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Most industrially applied polymer resins and composites have low surface free energy and lack polar functional groups on their surface, resulting in inherently poor adhesion properties. A strong research momentum to understand polymer... more
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Affinity depletion of abundant proteins from human plasma has become a routine sample preparation strategy in proteomics used prior to protein identification and quantitation. To date, there have been limited published studies comparing... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryProteomicsBiomarker discovery
The flux variability of Jovian decametric radio emission (DAM) is analyzed to search for its possible modulations by magnetohydrodynamic waves of ultra-low frequencies (ULF). The ULF modulating waves are found in DAM dynamic spectra as a... more
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      MagnetohydrodynamicsDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)DynamicsInstability
Blood/plasma ratIo. mcen (and ratio.
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      Clinical ChemistryHeparinMedical BiotechnologyPlasma
In order to assess peripheral levels and activities of a broad spectrum of non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants in elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD), plasma levels of water-soluble... more
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      Mild Cognitive ImpairmentOxidative StressCarotenoidsNeurobiology
The failure mechanisms of diamond like carbon (DLC) coatings prepared by filtered cathodic arc deposition technique for proof mint applications are investigated in the present study. The lifetime of the proof minting dies coated with DLC... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsCarbonSurface Roughness
In 2 siblings with recurring attacks of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, platelet aggregation was found to be decreased during attacks. In contrast with reported observations in other patients, aggregation was found decreased also in... more
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      ThrombinPlatelet aggregationPlasmaPlatelet function
The potential of capillaries noncovalently coated with charged polymers for the metabolic analysis of body fluids by CE is illustrated. Firstly, the usefulness of a coating consisting of a triple layer of polybrene-dextran... more
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      Analytical ChemistryMass SpectrometryCapillary electrophoresisPlasma
Background: Menorrhagia is a well-known complication of factor V deficiency.
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      AdolescentObstetrics GynecologyPlasmaPatient Compliance
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      PhysicsClassical PhysicsPlasma
In this paper, a fast, sensitive and selective LC-MS/MS method is described for the simultaneous determination of amitriptyline, imipramine, clomipramine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine, citalopram and venlafaxine, as... more
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      ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryMedicineQuantitative analysis
BACKGROUND: Whether high-ratio resuscitation (HRR) provides patients with survival advantage remains controversial. We hypothesized a direct correlation between HRR infusion rates in the first 180 minutes of resuscitation and survival.... more
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AISI 316 austenitic stainless steels have been plasma nitrided using a dc glow discharge unit in order to investigate the influence of gas composition on microstructure and corrosion behavior of treated samples. Corrosion properties of... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMicrostructureCorrosion
In order to realize the goal of stratified and/or personalized medicine in the clinic, significant advances in the field of biomarker discovery are necessary. Adding to the abundance of nucleic acid biomarkers being characterized,... more
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The magnetic field around the Moon has been successfully observed at a nominal altitude of ∼100 km by the lunar magnetometer (LMAG) on the SELENE (Kaguya) spacecraft in a polar orbit since October 29, 2007. The LMAG mission has three main... more
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      Inverse ProblemsMagnetic fieldCorrelationCalibration
This study compared the pharmacokinetics of azithromycin (AZI) following administration of extendedrelease (ER) and immediate-release (IR) formulations in plasma and sinus mucosa in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Patients (n = 71)... more
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      Mass SpectrometryMedical MicrobiologyPharmacokineticsDosage Form
Plasmapheresis is a widely used alternative treatment for several diseases. Recently, synthetic plasma expanders have been used to reduce the cost of therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE). Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is a polysaccharide... more
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      FibrinogenPlasmaClinical SciencesAged
The Caldeira-Leggett Hamiltonian describes the interaction of a discrete harmonic oscillator with a continuous bath of harmonic oscillators. This system is a standard model of dissipation in macroscopic low temperature physics, and has... more
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      Applied MathematicsQuantum ComputingPlasmaSuperconductors
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A sensitive and rapid assay is described for the measurement of low concentrations of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) present in human plateletdepleted plasma (PDP) using reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with... more
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      Analytical ChemistryClinical TrialSerotoninHPLC
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to quantify the incidence, patient profile, and outcomes associated with massive transfusion in paediatric trauma patients prior to establishing a massive transfusion protocol. Methods: We... more
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      NursingSurvival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeAdolescent
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of Antithrombin III (ATIII) on blood product requirement in neonates receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Methods: A retrospective case control study of neonates presenting with or without... more
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      InflammationFibrinogenPlasmaPediatric Surgery
hCAP-18 is a newly described protein of human neutrophilic granulocytes which belongs to the cathelicidin family of antimicrobial proteins. Members of this protein family share a common N-terminal sequence followed by a highly diverse... more
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      ImmunologyAntibodiesPlasmaBone marrow
We evaluated spray-dried animal plasma (SDAP) as an alternative to antimicrobial medication with colistin sulfate in weanling pigs challenged with Escherichia coli K99. Forty-eight piglets weaned at 24 d of age were distributed into 12... more
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      MicrobiologyAnimal ScienceBiological SciencesEscherichia coli
We present the performance of a Silicon Carbide (SiC) detector in the acquisition of the radiation emitted by laser generated plasmas. The detector has been employed in time of flight (TOF) configuration within an experiment performed at... more
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      MultidisciplinaryPlasmaPhysical sciences
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      PlasmaFollow-up studiesSkinClinical Sciences
Taking into account the environmental persistence and the toxicity of DDT, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) organized a surveillance program in Mesoamerica which included the detection of residual DDT in environmental (soil)... more
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      SoilEnvironmental MonitoringEl SalvadorMultidisciplinary
A13 years girl presented with history of sudden onset fits, altered sensorium and anuria for 2 days. There was also history of right sided weakness of the whole body. Past history revealed repeated episodes of similar complaints since... more
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentMedicinePlasma
We report studies of amplification arising from the dynamics of electron plasma waves in a high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) channel with injection from the gate exhibiting negative differential conductance (NDC). The gate NDC can... more
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      Numerical AnalysisPlasmaHigh Electron Mobility TransistorsImpedance
Trauma transfusion packages for hemorrhage control consist of red blood cells, plasma, and platelets at a set ratio. Although pathogen reduction improves the transfusion safety of platelet and plasma units, there is an associated... more
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      ImmunologyQuality ControlPlasmaDisinfection
This study describes a procedure for estimating the factor VIII activity of pools of fresh frozen plasma destined for fractionation into factor VIII concentrates. This information is useful for estimating overall yields. We compared the... more
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      Quality ControlPlasmaClinical Sciencesfactor VIII
Objective: To comparatively assess the long-term failure rate of brackets bonded with a plasma or a high-intensity light-emitting diode (LED) curing light. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five patients with complete permanent dentitions... more
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Background: Amino acid neurotransmitters represent a major class of compounds that are involved in neuronal communication at CNS synapses. Methods: Twelve amino acids were separated after precolumn derivatization with dansyl chloride. The... more
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      PlasmaD-Aspartic AcidClinical SciencesHigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography
Most studies of dense plasma focus devices use cylindrical coaxial shapes, however, a spherical shape is investigated herein. Snow plow model and shock wave equations are coupled with the circuit equations to model the spherical plasma... more
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      PhysicsPlasma PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamicsMHD (Fluid Dynamics)
Saxitoxin (STX) and its analogues accumulated in bivalves cause food poisoning through the blockade of sodium channels in the nervous system. In the current studies, STX-conjugated agarose gels as affinity chromatography reagents were... more
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      Organic ChemistryPlasmaSaxitoxinBioconjugate Chemistry
An original HPLC method coupled to spectrofluorimetric detection is presented for the simultaneous analysis in dried blood spots (DBS) of cocaine and two important metabolites, namely benzoylecgonine (its main metabolite) and cocaethylene... more
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      EngineeringChromatographyLinear modelsQuantitative analysis
Proteins with glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors exhibit a range of activities and some of these proteins exist in both a membrane-associated and a soluble form. CD48 is a 47-kd GPI-linked glycoprotein which is expressed on T and... more
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      ImmunologyFlow CytometryClinical immunologyCell line
A sensitive and rapid liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) method has been developed to measure the levels of the HIV-1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor nevirapine (NVP) in human plasma. The analyte and... more
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      Analytical ChemistryMass SpectrometryQuantitative analysisIn Vitro
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / c h r o m b Review
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      Analytical ChemistryKineticsMass SpectrometryCardiovascular disease
Cotton fabric is usually dyed with anionic dyes such as direct and reactive dyes. Naturally, there is no affinity for basic dyes to cotton fiber. In this study, to improve the dyeability of cotton fiber with cationic dyes, the fabric was... more
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Defects caused by particulate contamination are an important concern in the fabrication of thin film products. Often, magnetron sputtering processes are used for this purpose. Particle contamination can cause electrical shorting, pin... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyPlasma ProcessingThin Films
Background. We report the first confirmed case of eczema vaccinatum in the United States related to smallpox vaccination since routine vaccination was discontinued in 1972. A 28-month-old child with refractory atopic dermatitis developed... more
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      Biological SciencesAllergyUnited StatesPlasma
Combined ultrasound and tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) therapy, or ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis (UET), has been shown to improve recanalization in patients with acute ischemic stroke. We measured the effect of ultrasound duty... more
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      UltrasoundStrokePlasmaUltrasonic therapy
For most warfarin indications, the target maintenance international normalised ratio (INR) is 2-3. Risk factors for bleeding complications with warfarin use include age, history of past bleeding and specific comorbid conditions. To... more
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      Evidence Based MedicineEndoscopyTherapeutic drug monitoringStroke
Patients with immunodeficiencies or some types of autoimmune diseases rely on a safe therapy with intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIGs) manufactured from human plasma, the only available source for this therapeutic. Since plasma is... more
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      BiotechnologyPrion DiseasesBiological SciencesSafety
Spark-plasma-sintering (SPS) experiments of cylindrical ruthenium powder samples have been performed at different sintering temperatures between 1200°C and 1600°C applying a comparatively short sintering time of 1 min. The compacted... more
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      Materials EngineeringPowder MetallurgyScanning Electron MicroscopyPlasma
In biological fluids, proteins associate with nanoparticles, leading to a protein "corona" defining the biological identity of the particle. However, a comprehensive knowledge of particle-guided protein fingerprints and their dependence... more
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      Mass SpectrometryProteomicsNanoparticlesMultidisciplinary
Fluoxetine and norfluoxetine analysis by direct injection of human plasma in a column switching liquid chromatographic system A column switching LC method is presented for the analysis of fluoxetine (FLU) and norfluoxetine (NFLU) by... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySeparation SciencePlasmaHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography
Blood plasma is the major vehicle by which metabolites are transported around the body in mammalian species, and chemical analysis of plasma can provide a wealth of information relating to the biochemical status of an individual and is... more
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      Analytical ChemistryChromatographyNMR SpectroscopyPlasma
To achieve the scientific objectives related to the lunar magnetic field measurements in a polar orbit at an altitude of 100 km, strict electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements were applied to all components and subsystems of the... more
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      Electromagnetic CompatibilityPerformanceMagnetic fieldModels