated motion. We regard human actions as three-dimensional shapes induced by the silhouettes in the space-time volume. We... more
The linearized-augmented-plane-wave (LAPW) method for thin films is generalized by removing the remaining shape approximation to the potential inside the atomic spheres. A new technique for solving Poisson's equation for a general... more
methods are utilized as computational tools in many areas of chemical physics. In this paper, we present the theoretical basis for a dynamical Monte Carlo method in terms of the theory of Poisson processes. We show that if: (1) a... more
We describe an interactive, computer-assisted framework for combining parts of a set of photographs into a single composite picture, a process we call "digital photomontage." Our framework makes use of two techniques primarily: graph-cut... more
The response of a model micro-electrochemical system to a time-dependent applied voltage is analyzed. The article begins with a fresh historical review including electrochemistry, colloidal science, and microfluidics. The model problem... more
A Cartesian grid method for computing flows with complex immersed, moving boundaries is presented. The flow is computed on a fixed Cartesian mesh and the solid boundaries are allowed to move freely through the mesh. A mixed... more
In this paper we study the problem
In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to mesh editing with the Poisson equation as the theoretical foundation. The most distinctive feature of this approach is that it modifies the original mesh geometry implicitly through gradient... more
ity a nonlocal potential which could fit neutron elastic scattering data in the energy range from 0.4 to 24 MeV and where the optical-model parameters were energy independent. This is, of course, a remarkable result since we know that the... more
Generalized Born (GB) models provide, for many applications, an accurate and computationally facile estimate of the electrostatic contribution to aqueous solvation. The GB models involve two main types of approximations relative to the... more
A novel numerical method is developed that integrates boundary-conforming grids with a sharp interface, immersed boundary methodology. The method is intended for simulating internal flows containing complex, moving immersed boundaries... more
We present a theoretical study of electron mobility in cylindrical gated silicon nanowires at 300 K based on the Kubo-Greenwood formula and the self-consistent solution of the Schrödinger and Poisson equations. A rigorous surface... more
In this paper, a finite difference code for Direct and Large Eddy Simulation (DNS/LES) of incompressible flows is presented. This code is an intermediate tool between fully spectral Navier-Stokes solvers (limited to academic geometry... more
Due to rapid development of boundary element method (BEM), this article explores the evolution of BEM over the past half century. We here summarize the overall development and implementation of several well-known BEM variants that... more
An algorithm for computing a class of hyperelliptic integrals and for determining the surface measure of ellipsoids is described. The algorithm is used to construct an omnibus optimal-design criterion.
A stiff, 1 operator-split projection scheme is constructed for the simulation of unsteady two-dimensional reacting flow with detailed kinetics. The scheme is based on the compressible conservation equations for an ideal gas mixture in the... more
In this note, we propose and analyse a method for handling interfaces between nonmatching grids based on an approach suggested by for the approximation of Dirichlet boundary conditions. The exposition is limited to self-adjoint elliptic... more
We present a domain decomposition finite element technique for efficiently generating lower and upper bounds to outputs which are linear functionals of the solutions to symmetric or nonsymmetric second-order coercive linear partial... more
We present a fully distributed dynamic load balancing algorithm for parallel MIMD architectures. The algorithm can be described as a system of identical parallel processes, each running on a processor of an arbitrary interconnected... more
We present a general mesh-free description of the magnetic field distribution in various electromagnetic machines, actuators, and devices. Our method is based on transfer relations and Fourier theory, which gives the magnetic field... more
Kinetic models for chemotaxis, nonlinearly coupled to a Poisson equation for the chemo-attractant density, are considered. Under suitable assumptions on the turning kernel (including models introduced by Othmer, Dunbar and Alt),... more
Brizolis asked the question: does every prime p have a pair (g,h) such that h is a fixed point for the discrete logarithm with base g? The first author previously extended this question to ask about not only fixed points but also... more
Consider the partial sums {S t } of a real-valued functional F (Φ(t)) of a Markov chain {Φ(t)} with values in a general state space. Assuming only that the Markov chain is geometrically ergodic and that the functional F is bounded, the... more
Central limit theorems and invariance principles are obtained for additive functionals of a stationary ergodic Markov chain, say S n = g X 1 + • • • + g X n , where E g X 1 = 0 and E g X 1 2 < ∞. The conditions imposed restrict the... more
We applied the solvation models SM8, SM8AD, and SMD in combination with the Minnesota M06-2X density functional to predict vacuum-water transfer free energies ( and tautomeric ratios in aqueous solution (Task 2) for the SAMPL2 test set.... more
In this article recent advances in the Marker and Cell (MAC) method will be reviewed. The MAC technique dates back to the early 1960s at the Los Alamos Laboratories and this article starts with a historical review, and then a brief... more
In numerous applications of image processing, e.g. astronomical and medical imaging, data-noise is well-modeled by a Poisson distribution. This motivates the use of the negative-log Poisson likelihood function for data fitting. (The fact... more
We consider the approximation properties of quadrilateral finite element spaces of vector fields defined by the Piola transform, extending results previously obtained for scalar approximation. The finite element spaces are constructed... more
Suppose that X is a positive recurrent Harris chain with invariant measure 't. We develop a Lyapunov function criterion that permits one to bound the solution g to Poisson's equation for X. This bound is then applied to obtain sufficient... more
Abstract. In this paper, a new method for the problem of shape representation and classification is proposed. In this method, we define a radius function on the contour of the shape which captures for each point of the boundary,... more
In this paper we introduce Enzo, a 3D MPI-parallel Eulerian blockstructured adaptive mesh refinement cosmology code. Enzo is designed to simulate cosmological structure formation, but can also be used to simulate a wide range of... more
We report on the calculation of electrical characteristics of AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field effect transistors (HFETs). The model is based on the self-consistent solution of the Schrodinger and Poisson equations coupled to a quasi-2D... more
Permeation of ions from one electrolytic solution to another, through a protein channel, is a biological process of considerable importance. Permeation occurs on a time scale of micro- to milliseconds, far longer than the femtosecond time... more
We show by simulation that electron mobility and velocity overshoot are greater when strained inversion layers are grown on SiGe-On-insulator substrates ͑strained Si/SiGe-OI͒ than when unstrained silicon-on-insulator ͑SOI͒ devices are... more
Long-time states of a turbulent, decaying, two-dimensional, Navier-Stokes flow are shown numerically to relax toward maximum-entropy configurations, as defined by the "sinh-Poisson" equation. The large-scale Reynolds number is about 14... more
We present an efficient method to conformally parameterize 3D mesh data sets to the plane. The idea behind our method is to concentrate all the 3D curvature at a small number of select mesh vertices, called cone singularities, and then... more
We consider the approximation of a microelectronic device corresponding to a n + − n − n + diode consisting in a channel flanked on both sides by two highly doped regions. This is modelled through a system of equations: ballistic for the... more
We introduce a new code, ECOSMOG, to run N -body simulations for a wide class of modified gravity and dynamical dark energy theories. These theories generally have one or more new dynamical degrees of freedom, the dynamics of which are... more
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) has been used to develop a reduced-order model of the hydrodynamic forces acting on a circular cylinder. Direct numerical simulations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations have been performed... more
Bandstructure effects in the electronic transport of strongly quantized silicon nanowire field-effect-transistors (FET) in various transport orientations are examined. A 10-band sp 3 d 5 s* semi-empirical atomistic tight-binding model... more
Glow discharge at atmospheric pressure using a dielectric barrier discharge can induce fluid flow and operate as an actuator for flow control. In this paper, we simulate the physics of a two-dimensional asymmetric actuator operating in... more
In this paper, we propose a new numerical method for treating two-phase incompressible flow where one phase is being converted into the other, e.g., the vaporization of liquid water. We consider this numerical method in the context of... more
An inherent numerical problem associated with the fully explicit pseudospectral numerical simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation for viscous flows with no-slip walls is described. A semi-implicit scheme which circumvents... more
A shear-lag analysis is presented for estimating sliding friction stress at fibermatrix intevfaces in ceramic-matrix composites using the single-fiber push-out test. The analysis includes an approximate correction for the increased... more
The main features of a numerical model aiming at predicting the drift of ions in an electrolytic solution upon a chemical potential gradient are presented. The mechanisms of ionic diffusion are described by solving the extended... more
The current dipole is a widely used source model in forward and inverse electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography applications. Analytic solutions to the governing field equations have been developed for several approximations of... more