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The Expo / Mammoth 2010 is a cultural product derivative of the interdisciplinary project "Study of the Pleistocene megafauna in Guerrero Creek. Guadalupe, Zacatecas. First field season: surface collection at the study area and... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyZooarchaeologyPleistocene Fossils
Travelling in the interior of Iceland is very arduous work, for the country lies high and consists for the most part of sand and lava deserts, often absolutely without grass. The traveller has consequently to take with him even fodder for... more
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      StratigraphyClimate ChangePalynologyTectonics
C’erano elefanti in Italia prima dell'arrivo di Pirro? E 'difficile immaginare che due o trecentomila anni fa la campagna romana era attraversato da branchi di elefanti, ma il territorio di Roma è tra i più ricchi al mondo per l’enorme... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPaleontologyGeoarchaeology
Short overview about first discoveries of Megaloceros giganteus in Europe
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      PaleontologyPleistocene FossilsPalaeontologyFossils
Het zal weinigen ontgaan zijn dat Nederland zich, net als haar ooster- en zuiderburen, nu ook mag verheugen in een Neanderthaler. Althans: een stukje van een Neanderthalerschedel. Het fossiel haalde in juni 2009 uitgebreid de... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)PalaeolithicNeanderthaler
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      PaleontologyTourism StudiesHeritage TourismCultural Tourism
Neandertals and their immediate predecessors are commonly considered to be the only humans inhabiting Europe in the Middle and early Late Pleistocene. Most Middle Pleistocene western European specimens show evidence of a developing... more
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      PaleoanthropologyAnthropologyPleistocene Fossils
Although in the past fifty years Aguascalientes has been characterized by important paleontological discoveries, is currently observed a marked deterioration in the sites of fossiliferous outcrops that occur naturally, due to rapid urban... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyVertebrate PalaeontologyPleistocene Fossils
A partial humerus of a giant flying bird from Blancan (upper Pliocene) deposits of California is determined to be a teratorn, although the humerus differs from those of other known genera of the family Teratornithidae in the position of... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsPleistocene VertebratePliocene
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyPleistocene FossilsPleistocene Vertebrate
Western Eurasia yielded a rich Middle (MP) and Late Pleistocene (LP) fossil record documenting the evolution of the Neandertals that can be analyzed in light of recently acquired paleogenetical data, an abundance of archeological... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsNeandertalsAcheulean (Archaeology)Homo Sapiens
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      PaleontologyFolkloreHistory of PaleontologyHistory of Science
Michael Baales, Felix Bittmann & Bernd Kromer (1998): Verkohlte Bäume im Trass der Laacher See-Tephra bei Kruft (Neuwieder Becken). Ein Beitrag zur Datierung des Laacher See-Ereignisses und zur Vegetation der Allerød-Zeit am Mittelrhein.... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsRadiocarbon DatingLaacher See TephraLate Glacial
Il sito di Casal de 'Pazzi si trova nella periferia est di Roma, ed è oggi incluso in un'area urbana densamente popolata tra il fiume Aniene e Tevere. Fu scoperto nel 1981, durante lavori di urbanizzazione. Il ritrovamento di una zanna... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyGeologyMediterranean prehistoryPleistocene Fossils
This study presents, for the first time, an environmental reconstruction of a sequence spanning nearly the entire Mediterranean Epipaleolithic (~22.0e11.9 ka cal. BP). The study is based on a well-dated, highresolution pollen record... more
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      PaleoenvironmentPalynologyQuaternary GeologyPaleoenvironment (Archaeology)
A small but significant assemblage of Late Pleistocene mammals was recovered from an eroding shoreline at Paw Paw Cove, located on the Chesapeake Bay side of Tilghman Island, Talbot County, Maryland. Additionally, Clovis-age... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyQuaternary GeologyPleistocene Fossils
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      Geographies of DisplacementPleistocene FossilsChibchan ArchaeologyHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)
This chapter provides morphological descriptions including remarks on nomenclatural problems for the macrofossil (M) and palynological (P) record from Iceland. The systematic section starts with Bryophyta (mosses), Lycopodiophyta... more
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      Plant EcologySpeciationPaleobotanyTaxonomy
En México existen más de 800 localidades Pleistocénicas con presencia de mamíferos, ubicadas principalmente en el Cinturón Volcánico Trans-Mexicano, las cuales representan sitios que han contribuido al conocimiento de la evolución de la... more
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      PaleontologyPaleoecologyPleistocene FossilsPleistocene Vertebrate
A left calcaneum and astragalus from an individual of Arctodus simus (Cope, 1879) were recovered during development mitigation in the city of Murrieta, Riverside County, California. Sediments in this area, attributed to an unnamed... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsPleistocene VertebrateBearsArctodus simus
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    • Pleistocene Fossils
The late Pliocene to early Pleistocene siliciclastic succession of western Emilia (northern Italy) forms part of the infill of the Po Plain-Adriatic foredeep, a collisional basin with active thrusting during deposition, and is... more
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      PaleoecologyQuaternary GeologyTaphonomyFacies Analysis
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      Earth SciencesGeologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Geology
The present paper brings summarized data on early Pleistocene large-sized deer from Balkan and Black Sea Areas of Europe. Several stocks of giant deer occur in Europe along the gradual climate aridization: a poorly known yet lineage of... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
The presence of three elephant species (Mammuthus trogontherii, Elephas (Palaeoloxodon) antiquus, and Mammuthus primigenius) among fossil mammal assemblages from the Pleistocene has been established in Poland. The most abundant species in... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsPleistocene VertebrateVertebrate PaleontologyPleistocene
Minnaar’s Cave is located close to Sterkfontein in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa.However, the exact location of this important Plio-Pleistocene site has been uncertain for more than 60 years. The site has yielded important... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsPleistocene VertebratePlio-PleistoceneCradle of Humankind
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      Quaternary GeologyEl SalvadorPleistocene FossilsPleistocene Vertebrate
Trace fossils as paleoecological and paleobiogeographical tools in Pleistocene glaciolacustrine sediments have been largely ignored. Combining high resolution varve stratigraphy with trace fossil data can lead to refined... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyClimate ChangeIchnology
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      Pleistocene FossilsIsland BiogeographyPleistocene Vertebrate
Conus californicus var. fossilis is reported here for the first time from the Pleistocene Goleta shell beds in Isla Vista, California.
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      AsphaltCalifornian archaeologyPleistocene FossilsMollusks
Fossils representing a minimum of seven (7) individuals of small horse have been recovered to date from late Pleistocene spring deposits at Valley Wells, San Bernardino County, California. These fossils are reported to have been... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsPleistocene VertebrateEquusMojave Desert
Research into the reconstruction of ancient communities in terms of dietary regimes, habitat preferences and ecological interactions of species has focused predominantly on biogeochemistry or ecomorphology alone and not in combination.... more
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      PaleoecologyStable Isotope GeochemistryPalaeodietPleistocene Fossils
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      Human EvolutionStable isotope ecologyPleistocene FossilsNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)
Fósiles de Quitones (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) del Pleistoceno Medio (Formación Bermont) del sur de la Florida, EEUU. Edgardo A.R. Ortiz Corps y Cedar I. García Ríos. Departamento de Biología, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao,... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsFossilsMalacologiaPolyplacophora
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      PaleontologyPlant EcologyClimate ChangeBiogeoscience
The Plio-Pleistocene fossiliferous mammal sites of the Upper Valdarno Basin (Tuscany, Italy) have been known since Renaissance times. Several mammal collections from there are housed at various Museums and Institutes. Various scientists... more
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      Quaternary GeologyVertebrate PalaeontologyVertebrate EvolutionPleistocene Fossils
"Several types of bears lived in Europe during the Late Pleistocene. Some of them, such as cave bears (Ursus s. spelaeus and Ursus ingressus), did not survive after about 25,000 years ago, while others are still extant, such as brown bear... more
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      CarnivoraCarnivore EcologyDental microwearPleistocene Fossils
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      PalaeoenvironmentPalaeoecologyPleistocene FossilsHolocene
Recent genetic studies have shed light on the phylogeography of cave bears; however, their paleoecology and their diet are still debated, and data from southeastern Europe are still scarce. Magura Cave, in northwest Bulgaria, has... more
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      PalaeoenvironmentBulgariaStable IsotopesPalaeodiet
A dedication to Augusto Azzaroli, completed with bibliography. Augusto Azzaroli, former Professor of Palaeontology at the University of Florence, was a Geologist and Palaeontologist considered among the greatest of the second half of the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyStratigraphy
Species flexibility in diet and habitat and their ability to tolerate a range of unfavourable ecological conditions and survive in unusual habitats accompanied by unexpected faunal components has been determined from various research... more
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      PaleobiologyHuman EvolutionPaleoecologyEvolutionary Ecology
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyVertebrate PalaeontologyPleistocene Fossils
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      Pleistocene FossilsPleistocene VertebrateVertebrate PaleontologyQuaternary palaeontology
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La paleontología es la ciencia que se encarga del estudio de la vida antigua, a través de los fósiles, los cuales son cualquier resto o evidencia de un ser vivo que existió en otro tiempo, como es el caso de los dinosaurios por mencionar... more
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      Pleistocene FossilsPleistocene VertebratePleistocene megafauna
We describe a new fossil littorinid species, Echinolittorina nielseni sp. nov., from the Quaternary Caldera Strata, Región de Atacama, northern Chile. Fossils of littorinids are globally rare because of their high-intertidal habitat on... more
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      ChilePleistocene FossilsPleistoceneMollusks
Two Crocidura and three Sorex species are reported from the Early Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 locality (Villány Hills, Southern Hungary): C. kornfeldi KORMOS, 1934; C. obtusa KRETZOI, 1938; S. minutus LINNAEUS, 1766; S. runtonensis... more
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      PaleoecologyPleistocene FossilsVertebrate PaleontologyCarpathian Basin
Bagnoregio (VT): un'idea di presidio territoriale.
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      GeologyPaleontologyLandslidesPleistocene Fossils
The travertine deposit of Stuttgart-Untertürkheim consists of the lower travertine from the last interglacial sensu stricto (marine oxigene-isotope substage 5e) and the upper travertine (OIS 5c ?). They are separated by an earthy... more
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      Bone and AntlerLast InterglacialPleistocene FossilsPleistocene Vertebrate