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Sweet corn, silage and grain crops have been facing the threat of severe corn disease for many years, spreading to various parts of Israel. Over the past few years, we conducted a series of field experiments, with the assistance of... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsFungicidesMaizeFungal Plant Pathology
A technique was standardized to screen for resistance to stem rot (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.) in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). A total of seven different inoculation techniques were screened by using susceptible genotype TMV-2. The... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsFungal Plant Pathology
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyPhytopathologyMolecular Biology
Spot blotch pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana of wheat was investigated with threefold objectives: to establish a relationship between morphological and pathological variability of isolates, identify clonal genotype(s) acting as a source for... more
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    • Plant-pathogen interactions
Effect of nutrient media, temperature, hydrogen ion concentration, and photoperiod were studied under in vitro conditions to record the maximum colony growth and spore count. Maximum growth was recorded on 28 o C on PDA media having pH... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsPlant Pathology, Biological Control of Plant Diseases, Bio-fertilizerPlant PathologyPlant Pathology. Plant Microbe Interaction
"Networks are mathematically directed (in practical applications also undirected) graphs and a graph is a one-dimensional abstract complex, i.e., a topological space. Network theory focuses on various topological structures and... more
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      BioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyMathematicsOptimization (Mathematical Programming)
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    • Plant-pathogen interactions
Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) corms, purchased from a local barn in Awka, Anambra state, showing spoilage symptoms were examined for rot associated with fungal pathogens. The spoilage organisms were isolated from the corms by explanting... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsPathogenicity
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      BiochemistryMicrobiologyOpen AccessOpen Access Publishing
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsTobaccoGene expressionRhizobium
Herbal extracts of 26 plants belonging to 20 different families of the plant kingdom were evaluated for antifungal activity against Phomopsis azadirachtae, a fungus causing destructive die-back disease in neem. Test fungus was isolated... more
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      Plant EcologyPathogenesisPlant-pathogen interactionsMycology and Plant pathology
Root-Knot Nematode (RKN) Meloidogyne spp. is one of the important pests in pepper plants that can cause withered. The antagonistic effect of three endophytic bacteria Pseudomonas sp. strain A175 and F23, and Micrococcus sp. strain S54... more
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      Molecular BiologyBacteriologyPlant-pathogen interactionsMycology and Plant pathology
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    • Plant-pathogen interactions
Chickpea Blight is a devastating disease of chickpea (Cicer areitinum L.) worldwide caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab. The disease is more disastrous particularly in long cool and humid environmental spells. It results in huge losses... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsMolecular MappingChickpeaGenetic Resistance
Plant glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are ubiquitous and multifunctional enzymes encoded by large gene families. A characteristic feature of GST genes is their high inducibility by a wide range of stress conditions including biotic... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsPlant Physiology (Biology)Plant Molecular BiologyMolecular plant pathology
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsInnate immunitySignal TransductionRNA interference
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      PhytopathologyPlant-pathogen interactionsBiocontrol of Plant PathogensPlant disease control
Low sorghum production in Kenya is attributed to devastation by TLB. Reaction similar to those of TLB have been observed in different farms in Tharaka Nithi County with varied lesion sizes. However, little scientific attention has been... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsMycology and Plant pathology
Plant immune systems rely on their ability to recognize enemy molecules, carry out signal transduction, and respond defensively through pathways involving many genes and their products. This Perspective paper aims to explore current views... more
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      VaccinesPlant-pathogen interactionsBiocontrol of Plant PathogensPesticide ecotoxicology
Different isolates of Ustilaginoidea virens showed variation in the size, colour and shape of the conidia, length of spines and width of the hyphae. The conidia were globose, irregularly round to elliptical and warty on the surface with... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsMycology and Plant pathologyMolecular plant pathologyPlant Pathology
Bacteria diseases are major constraints in commercial agriculture. Bacteria diseases have continuously caused huge loss to both conventional and organic farming systems globally. Bacteria leaf spot is a tomato disease of concern whose... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsBiocontrol of Plant PathogensPlant Pathology
Fungicide coated seeds are beneficial against seed or soil borne pathogens in the very initial stage to minimize the indiscriminate use of chemicals for disease control in paddy fields. The present study investigated the effectiveness of... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsMycology and Plant pathologySeed germinationSeed dormancy
The pivotal role of cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) in many countries economy is compromised by its high susceptibility to Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of downy mildew disease. Recent research has identified a set of... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsreal time PCRGenetics of GrapevineGene expression and regulation
Late wilt, a severe vascular disease of maize caused by the fungus Harpophora maydis, is characterized by relatively rapid wilting of maize plants, before tasseling and until shortly before maturity. In Israel, the disease becomes a major... more
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      MicrobiologyPhytopathologyPathogenesisPlant-pathogen interactions
Service Email Alerting click here. top right corner of the article or Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article-sign up in the box at the
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      BioinformaticsGeneticsMolecular BiologyPlant-pathogen interactions
Chickpea Blight is a devastating disease of chickpea (Cicer areitinum L.) worldwide caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab. The disease is more disastrous particularly in long cool and humid environmental spells. It results in huge losses... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsBiologyMolecular MappingChickpea
To optimize the number and timing of trunk injections for season-long control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis), we evaluated 1-2 and 4 seasonal and cross-seasonal injections of potassium phosphites and synthetic fungicides and... more
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      PhytopathologyPlant-pathogen interactionsMycology and Plant pathologyBiocontrol of Plant Pathogens
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is a drought tolerant food crop preferred by subsistence farmers in dry areas which experience low annual rainfall. However, Turcicum Leaf Blight (TLB) caused by Exserohilum turcicum has threatened... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsMycology and Plant pathology
Cherry leaf spot disease, caused by Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx., is an increasing concern to nursery producers of ornamental cherry in the southeastern United States. Spores were trapped starting in late March before symptoms were... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsBiocontrol of Plant PathogensPlant biotechnologyBiological Control
This study was aimed to study the food value, associated spoilage fungi (Biodeterioration) and possible aflatoxin contents of 'Abacha' a cheap popular food locally prepared as shredded cassava in Nigeria. Fresh and stored samples (25)... more
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      MycologyPlant-pathogen interactionsPlant Tissue CulturePlant biotechnology
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsInnate immunitySignal TransductionRNA interference
Fusarium is an important soil-borne fungus affecting sesame. Its control could be enhanced by plant genetic resistance, however in order to be successful in this strategy, identification of resistance sources is required to start plant... more
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    • Plant-pathogen interactions
Phomopsis azadirachtae is the causal agent of destructive die-back disease of neem. The molecular mechanism of pathogenicity is not clear. Pectinases, cellulases, hemicellulases and ligninases have been extensively studied because of... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsIndustrial EngineeringCellulaseXylanase
ABSTRACT Postharvest rot pathogens constitute a major threat to the enormous potential of yam tuber (Dioscorea species) in enhancing food security and safety. The control of yam rot in storage has been an object of research for decades... more
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      Plant EcologyPlant-pathogen interactionsMycology and Plant pathologyPlant Molecular Biology
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your work,... more
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      GeneticsMolecular BiologyGenomicsPlant Biology
This study reports on expression analysis associated with molecular systems biology of cacao-Moniliophthora perniciosa interaction. Gene expression data were obtained for two cacao genotypes (TSH1188, resistant; Catongo, susceptible)... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsPlant defense mechanismsTranscriptomic
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    • Plant-pathogen interactions
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      AerobiologyPlant-pathogen interactionsPlant PhysiologyPlant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
Food security (a pressing issue for all nations) faces a threat due to population growth, land availability for growing crops, a changing climate (leading to increases in both abiotic and biotic stresses), heightened consumer awareness of... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringBotanyMicrobiologyMycology
We studied the effects of mono-, di-, tri-, and hexamers of glucosamine (GlcN) and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) on oxidative and calcium signals in transgenic tobacco suspension culture (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow-2, cell line... more
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      Polymer EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringBiomaterials EngineeringChemical Engineering
Plantas apresentam um elaborado sistema de defesa contra fitopatógenos. Ester por sua vez, através de um processo co-evolutivo, desenvolveram um arsenal de mecanismos de invasão para driblar as defesas do hospedeiro. Assim, as interações... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsDisease Resistance in plantsPlant Disease
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small (20–24 nucleotides (nt) long) non-coding RNAs. One mature miRNA can be transcribed from one or more gene loci known as miRNA genes (MIRs). The transcript of a MIR forms a stem-loop structure that is... more
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      PhytopathologyPlant-pathogen interactionsAgriculturePlant Pathology
Bananas (Musa spp.) are considered the most important fruit crop in Kenya, grown mostly by smallholder farmers. However, in the past two decades production has declined and has largely been attributed to plant pathogens, including... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsClimate Change Impacts
Drought is a ubiquitous abiotic factor that severely impedes growth and development of horticulture crops. The challenge postured by global climate change is the evolution of drought-tolerant cultivars that could cope with concurrent... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsCalcium Signaling PathwaysPlant Molecular BiologyMapk Pathways
ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5) is a basic domain/leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor, central for the regulation of seedling photomorphogenesis. Here, we identified a B-BOX (BBX)-containing protein, BBX25/SALT TOLERANCE HOMOLOG, as an... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsPlant development and light signaling
Varieties of mechanisms have been developed by plants to adapt, cope with, defend and ward off different arrays of invasion; this includes aggressive invasions from pathogenic organisms that cause diseases. The plant upon sensing danger... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsFungal Taxonomy, Plant Pathology, MicrobiologyCrop ProtectionUSE OF PLANT EXTRACTS AS PLANT DISEASE CONTROL
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is a member of genus Closterovirus with long flexuous virions, approximately 2000 X 11 nm and monopartite genome and is vectored by aphids. CTV spreads into new regions via movement of infected propagating... more
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      Plant-pathogen interactionsPlant VirologyPlant PathologyInsect Transmission of Plant Viruses
In India pea is the second greatest protein source followed by chickpea for the people of the country, over the years due to pathogen attack and climate change, the yield of pea has reduced categorically which generated great concern... more
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      AgroecologyPlant-pathogen interactionsBIOCHARMycology and Plant pathology
Insect-borne plant viruses usually alter the interactions between host plant and insect vector in ways conducive to their transmission ('host manipulation hypothesis'). Most studies have tested this hypothesis with persistently and... more
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    • Plant-pathogen interactions
Two sugarcane cultivars (R570 and SP71-6163) naturally infected by Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) were each imported from several geographical locations into a sugarcane yellow leaf-free environment (Montpellier, France). Plants... more
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      PhytopathologyPlant-pathogen interactionsPlant VirologyRNA viruses