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Geosynthetic-reinforced soil segmental retaining walls are now an economical solution. The design of these structures is carried out according to the Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials or the Federal Highway... more
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      Civil EngineeringFinite Element MethodsGeotechnical EngineeringRetaining Wall
It has been known that a group pile lateral capacity is smaller than the sum of each pile capacity composing the group. A reduction factor, also known as efficiency factor, is required to determine the effective lateral capacity of group... more
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      Civil EngineeringComputer ScienceNumerical AnalysisLateral capacity of single pile embedded in clay subjected to lateral loading
Les parois moulées offrent un large champ d'application dans le domaine de réalisation de fouilles en déblai, pour les fouilles de grande profondeur et en site urbain. Le présent travail s’intéresse à l’étude de l’effet des paramètres... more
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      Soil-Structure InteractionPlaxisNumerical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering
Identifikacija mehanizma sloma i općenito, istraživanje ponašanja zidova od armiranog tla pri velikim pomacima, privlači pažnju velikog broja istraživača u novije vrijeme. Ipak, ograničene su studije utjecaja interakcije između pojedinih... more
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      Numerical AnalysisPlaxis
Obras geotécnicas necessitam de elevado grau de acurácia na previsão do comportamento mecânico. A partir dessa correta antecipação de cenários de comportamentos, especialmente em obras subterrâneas, decisões corretas frente a... more
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      Ground ImprovementPlaxisTuneis
Our world is in the path of development. Several activities are ongoing which contributes to the development. But some of these activities interfere the nature and climate very badly.Sudden and unexpected climate change is a result of... more
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      FeminismRainer Maria RilkePlaxis
Sachant que la plupart des ouvrages de génie civil sont réalisés en contact avec le sol/la roche. Cependant, des problèmes d’interaction interviennent entre le sol/la roche et les structures implantées sur ce dernier. La présente étude a... more
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      Soil-Structure InteractionPlaxisNumerical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering
Nowadays, Geosynthetics have been used as routine reinforcement in earth structures such as reinforced soil retaining walls. Over the last few years new technology which is combination of reinforced concrete lofts and cantilever retaining... more
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      Retaining WallPlaxis
Introduction to Computational Geotechnics
Commercial geotechnical programs
Theoretical considerations
Numerical modeling in FLAC
Numerical modeling in Plaxis
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      Numerical SimulationsFinite Element MethodsNumerical ModelingGeotechnical Engineering
Piled raft foundations have been more and more widely applied, especially for tall buildings. In piled raft foundations, piles are not designed to take the full load but only to reduce the settlement to an allowable level. Basing on the... more
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      Finite Element MethodsCase Study ResearchFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Piles and Piled raft Soil structure interactions
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    • Plaxis
ÖZET: Doğal afetlerin en önemlisi sayılan depremler dünyanın her kesiminde etkili olmakta ve bunun sonucunda da can ve mal kayıplarına neden olmaktadır. Deprem kuşağında bulunan ülkemizde de inşa edilen yapıların zemin özelliklerine göre... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringGroundwaterEarthquake Geotechnical EngineeringFoundation Engineering
L’utilisation de la méthode des éléments finis dans le domaine géotechnique est très courante, pour des grands projets. On peut réaliser des analyses par éléments finis afin de vérifier la stabilité d’un ouvrage en interaction avec son... more
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      Finite Element MethodsSoil-Structure InteractionPlaxisNumerical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering
A case study: cantilever retaining wall founded on concrete blocks (counterforts) A large number of relatively high cantilever retaining structures in BiH were built in last 10 years. These walls were part of motorway route “Vc” project,... more
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringCase Study ResearchHighway engineering
Soil is a complex multiphase material its stress, strain and strength are represented by pressure dependency with coupling between shear and volumetric behavior. With these complexities it is not possible to think in terms of developing a... more
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      Finite Element MethodsGeotechnical EngineeringSoil-Structure InteractionDeep excavation and urban tunnelling
tutorial plaxis 8.5
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    • Plaxis
Este documento muestra el análisis de estabilidad de una presa para almacenamiento de agua bajo condiciones de desembalse rápido. Una rápida reducción del nivel del reservorio puede llevar a la inestabilidad de la presa debido a la alta... more
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      DamsEmbankment DamsPresasPlaxis
Este ejercicio muestra el efecto en la frecuencia natural de un edificio de cinco pisos cuando se somete a vibración libre y carga sísmica. Los dos cálculos emplean diferentes condiciones dinámicas de contorno: En la vibración libre, las... more
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      PlaxisDinamicaAnálisis DinámicoPLAXIS 3D software
En este ejercicio estudiamos la influencia de la vibración de una fuente sobre un suelo. Para reducir el tiempo de cálculo, solo un cuarto de toda la geometría es modelado, usando la condición de contorno simétrico a lo largo de las... more
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      FundacionesSimulación dinámicaAnalisis de VibracionesPlaxis
A serious problem has been discovered in the interface formulation in one of the most popular finite element software programs used in geotechnical practice. This paper analyses the problem of interface formulation which is not in... more
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsFEM
A series of 3D numerical simulations of a piled embankment was done using a finite element approach. The load distribution between piles, geosynthetic reinforcement (GR) and subsoil was analysed. A number of variations were included: the... more
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      PlaxisPiled Embankment
The most often remediation measure for landslide stabilisation is the construction of drainage system that controls the underground water as most often trigger for soil failure. Deep gravity drains are usually designed to reduce... more
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringCase Study ResearchCase Studies
The construction of a relatively shallow mining tunnel in Brasilia was done under challenging ground conditions. After the end of the construction phase, numerical simulations were performed to compare the real settlements occurred on the... more
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This paper presents behavioral observation and numerical modeling of test Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall (MSEW) under applied overburden load. Namely, the 6m wide and 3.2m high wall, with 10cm thick precast concrete panel face... more
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      Numerical ModelingReinforced soil slopeGeotechnical EngineeringPlaxis
Observation and numerical modeling of MSE test wall is presented here. The 6m wide and 3.2m high wall with 10cm thick precast concrete face elements and reinforcement length of 2.15m was built on construction site of Motorway 5C in Bosnia... more
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      Numerical ModelingGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsNumerical Analysis
Piled raft system proves to be more effective on such problematic soft soil conditions. It takes the high vertical load and used to bring the settlement, differential settlement and tilting of structure within the permissible limit. Piled... more
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      Soft SoilPlaxisRaft Foundationfoams geopolymer
Soil liquefaction may induce buoyancy of underground structures such as tanks, tunnels and pipelines. Several cases of uplift of underground tanks and pipelines have been observed in the past. Although such an evidence has not been... more
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      LiquefactionNumerical ModellingCentrifuge testPlaxis
The paper presents the effect of addition of phosphogypsum and coir fibre on the compaction, unconfined compressive strength and swelling characteristics of bentonite-lime mix. The content of lime, phosphogypsum and coir fibre was varied... more
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      Numerical ModelingReinforced soilCFD and numerical grid generationPlaxis
L’utilisation de la methode des elements finis dans le domaine geotechnique est tres courante, pour des grands projets. On peut realiser des analyses par elements finis afin de verifier la stabilite d’un ouvrage en interaction avec son... more
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      Finite Element MethodsSoil Structure InteractionPlaxisMagister Thesis
Infrastructural projects such as roads and railway tracks are usually built on an embankment of sand or granular material. When building on soft soils, the prevention of differential settlements and resulting damage is traditionally done... more
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      Rail Transport and InfrastructurePlaxisHIGHWAY ROADS AND BRIDGESPiled Embankment
Various innovative foundation techniques have been in practice to counteract the swell– shrink problems posed by expansive soils. Apart from techniques such as belled piers and under-reamed piles, chemical stabilization of expansive... more
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      Civil EngineeringGround Improvement by Stone ColumnsPlaxisSoil Foundations
The induced cracks on the concrete lining of the intake pressure tunnels may cause the water seep into the surrounding media leading to develop a hydro pressure on the external surface of the lining. In the common design practice, the... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNumerical AnalysisTunnel EngineeringPlaxis
Tutorial for Making a Basic Embankment Construction
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      Mining EngineeringRock MechanicsGeotechnical EngineeringConstruction Project Management
Strip footing built over expansive soils may be subject to considerable upward movement, which can lead to undesirable structural cracks. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency of the use of micropiles surrounded by... more
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      Expansive SoilsStrip footingPlaxisSoil Mechanics Micropiles Jet Grouting
The use of the finite element method (FEM) in analyzing the behavior of clay deposits reinforced with sand columns is not new. In previous studies conventional constitutive models were used to represent the sand. These models do not... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringNumerical AnalysisGround improvementsPlaxis
Tugas ini mengacu pada Proyek Gudang Garam Tower di Jakarta yang didesain oleh PT. Davy Sukamta Consultan. Bangunan ini direncanakan memiliki 3 lapisan besmen, 2 lapis podium dan sebuah tower setinggi 21 lantai.
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      Finite Element MethodsGeotechnical EngineeringSoil MechanicsPlaxis
— Skirted foundations are the shallow foundations in which the footing is reinforced by the addition of vertical plates or skirts. Skirted foundation is one of the new approaches for improving the performance of shallow raft foundation by... more
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      PlaxisBearing CapacityRaft. Shallow Foundation. Concrete Structures.
Rezime: Radom se daje osvrt na savremeno numeričko modeliranje sidrene zaštitne konstrukcije. Iako rad saopštava rezultate monitoringa izvedene zaštitne konstrukcije, cilj nije da se pokaže da povratna analiza može dati pouzdaniji uvid u... more
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      Numerical ModelingSoil StiffnessPlaxisDeep Excavation
This paper presents the results of the design of shallow foundations for 14 wind turbines using 3D finite element modelling with Plaxis 3D. The site investigation consisted of deep boreholes at each turbine location and geophysical tests:... more
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      Wind EnergyFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)PlaxisSoil Foundations
Shallow foundations are usually used for structures with light to moderate loads where the soil underneath can carry them. In some cases, soil strength and/or other properties are not adequate and require improvement using one of the... more
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      Finite Element MethodsArtificial Neural NetworksStone ColumnSoil Improvement