Plant Phisiology

53 papers
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Plant physiology is the study of the functions and processes of plants, including their growth, metabolism, reproduction, and responses to environmental stimuli. It encompasses the biochemical, cellular, and physiological mechanisms that enable plants to adapt and thrive in various conditions.
Weather Anomalies and Their Economic Consequences: Penury in Northeastern Hungary in the 1870s This study investigates an episode of penury in 1879–1880 in Borsod and Zemplén Counties which occurred as one of the negative consequences of... more
Climate change is one of the most debatable reasons for changing plant performance. Meanwhile, a higher amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) directly or indirectly affects the growth and development of corn and soybean oil plants; CO2... more
A mezőgazdasági szektor klímasérülékenysége kiemelkedően magas, különösen a szőlő-, gyümölcs- és zöldségtermesztés ágazataiban. Az éghajlati adaptációt számos nemzetközi és hazai szakpolitikai stratégia prioritásként kezeli.... more
Drought is one of the most pressing issues in many regions worldwide. Selecting wheat genotypes adapted to changing climatic conditions is crucial for sustainable agricultural production, economic development, and food security. In this... more
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kami kemudahan sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan laporan praktikum ini dengan tepat waktu. Tanpa pertolongan-Nya tentunya kami tidak akan sanggup... more
Climatic influences have had effects on agricultural production for ancient ages. The mankind has always tried to adapt to the rapidly changing and sometimes hectic effects of weather which has very huge and important effect on the... more
Portulaca oleracea Linn., commonly known as purslane, is a C4 succulent and salt tolerant weed. The present work was focused on the seed germination of purslane under different levels of NaCl and Na2SO4 (25, 50, 100 and 200 mM) salinity... more
Commercially grown fruit crops in the high tropical Andes zones from 1,600 to 3,200 m a.s.l. are increasingly important in the world market, mainly because they are exotic fruits, and also because they are produced by hundreds of small... more
Pupuk urea merupakan sumber hara nitrogen (N) yang paling banyak digunakan di Indonesia, termasuk pada lahan sawah. Urea merupakan pupuk N yang larut air sehingga penggunaan urea di sawah perlu dikaji dalam hubungannya dengan pelepasan... more
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is one of the most important cereals worldwide with great genetic diversity. Like most small grains it has good adaptation to drought prone and marginal areas were other cereals are not productive.... more
Interdisciplinarity has entered the agenda of researchers, teachers and policy makers and will remain there in the future. This does not mean that interdisciplinarity is understood the same way, let alone is appreciated everywhere.... more
There is no data on diameter increment of non-legume plants growing, especially in the reclamation and revegetation areas of the former mining area. This study aimed to calculate the diameter increment, current average increment (CAI),... more
White savory (Satureja mutica Fisch.) is an oil-bearing plant with applications in traditional medicine, pharmaceutical industries, and food additives in homemade dishes. The current research comprised a greenhouse experiment in a... more
The existence of green line is very important for people's lives, because being planted in this area is very useful for reducing urban pollution that is built from vehicles and factories equipped with gas containing solid particles. One... more
Allelopathic effects of khat leaves residues (25 and 50 g) and alleviative effects of salicylic acid (0.5 mM) in wheat roots were carefully investigated in this study. Khat leaves residues stimulated hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2), lipid... more
Palangka Raya University Campus is a form of urban Green Open Space (GOS) that hasecological, social, cultural and aesthetic benefits. It is assumed that many trees which arepart of the green open space on the Palangka Raya University... more
Estrutura da comunidade liquenica versus superficie da casca dos forofitos em ambiente urbano, no sul do Brasil. Neste trabalho, investigamos as modificacoes na estrutura da comunidade liquenica (distribuicao vertical e tamanho de talo... more
Disertasi ini tidak dipublikasikan namun terbuka untuk umum dengan ketentuan bahwa hak cipta ada pada penulis. Daftar Pustaka diperkenankan untuk dicatat, tetapi pengutipan hanya dapat dilakukan seizin penulis dan harus disertai kebiasaan... more
Sorghum is grown in semi-arid to arid regions of the world and serves as the staple food for about half a billion people in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. The adaptation of grain sorghum to a wide range of environmental conditions has led... more
Napjainkban mind gyakrabban teszik fel azt a kérdést, hogy az intenzív agrotechnika és az ilyen körülmények között termesztett fajták genetikai adottságai következtében megváltozik-e a takarmányozási/táplálkozás-élettani minőség. A válasz... more
The aim of this experiment was to identify the effects of population sources and parent trees on the growth of Shorea lerprosula seedlings for clonal propagation material. This experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with... more
Kutatásunkban teszteltük a kék búzák lisztminőségét és antocianin tartalmát. A vizsgált két kék búza törzs lisztminőségi és sütőipari tulajdonságai a nem kékszemszínű malmi búzához hasonlóak voltak. A teljes kiőrlésű lisztek farinográfos... more
SZAKMAI BESZÁMOLÓ Citokininek hatásvizsgálata alma in vitro hajtásregenerációjában Kutatási programunknak két fő célkitűzése volt: 1. Különböző citokininek hajtásregenerációban játszott szerepének szerv-illetve szövetszintű vizsgálata hat... more
Liquid organic fertilizer is one type of organic fertilizer that utilizes organic materials such as plant residues or animal waste that have been decomposed by microbiological activity and will produce nutrients. Sources of organic matter... more
Soil fertility in industrial forest plantation needs attention, because fertile soil make good growth and produce timber and others well. A study to get information on the effects of plantation of Agathis loranthifolia, Pinus merkusii,... more
The cultivation technology for those plant, that play a key role in arable land production need to be renewed in order to reduce production costs and to protect arable land. The modernisation of technologies can only be achieved by... more
Climate change is one of the most serious environmental problem in our time, with it`s fingerprint on the wildlife. Our goal was to evaulate responses of grasshopper species to regional climatic changes. Phenological observations of five... more
The study was conducted to determine the stability of sorghum germplasm for grain yield as well as the amount and nature of genotype by environment interactions for grain yield in order to find and recommend stable high yielding variants.... more
Lapisan tanah bagian atas merupakan lapisan yang rentan mengalami perubahan. Tingginya keberagaman tumbuhan yang menaungi tanah di Kebun Raya Purwodadi dapat menyebabkan perbedaan sifat fisika dan kimia tanah meski pada luasan dan landuse... more
Stevia rebaudiana B. offers a natural alternative of sweetening, potential health promotion plant, and our country shows increased interest about cultivation in Hungary in addition to the neighboring European countries. The agricultural... more
A szerző a szezonalis kiigazitas modszertanat alkalmazva mutatja be a hőmerseklet okozta veletlen hatas kezelesenek egy lehetseges modjat, gyakorlati alkalmazasat, illetve azt, hogy a hőmerseklet okozta instabil szezonalis kiigazitas... more
Danquah, for their guidance and valuable inputs in this thesis. My sincere thanks go to my in-country supervisor, Dr. Sidi Bekaye Coulibaly for his close supervision and valuable comments. My thanks to memory of Dr. Charles The, may his... more
Qualification of winter wheat became more complex for Hungary, after the expansion of the EU. Use of Chopin alveograph is a general method in Western- and Southern Europe. This method is not traditional in Hungary, so determination of... more
Similarly to 2007, 2011 was also critical year for fruit growers in Eastern-Hungary. Serious frost damage was observed at lateblooming period (6 May (T=-1.6°C)) in this region, which caused approximately 60-65% of fruit loss.The aim of... more
Rövidítések COX = ciklooxigenáz; FRAP = (ferric reducing antioxidant pow er) vasredukáló kapacitás; LDL = (low-density lipoprotein) kis sűrűségű lipoprotein; mmol AS/l = millimól aszkorbinsav per liter; ORAC = (oxygen radical absorbance... more
The study was intended to observe the vegetation composition and structure of mangrove plants on southern and northern coast of Central Java Province. This research was conducted in July till December 2003, at 20 sites. Laboratory assay... more
3 A kutatást "Az SZTE Kutatóegyetemi Kiválósági Központ tudásbázisának kiszélesítése és hosszú távú szakmai fenntarthatóságának megalapozása a kiváló tudományos utánpótlás biztosításával" című, TÁMOP-4.2.