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Contrairement aux interprétations coutumières il y a un dialogue permanent entre la République, le Politique et les Lois et non une rupture ou un changement substantiel de la pensée politique de Platon. Une analyse minutieuse de Leg. V... more
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      History of IdeasPolitical TheoryPlatoHistory of Political Thought
El tema de esta tesis es la educación musical en la filosofía de Platón. En la República de Platón, la etapa educativa más importante es la niñez; los vehículos de esta educación son la mousiké para el alma (o mente) y la gimnasia para el... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPolitical PhilosophyEthics
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This is an outline of most of the Republic.  Book I is only presented in the series of arguments between Thrasymachus and Socrates.  Book X only covers the issues concerning art.
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      Plato's RepublicRepublic (Plato)
El hombre justo controla sus apetitos por medio de una alianza entre sus partes racional y colérica: mientras la primera determina el objeto de la acción, la segunda da estabilidad y fuerza a la prescripción de la razón. Este trabajo... more
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      EthicsMoral PsychologyAncient PhilosophyPlato's Republic
the Abolition of the Family 1 Plato's suggestion, in the Republic, to abolish families for the Guardians is probably one of his most controversial ideas, with critics calling it everything from impractical to undesirable.
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      PlatoPlato's Republic
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Despite the frequent pairing of and contrast between persuasion and force, Plato’s Republic undermines any coherent distinction between these two modes of handling others. The dialogue creates a puzzle with respect to this division,... more
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      SocratesPersuasionPlato's RepublicCoercion
Is the just man happier than the unjust man? The answer to this question motivates Plato’s writing on justice in both the Gorgias and the Republic and this is the broad claim I argue Socrates is challenged to prove. In this dissertation I... more
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      PlatoJusticeAncient Greek PhilosophyGorgias
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      Ancient HistoryPlatoHistory of ReligionAncient Religion
a) The Comedy of the City (449a-73c)
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      PlatoMartin HeideggerLeo StraussPlato's Republic
Socrates proposes that the ideal city include women among its leaders.This is a sincere proposal, which also informs us about the Appetitive part of the soul and its relations to Reason.
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      PlatoFeminist PhilosophyWomen in the ancient worldPlato and Platonism
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      Utopian StudiesAristophanic comedyPlato's RepublicPlato's Dialogues
Materiales de estudio para revisar y aprender con Paideia de Werner W. Jaeger 11 La Sócrates y la ruta hacia el centro divino. Figura, problema y herencia de Sócrates. 1 Al llegar a la tercera parte de la obra Jaeger nos introduce en la... more
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      PlatoReciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology)Plato and PlatonismAncient social & political philosophy
Философия как эзотерическое знание: к интерпретации притчи о пещере у М. Хайдеггера 1.
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      Political PhilosophyMartin HeideggerPlato and PlatonismPlato's Republic
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsEpistemology
I argue for a view that departs radically from the long-held assumption that "to know the good is to do the good". On the view I shall defend, the role of the Form of the Good in the 'Republic' is greatly demoted; I argue that Plato... more
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      PlatoAncient Greek PhilosophyPlato's RepublicPlato's Political Philosophy
"One, two, three, but where is the fourth?" I was reminded of this question while reading Prof. Brian Becker's paper "Flight from the Flesh" as he attempts to translate Freud's topological tripartion of the soul into Marion's... more
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      PlatoPhilosophy of PsychoanalysisJacques LacanMartin Heidegger
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      Political PhilosophyPlatoHumanitarianismTotalitarianism
In this paper, I use comparisons of Freud, Loewald, and Plato to explore what it means to individuate and to desire in a world of frustration, pain, and loss. The metaphors of the "wheel" versus the "ladder" present basic images for... more
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Despite initiating the discussion and introducing the first definition examined in Plato’s Republic, Cephalus is quickly compelled to leave the discussion. Many scholars read the dramatic action of this opening exchange as a coup d’ tat... more
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      Political PhilosophyPlatoJusticeAncient Philosophy
Introducción, traducción y notas al libro I de la República de Platón, publicado en Rhemata
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      PlatoAncient Greek PhilosophyPlato's Republic
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      PlatoAristotleLocal HistoryAthenian Democracy
Les Lois de Platon, fondement de l'économie du droit par Wolfgang Drechsler * * Wolfgang DRECHSLER est professeur d'administration publique et de gouvernement à l'Université de Tartu (Estonie). Texte original en anglais. Cependant, comme... more
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      Political PhilosophyPlatoLegal HistoryLegal Theory
Resumo: O presente texto consiste numa proposta de tradução para a língua portuguesa do chamado Mito de Er, com o qual Platão conclui a República. A edição utilizada foi a estabelecida por Siem Slings na coleção Oxford Classical Texts... more
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      Plato's RepublicMyth of Er
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      PlatoMartin HeideggerAncient PhilosophyPlato and Platonism
Resumo: Como se ensina filosofia? Pergunta preciosa que abre precedente para um longo e árduo caminho. Para isso não há resposta pronta, não está escrito e determinado, mas é preciso percorrer todo o caminho, pois a própria pergunta ‘pode... more
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      PlatoPlato and PlatonismFilosofíaEnsino
Over the past few decades the Thai economy has been developing and gradually integrating with other economies in and beyond the ASEAN region. Due to the ASEAN countries' integration processes, the community is facing political, economic,... more
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      PlatoPlato and PlatonismAncient Greek PhilosophyClassical Greek Philosophy
Le rapport entre Platon et Rousseau est significatif en ce que ces deux philosophes présentent chacun un projet de refonte radicale de la société. L’un fondé sur l’égalité géométrique, telle qu’elle est précisée d’une manière fondamentale... more
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      PlatoTotalitarianismEqualityPhilosophy Of Freedom
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      PlatoPlato's Republic
relembra a certa altura (p. 39) o conto de Borges sobre Averróis tentando adivinhar o que Aristóteles entendia por tragédia e comédia. Vez por outra os estudiosos do Comentador devem se sentir, como Averróis, como Borges, como este... more
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      Political PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyAristotle's EthicsAristotle's Politics
In this paper, I interpret the Republic’s “parallel” imagery of a contest between the lives of the most just and most unjust men as indicating that book 9’s two pleasure arguments are the culmination of the dialogue’s refutation of... more
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      Political PhilosophyPlatoPolitical ScienceHermeneutics
If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLawJurisprudencePhilosophy
For the last 2,500 years literature has been attacked, booed, and condemned, often for the wrong reasons and occasionally for very good ones. ‘The Hatred of Literature’ examines the evolving idea of literature as seen through the eyes of... more
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      American LiteratureReligionChristianityHistory
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      Political PhilosophyPlatoSocratesAncient Greek Philosophy
Attempting to discuss bringing about a rebirth of ancient Greek artistic mathematical physics is practically impossible. We know that Plato’s ethical mathematics is relevant to evolving consciousness within the workings of David Bohm’s... more
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      Health SciencesPhilosophy of MindSocial SciencesPlato
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyFilm StudiesPlato
This reconstruction of Plato’s biography was researched and written when I was at the London School of Economics Department of Government in 2004-05. As an attempt to reconstruct Plato’s life with more detail than had been done before, I... more
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      Greek HistoryPlatoAristotleBiography
A review article of Griffith's translation of Republic
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      PlatoPlato's Republic
In the following lecture I will not only consider Plato’s positive statements about philosophy. Instead I choose an indirect approach by analysing the critique of his philosophy and his answer to it. This detour could turn out fertile,... more
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      PhilosophyPlatoPlato's RepublicCritiques of Philosophy
Frihet er neppe det første man forbinder med den bystaten Sokrates og samtalepartnerne hans beskriver fra bok 2 til bok 7 i Platons Staten. Denne bystaten har snarere gitt Platon et rykte som fortaler for et autoritaert og totalitaert... more
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      PlatoSocratesPlato's Republic
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      PlatoPlato's RepublicThrasymachus
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    • Plato's Republic
La réflexion politique de Platon quant à ce que devrait être une cité juste ne se limite pas à l'intégration des trois groupes fonctionnels-gardiens, auxiliaires et producteurs-à laquelle on la réduit souvent. Elle consiste aussi et avant... more
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      Women's StudiesPlatoPlato and PlatonismPlato's Laws
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      EpistemologyPlatoAncient PhilosophyPlato's Republic
პლატონის სახელმწიფო
სამართლის ფილოსოფია
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      Philosophy Of LawPlato and PlatonismPlato's RepublicPlatón